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综合英语(4) 试题
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  I. Directions: (Vocabulary & Structure)
Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose
  the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20
  Example: The homeless couple at last in finding a flat to rent.
   A. managed B. did
   C. finished D. succeeded
   The sentence should read, "The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to
  rent." Therefore you should choose D.
   1. It was difficult to guess what her to the news would be.
   A. impression B. reaction
   C. comment D. opinion
   2. If it to be technically sound, the laser might prove to be a major
  breakthrough in the telephone communications.
   A. turns out B. turns for
   C. turns up D. turns over
   3. The little boy was __ for getting his shoes and socks wet.
   A. charged B. fined
   C. accused D. scolded
   4. I'm sorry, what you ordered is __ stock now.
   A. in B. on
   C. out of D. from
   5. Circumstances forced us finally to this policy.
   A. admit B. adopt
   C. adjust D. admire
   6. It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think it's about lime
   A. we are going home B. if she heaves home
   C. we went home D. if she had left home
  7. He believes that she as she wasn't in the house at the time.
   A. couldn't have stolen it B. must have stolen it
   C. mustn't have stolen it D. couldn't steel it
   8. She wore clothes
   A. that was better than the other girls
   B. that was better than that of the other girls
   C. that were better than that of the other girls
   D. that were better than those of the other girls
   9. You your visa before it expires.
   A. had better to get; extending B. should better get; extending
   C. had better get; extended D. sould better get; extended
   10. her age, she really had done a good job in such a short time.
   A. Giving B. Gives
   C. Been given D. Given
  II. Directions:
For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and
  D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
  Violence in Video Games
   White Pine, Wyoming, 11) a quite town, was the scene of controversy last
  weekend as a parent group tried to ban the sale of violent video games.
Twenty parents, 12) signs saying "Stop the Violence Before It Begins" and "Protect our
  Children Now," demonstrated in front of several stores 13) video games are sold.
   The parent group said that video games have become increasingly violent 14)
  advances in computer technology. "The violence in video games is 15) than the violence
  on TV," one member of the group said. "When children are playing these games, they are
  actively participating 16) violent acts." 17) , in one popular game whose goal is
   18 the world's best fighter, the characters' heads are torn off and their hearts are
   ripped out.
  Teenagers who were interviewed outside one store 19) outraged by the
  demonstration. "To assume that young people will do whatever they see doesn't say much
  for their intelligence," said Greg Bryant, 16. "I should be able to buy any game 20) I
  choose," said Shelly Woods, 18. "If the demonstrators are against violent video games, they
  shouldn't buy them for their children. Censorship is not the answer. '
   11. A. usually B. sometimes C. seldom D. never
   12. A. carry B. to carry C. who carries D. carrying
   13. A. that B. who C. where D. how
   14. A. because B. because of C. since D. as
   15. A. bad B. worse C. good D. better
   16. A. in B. on C. at D. to
   17. A. However B. By the way C. For example D. Fortunately
   18. A. become B. became C. to be become D. to become
   19. A. was B. were C. is D. are
   20. A. which B. what C. that D. whom
  1]I. Directions:
  Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four
  answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
  Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage.
   The large river best known to the ancient Greeks was the Nile of Egypt. They spoke of
  the river with admiration and called Egypt "the gift of the Nile". The reason for this was,
  first, that the Nile brought water to a rainless desert and, second, that once a year, the river
  overflowed its banks, leaving, as the water back, a new layer of fertile soil.
   The flood waters carry in them soil (called silt) from the upper parts of the river valley
  to the lower parts, and so to the sea. But as the river meets the sea, the sea acts asa barrier
  and forces the river to drop the silt it is carrying.
   There are no tides in the Mediterranean to carry the silt away, so year after year it
  collects at the mouth of the Nile, and the river must find its way around islands of the always
  more distant Mediterranean. In this way, a vast area of fertile soil has been built up at the
  mouth of the Nile and out into the sea. The river water splits up to form small branches
  winding across the area. To the ancient Greeks, the mouth of the Nile looked like the
   Now we sometimes name things after the letters of the alphabet they resemble (像,类
  似)= a U--turn, anI--beam, aT--square, anS--bead, and so on. The Greeks did the
  same. The triangular area of land built up at the mouth of the Nile looked like the fourth
  letter of the Greek alphabet Delta and so this was the name they gave it. The word is now
  used for all areas of land formed at the mouth of rivers which flow into tideless seas, even
  when they are not triangular in shape. The Mississippi Delta, for example, is not shaped at
  all like the Greek delta, as you will see if you look at a map.
   21. Egypt was called
   A. the gift of the Nile B. the gift of the desert
   C. the gift of the fertile soil D. the gift of the Greeks
   22. The silt left on the mouth of the sea was carried there from
   A. the sea B. the barrier
   C. the upper parts of the river D. the river
   23. Which of the following is true?
   A. The ancient Greeks named the land at the mouth of the river after the fourth
   letter of their alphabet.
   B. Egyptians made this area rich.
   C. The Greeks made this area rich.
   D. The Greeks gave this land to the Egyptians as a gift.
   24. The main idea of this passage is
   A. why the Greeks liked the Nile very much
   B. how the Nile Delta formed
   C. the history of the Nile
   D. the well-known Delta
  25. The most suitable title for this passage is
   A. "The Gift of the Nile" B. "The Fertile Soil"
   C. "The Nile River" D. "The Delta"
  Questions 26430 are based on the following passage.
