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综合英语(4) 试题
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  I. Directions: (Vocabulary & Structure)
Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose
  the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20
  Example: The homeless couple at last in finding a flat to rent.
   A. managed B. did C. finished D. succeeded
  The sentence should read, "The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent."
  Therefore you should choose D.
   1. It was difficult to guess what her __ to the news would be.
   A. impression B. reaction
   C. comment D. opinion
   2. If it to be technically sound, the laser might prove to be a major breakthrough
  in the telephone communications.
   A. turns out B. turns for
   C. turns up D. turns over
   3. The little boy was __ for getting his shoes and socks wet.
   A. charged B. fined
   C. accused D. scolded
   4. I'm sorry, what you ordered is __ stock now.
   A. in B. on
   C. out of D. from
   5. Circumstances forced us finally to __ this policy.
   A. admit B. adopt
   C. adjust D. adapt
   6. It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think it's about time
   A. we are going home B. if she heaves home
   C. we went home D. if she had left home
  7. He believes that she as she wasn't in the house at the time.
   A. couldn't have stolen it B. must have stolen it
   C. mustn't have stolen it D. couldn't steel it
   8. She wore clothes
   A. that was better than the other girls
   B. that was better than that of the other girls
   C. that were better than that of the other girls
   D. that were better than those of the other girls
   9. You __ your visa __ before it expires.
   A. had better to get; extending B. should better get; extending
   C. had better get; extended D. would better get; extend
   10. __ her age, she really had done a good job in such a short time.
   A. Giving B. Gives
   C. Been given D. Given
  H. Directions:
For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and
  D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
   Before the 20th century the horse pro,~!ded day to day transportation in the United
  States. Trains were used only for long distance transportation.
   Today the car is the most popular means of transportation in all of the United States. It
  has completely 11 the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their
  cars for 12 90% of all personal trips. Most Americans are able to 13 cars. The
  average price of a regularly made car was $ 2050 in 1950, $ 2700 in 1970 and up to $ 4750
   14 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about improving their
  products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the 15 family increased
  from 1950 to 1975 faster than the price of cars. For this reason 16 a new car takes a
  smaller part of a family's total earnings today.
   In 1951, proportionally it took 8.1 months of an average family's 17 to buy a new
  car. In 1962, a new car 18 8.3 of a family's annual earnings. By 1975, it only took 4.75
  months' income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically 19 to models from the
  previous years.
  The influence of the automobile extends throughout the economy 20 the car is so
  important to Americans. Americans spend more money to keep their cars running than on
  any other items.
   11. A. denied B. reproduced C. replaced D. replied
   12. A. hardly B. nearly C. certainly D. somehow
   13. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see
   14. A. on B. in C. behind D. about
   15. A. unusual B. interested C. average D. biggest
   16. A. bringing B. obtain C. purchasing D. having bought
   17. A. income B. work C. plans D. debts
   18. A. used B. spent C. cost D. wasted
   19. A. famous B. superior C. fastest D. prior
   20. A. then B. as C. so D. which
  IlI. Directions:
  Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four
answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each
  of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
  Questions 21~25 are based on the following passage.
   It was midnight in Paris and we were rolling toward the Avenue Bosguet. As we came to
  the Pont Alexandre m , the cab slowed down, for the traffic light was red against us, and
  then, without stopping, we sailed through the red light in a sudden burst of speed. The
  same performance was repeated at the Alma Bridge. As I paid the driver, I asked him why he
  had driven through two red lights.
   "You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a veteran like you, breaking the law and
  endangering your life that way," I protested.
   He looked at me, astonished. "Ashamed of myself? I am a law-abiding citizen and have
   no desire to get killed either." He cut me off before I could protest.
   "No, just listen to me before you complain. What did I do? Went through a red light.
   Well, did you ever stop to consider what a red light is, what it means?"
   "Certainly," I replied. "It is a stop signal and mean that traffic is rolling in the opposite
   "Half right," said the driver, "but incomplete. It is only an autonomous stop signal.
  And it does not mean that there is cross traffic. Did you see ay cross traffic during our trip?
