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英语语音 口试题签(A)

Task I Reading aloud (50%)
Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
Bank manager: Good morning, Mr Harris.
Customer. Good morning.
BM. Please sit down.
C: Thank you.
BM: Now, one or two questions...
C: Yes, of course.
BM: How old are you, Mr Harris?
C: Thirty-two.
BM: And you're Canadian, aren't you?
C: Yes, that's right.
BM: Are you married?
C: Yes, I am.
BM: What's your wife's name?
C: Monica.
BM: And your wife's age, Mr Harries?
C: Oh, she's thirty.
BM: Thirty. And is she Canadian, too?
C: No, she's British.
BM: British, yes. Have you got any children?
C: Yes, three. Two boys and a girl.
Task II ' Oral presentation (50%)
Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak
fluently and naturally.
My Best Teacher
An Unforgettable Trip
English Learning
How I usually spend weekends

英语语音 口试题签(B)

Task I Reading aloud (50%)
Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
A: Do you like it?
B: Yes, it's really nice!
A: Then, come on! Buy it.
B: Oh, I don't know. It's terribly expensive.
A: Please think it over. It's not that expensive. It's not an ordinary watch. It can talk.
B: That's just why I like it.
A: On the other hand, it can be used as an alarm clock. You will never be late for work.
B: Do you really think so?
A: Yes. It will prove most serviceable.
B: Well, it's very nice of you to say so. But...
Task lI Oral presentation (50 %)
Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak
fluently and naturally.
Why I like my job
The city that I'd like to visit very much
My plan for this term
How to write good articles

英语语音 口试题签(C)

Task I Reading aloud (50%)
Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
A. Morning, Bob.
B. Morning. How are you getting on with your work?
A. Not very well. Now Bob, what would you say if I t61d you I was going to quit my job?

B. Quit your'job?
A: Yes, quit my job!
B: I'd probably say you should think about it seriously before you make a decision. Why?
You aren't really going to quit your job, are you?
A.- It's possible. I'll let you know when I make a decision.
Task [[ Oral presentation (50%)
Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak
fluently and naturally.
My Mother
An Unforgettable Trip
Language Learning
 How I usually celebrate (庆祝) my birthday
英语语音 口试题签(D)
 Task I Reading aloud (50%)
  Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
  Customer. Good morning.
  Shop Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
  C: Yes, I'd like six eggs, please, and some cheese.
  SA: OK, eggs. How much cheese?
 C: A pound of that French cheese.
 SA: OK.
 C: Right. And can I have two tins oftomatoes...
 SA: Two tins of tomatoes. Yes...
 C: And some mushrooms.
 SA: Sorry, sir. We haven't got any mushrooms today.
 C: Oh, dear. Well, er can I have two loaves of bread -- one brown and one white,
 SA: OK. Anything else?
 C: No. That' s all. How much is that, please?
 SA: Let me see -- one pound fifty, two pounds eighty...
 Task 1] Oral presentation (50%)
 Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak
 fluently and naturally.
 The best film
 What can make a good English teacher
 The importance of reducing car numbers
 The importance of learning English
英语语音 口试题签(E)
 Task I Reading aloud (50%)
 Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
 Clerk: Right. How many languages do you speak? Apart from English, of course.
 Rita: I speak Hindi.
 Clerk: Ah. How well do you speak it?
 Rita: Very well. I can write it too.
 Clerk: Any other languages?
 Rita: I can speak a little French. But I can't write it at all.
 Clerk: A little French. Can't write it. That's it?
 Rita: Yes.
 Clerk: And you want to join our beginner's class in Japanese?
 Rita: Yes, please.
 Clerk: Well, it's not going to be easy, you know. It's very different from English,
  Hindi or French.
 Rita: I know. But I want to do it.
 Task II Oral presentation (50 %)
  Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak
  fluently and naturally.
  My Best Friend
  An Unforgettable Holiday
  English Learning
  How I usually spend weekends
英语语音 口试题签(F)
 Task I Reading aloud (50 %)
  Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
  Tom: Yes?
  Julia: Can I talk to you for a moment, Tom?
  T: Of course, Julia. Sit down. What is it?
  J: I've decided to leave.
  T: Leave ?
  J: Yes. I've decided to leave MAP Advertising.
  T. Oh, no. Is it because we're moving out of London?
  J: Well, yes. But there are other reasons.
  T: I know. You've never liked working here and you've found another iob.
  J: No. I've enjoyed working here. And I've learned a lot. But...
  T: But what?
  J. Well, I haven't had time for other things. I've worked here for four and a half
  years, nearly five, and I'd like to do something different.
  T: Oh, I see'"
  Task II Oral presentation (50 %)
  Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak
  fluently and naturally.
  The importance of English
  The place I would like to go to best
  The importance of computers
  What can be done to reduce air pollution
  英语语音 口试评分标准
  Part I
  分 数 标 准
  40-50分, 语音正确无误,语调正确,朗读流畅。
  30-40分, 语音错误较少,语调基本正确,朗读基本流畅。
  20-30, 语音错误不太多,语调多半符合要求,朗读不太流畅。
  20分以下, 语音错误较多,语调勉强符合要求,朗读不流畅。
  分 数 标 准
  40一50分, 语音正确无误,语调正确,语言得体,语流自然流畅。
  30-40, 语音错误较少,语调基本正确,语言基本得体,语流基本自然流畅。
  20一30分, 语调多半符合要求,语言能够传达主要信息。
20分以下, 语音错误较多,语调勉强符合要求,朗读不流畅。

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