   With his dedicated fans, Julio Iglesias has become a worldwide musical phenomenon -- a
  multinational force having earned more than 1,500 gold and platinum awards and selling more than 220 million albums in numerous languages to music lovers on every continent on earth.
   More than any other contemporary musical figure, the tirelessly touring Julio Iglesias
  has established himself as a true citizen of the world and a most highly-treasured one.
  Always forward-looking, Iglesias has long been a pioneer in expanding his following by
  touring in a truly global fashion -- hitting not just the major markets, but in developing
  countries as well. As a result of this hard work, at any given moment, somewhere in the
  world, a Julio Iglesias song is being played. And enjoyed.
   Growing up, Iglesias had plans to perform in a different arena -- as a soccer player. An
  aspiring athlete, the young Spaniard was goalkeeper for the world famous Real Madrid team
  when a tragic car accident left him near death and paralyzed at nineteen. For three years he
  underwent the difficult process of recuperation. Fortunately, a physician's assistant in the
  hospital gave Iglesias a guitar to help lift his spirits. He started to write songs, and after
  recovering, he studied law before dedicating himself to music full-time.
   During the Seventies, Julio Iglesias established himself as an international superstar.
  Before he even arrived on the American music scene with 1984's multi-platinum "1100 Bel
Air Place" album, Iglesias had already earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records
  for selling more albums in more different languages than any other artist in history. Since
  then, he's worked tirelessly as he has continued to both set reeords and test himself as an
   26. From these paragraphs, we know that Julio Iglesias is
   A. an artist B. a soccer player
   C. a physician's assistant D. an ordinary person
27. The word figure in paragraph 2 means
   A. any of the ten written symbols from zero to nine that are used to represent to a
   B. a form of a person that can be seen from a long way away or in dark
   C. a person who is well-known and important in some way
   D. a drawing or diagram that is used to explain or illustrate information that is
   being given
   28. What has Julio Iglesias got in his musical career?
   A. He has earned more than 2,500 gold and platinum awards.
   B. He has sold more than 320 million albums.
   C. He has arrived on the American music scene with 1964's multi-platinum "1100
   Bel Air Place" album.
   D. He has earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as a famous lawyer.
   29. Which one of the following is not true according to the passage?
   A. Julio Iglesias wanted to be famous in sports.
   B. Julio Iglesias is quite a creative man.
   C. Julio Iglesias only can be known as a superstar in his own country.
   D. Julio Iglesias suffered from an accident.
   30. This passage can be given a title as
   A. Julio Iglesias, International Superstar
   B. Julio Iglesias, Famous Soccer Player
   C. The Whole Life of Julio Iglesias, the Most Famous Guitar Player
   D. The Childhood of Julio Iglesias
Ⅳ. Directions.
Put each of the following sentences into English or Chinese, using the word given in the bracket
  if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
   31. Twisting and turning in search of a comfortable position in bed makes your body do
  the opposite of what it's supposed to do at night.
   32. Despite these changes, Graham always remained true to a basic belief that dance
  expresses emotion we often try to hide and cannot express in words.
   33. The specialist will study the hands and face for signs that a fight took place and will
  remove any evidence, such as a bullet, that is in the body.
   34.有人曾经问他,是否他的突出成就让他很难把作为公众人物的Julio lglesias同作为普通人的Juliolglesias分开。(Separate...from...)
   35.更有甚者,由于防范心理会导致更多的防范心理,结果是经理和助理都会陷入苦苦的权力之争。(defensiveness,belocked in)
V. Directions:
For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "On Punctuality" in
about 110 words. You need to include all the information. Write your answer on the ANSWER
  SHEET. (25 points)
   You can write the composition in three or four paragraphs. Remember to write it neatly.
   综合英语(4) 试题答案及评分标准
   1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C
   6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.D
   11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.B
   16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.C
   21.A 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.D
   26.A 27.C 28.C 29.C 30.A
   31. Twisting and turning in search of a comfortable position in bed makes your body do
  the opposite of what it's supposed to do at night.
   32. Despite these changes, Graham always remained true to a basic belief that dance
  expresses emotion we often try to hide and cannot express in words.
   33. The specialist will study the hands and face for signs that a fight took place and will
  remove any evidence, such as a bullet, that is in the body.
  34.有人曾经问他,是否他的突出成就让他很难把作为公众人物的Julio Iglesias同作为
   普通人的Julio lglesias分开。(Separate...from...).
  35.更有甚者,由于防范心理会导致更多的防范心理,结果是经理和助理都会陷入苦苦的权力之争。(defensiveness,be lockedin)
   34. He was asked once whether his astounding success makes it hard for him to separate
  Julio Iglesias the public person from Julio Iglesias the human being.
   35. What's more, since defensiveness often leads to more defensiveness, the manager
  and the assistant will now be locked in a bitter power struggle.
  V. (z5%)
For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "On Punctuality" in
about 110 words. You need to include all the information. Write your answer on the ANSWER
   You can write the composition in three or four paragraphs. Remember to write it neatly.
   21~25 很好。基本无语法错误、内容切题、结构合理、行文流畅。
   16~20 较好。无重大语法错误、内容比较切题、结构比较合理、文字比较通顺。
   10~15 差。语法错误很多、结构较乱、内容与题目要求不很一致、字数不够。
   0~9 很差。语句不通,语法错误太多、文不对题、结构混乱。

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