  Of course not. I slowed down at the light, looked carefully to the right and to the left. Not
  another car on the streets at this hour. Well, then! What would you have me do? Should I
  stop like a dumb animal because an automatic, brainless machine turns red every forty
  seconds? No, monsieur," he thundered, hitting the door with a huge fist. "I am a man, not
  a machine. I have eyes and a brain and judgment, given me by God. It would be a sin against
  nature to surrender them to the dictates of a machine. Ashamed of myself, you say? I would
  only be ashamed o~ myself if I let those blinking lamps do my thinking for me. Good night,
   Is this bad, is this good? Frankly I no longer am sure. I never doubted that it was
  wrong to drive through a red light, but now I find my old Anglo-Saxon standards somewhat
   21. At the Bridge
   A. the writer stopped the cab and paid the driver
   B. the cab went through a red light again
   C. there was a performance the writer had already watched
   D. the writer began to criticize the driver
   22. To the cab driver, a red light
   A. was not a stop signal
   B. should not work at midnight
   C. sometimes made mistakes in judgment
   D. didn't always mean that there was cross traffic
   23. The chief reason the driver dared to drive through the red light was that
   A. he found there was no cross traffic there and then
   B. he thought it a shame to be controlled by a machine
   C. he knew no other driver would see him at this hour
   D. he didn't trust any brainless machine
   24. According to the passage, the driver thought of what he had done as
   A. law-abiding B. law-breaking
   C. something to be proud of D. something to be ashamed
  25. The last sentence shows that the writer is probably __
   A. an old man B. a French person
   C. an English person D. an American
  Questions 26~30 are based on the following passage.
   When we think of creative people the names that probably spring to mind are those of
  men such as Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Pablo Picasso, i.e. great artists,
  inventors and scientists -- a selected and exceptionally gifted body of men with rare talent
  and genius. The tendency to regard creativity and imaginative thinking as the exclusive of a
  lucky few disregards the creative and imaginative aspects inherent in the solution of many of
  the tasks we regularly have to face -- the discovery and development of new methods and
  techniques, the improvement of old methods, existing inventions and products.
   Everyone has creative ability to some extent. Creative thinking involves posing oneself a
  problem and then originating or inventing a solution along new and unconventional lines. It
  involves drawing new analogies, discovering new combinations, and / or new applications of
  things that are already known. It follows, then, that a creative person will exhibit great
  intellectual curiosity and imagination. He will be alert and observant with a grea! stores of
  information which he will be able to sort out and combine, in the solution of problems. He
  will be emotionally receptive to new and unconventional idea and will be less interested in
  facts than in their implications. Most important of all, he will be able to communicate
  uninhibitedly and will not be too concerned about other people's reaction to his apparently
  "crazy'; notions. People called the Wright brothers mad but it did not stop them from
  becoming the first men to construct and fly a heavier than air craft.
   26. The author believes that creativity and imaginative thinking __
   A. require rare talent and genius
   B. belong to those exceptionally gifted people
   C. are only possessed by great artists, inventors and scientists
   D. can be found in ordinary people
   27. Creative thinking involves.
   A. putting forward a question to oneself and originating a solution
   B. less imagination than curiosity
   C. madness
   D. less information than knowledge
   28. A creative person should
   A. try to imitate those great people
   B. have great curiosity and imagination
   C. only observe the unconventional things and people
   D. pay much attention to other people's reaction
   29. What do we learn about Wright brothers from the passage?
   A. They were out of their minds.
   B. They were great artists.
   C. They were held back by people laughing at them.
   D. They were observant and intelligent.
   30. "He will be emotionally receptive to new and unconventional ideas." This sentence
  means that
   A. he will not be strongly against new and unconventional ideas
   B. new ideas are too radical in his eyes
   C. he will accept new and unconventional ideas
   D. he will not accept ordinary ideas with emotion
  IV. Directions:
Put each of the following sentences into English or Chinese, using the word given in the bracket
  if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
   31. Because they seemed less likely to feel personally responsible for being late, they
  also expressed less regret for their own lateness and blamed others less when they were late.
   32. Yet despite these changes, Graham always remained true to a basic belief that dance
  expresses emotion we often try to hide and cannot express in words.
   33. Painful as it is to think about, murder has become a grim fact of modern society,
  and solving one involves more than the contributions of the police and witnesses.
  V. Directions:
For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "On Punctuality" in
about 110 words. You need to include all the information. Write your answer on the ANSWER
  SHEET. (25 points)
   You can write the composition in three or four paragraphs. Remember to write it neatly.
   综合英语(4) 试题答案及评分标准
   1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B
   6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.D
   11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C
   16.C 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B
   21.B 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.C
   26.D 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.C
   34. Today, many people who have been influenced by the modern scientific age rarely
  use fortune-telling for anything other than amusement, but it wasn't always so.
   35. By contrast, the researchers say, later children are more likely to be more relaxed
  and sociable, and less inhibited than the eldest child because their parents were more

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