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英语语音 口试题签(1)
  Task I. Reading aloud (50%)
  Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
  A: Yes, can I help you7
  B: I'd like to open a savings account.
  A: Certainly. First we'll have to fill out a few forms. Could I have your name, please?
  B: It's James Black.
  A: Thank you. Now, could I please have your address, Mr Black?
  B: 2418 Greystone Road.
  A: Is that in Chicago?
  B: Yes, that's right. The zip code is 60602.
  A.. OK, and please give me your telephone number.
  B: It's 364-9758.
  A: 364-9758. All right. And finally, Mr Black, what is your occupation?
  B: I work at City Hospital. I'm a lab assistant.
  A: Fine. I just need some ID, and we'll be all set.
  Task ii. Oral presentation (50%)
Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak fluently
  and naturally.
  Describing one of the TV programmes that you like best;
  The importance of the Internet in your life;
  What do you usually do on weekends'?
  Your opinions on keeping pets.
   英语语音 口试题签(2)
  Task I. Reading aloud (50%)
   Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
   A. Good afternoon. Can I help you?
   B: I want to buy something for my niece.
   A. Some milk?
   B. No, not silk. I've bought a lot of silk already.
   A. Perhaps you'd like some cotton?
  B. Yes.
   A. What kind would you like?
  B. Hm ... something pretty, for a little girl, who is younger than my daughter here.
   A: How about this green print?
  B: Er '" This is good for winter wear. Have you got anything lighter?
   A. Er ...
  B. For summer wear, you know.
   A. How about this? This blue and white print is very nice for summer wear, I think.
  B- Hm '"yes, I'll take some of this.
   A. How much do you want?
   B: Well, enough for a dress -- so, two and a half feet.
  Task II. Oral presentation (50%)
  Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak fluently and naturally.
   Making a brief introduction of yourself;
   Describing one of the novels that you like best;
   The importance of newspapers in your life;
   The importance of doing exercises (锻炼).
   英语语音 口试题签(3)
  Task I. Reading aloud (50%)
  Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
  A: Excuse me, do you know where the police station is?
  B. No, I'm sorry. I don't. I'm not from around here.
  A: OK. thanks anyway.
  B: Hi, Joan! How's it going?
  A: Not too good. I lost my wallet, and it had all my ID and credit cards in it.
  B.Oh, no!
  A: So, how do I get to the police station from here?
  B. It's easy. Go up Main Street about three blocks. When you get to Oak Street, turn left.
   It's right next to the post office. You can't miss it.
  A. OK. Go up this street and turn left at Oak. It's beside the post office.
  B. That' s it.
  A: Thanks, Anna.
  B. No problem.
  Task 11. Oral presentation (50%)
  Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak fluently and naturally.
  Describing one of the books that you like best;
  How to improve writing;
  Make a brief introduction of your city;
  Describing one of your hobbies.
   英语语音 口试题签(4)
  Task I. Reading aloud (50%)
  Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
  A: Well, David, where are you going for your holiday?
  B: Well, I'm not really sure. I thought perhaps you could give me some advice?
  A: I'd be glad to.
  B: Well, I~d like to see a few different cities, and I'd love to take a boat journey.
  A: Have you ever thought of traveling through the Yangtzi Gorges. That's the most well-
   known boat trip I think, and it is spectacular.
  B: Really? The Yangtzi Gorges? Yes, well, I've heard of them of course. But how could I
   get there?
  A: Well, you should go to Chongqing and go downstream by boat to Wuhan. There's a
   direct flight to Chongqing from Guangzhou.
  B: I'm not so keen on flying, actually. Is there a train?
  A: I'm not sure. I'd have to check.
  B: Oh, thank you. Hope you can get it fixed for me.
  Task II. Oral presentation (50%)
  Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak fluently and naturally.
  How to improve listening;
  Making a brief introduction of your father;
  I)escribing your school;
  How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
   英语语音 口试题签(5)
  Task I. Reading aloud (50%)
  Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
  A: This one looks great! I love the seashore.
  B: So do I. The sun '" the sand '" the ocean!
  A: And listen to this! What do you think of sailing, swimming, windsurfing and fishing?
  B: Oh, Tom! They sound fantastic. I really like all those things.
  A: Yeah'" me, too.
  B: Well, except fishing. To be honest, I hate fishing, but I love all the others.
  A: Hey! Look at this! We can stay in a big hotel or we can stay in a little cabin by the
  B: You know, I really don't like those big hotels.
  A: Neither do I. Let's stay in a cabin. It'll be much nicer right beside the ocean.
  Task Il. Oral presentation (50%)
  Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak fluently and naturally.
  How to improve reading;
  Making a brief introduction of your mother;
  Giving some suggestions on how to protect our environment;
  The importance of TVs in your life.
   英语语音 口试题签(6)
  Task I. Reading aloud (50%)
  Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation and intonation.
  A: What can I do for you?
  B. I've lost my way. I~m looking for the Garden Hotel.
  A. That's not in this neighbourhood. You have to take a bus.
  B: Which bus goes there?
  A- I think it's the No. 30 bus.
  B: Where do I catch the No. 30 bus?
  A. There's a bank at the corner, right?
  B. That' s right.
  A: And the bus stop is right there next to the bank.
  B.. Is the bus stop on this side of the street?
  A. Yes, it is. You don't have to go across the street.
  Bt And where do I get off the bus?
  A: Just ask the driver. He knows the way.
  B: Thank you very much.
  A: You're welcome.
  Task [[. Oral presentation (50~//oo)
  Choose a topic from the following and give a presentation in two minutes. Try to speak fluently
  and naturally.
  Making a brief introduction of one of your good friends;
  What do you think a good leacher should be like?
  What do you usually do after work?
Where would you like 1o work, at home or in the office?

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