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英语专业 综合英语(4) 试题
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I. Directions: (Vocabulary)
  Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. ( 10points)
  Example: The homeless couple __ at last in finding a flat to rent.
   A managed B did C finished D succeeded
  The sentence should read, "The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent."
  Therefore you should choose D.
  1. They ___ on a trip into the desert the following year.
   A. set in B. sent off
   C. set off D. sent for
  2. The doctor felt John's arm to ___if the bone was broken.
   A. work out B. see off
   C. look at D. find out
  3. The teacher's ___ of my statement about this poet led me to read widely about poems.
   A. change B. challenge
   C. charge D. chance
  4. He was trying to read; , the phone kept ringing.
   A. then B. meanwhile
   C. later D. afterwards
  5. The space station will have __ for sleeping, bathing, exercising, eating and relaxing.
   A. facilities B. abilities
   C. settlement D. solution
  6. Owen___created his place in history through his own in ner courage and determination.
   A. desperately B. necessarily
   C. ultimately D. selfishly
  7. My new house is very __ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
   A. adaptable
   B. comfortable
   C. convenient
   D. efficient
  8. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, __ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
   A. inevitably B. indifferently
   C. peculiarly D. vigorously
  9. Despite his __ disappointments, his speeches praised the virtues of patriotism, and fair play.
   A. preferable B. personal
   C. personnel D. available
  10. Perhaps no other athletes better symbolized the human struggle __ tyranny, poverty and racial prejudice.
   A. for B. against
   C. with D. over
Ⅱ. Directions: (Structure)
  Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10points)
  Example: __ the airport, they waved again and again to us.
   A We left B When leaving C They left D Left
  The sentence should read, "When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us. '
  Therefore you should choose B.
11. They insisted that you __ there on time.
   A. will be B. be
   C. would be D.are
12. It is essential that I ___ another salesperson to help you in the electronics
   A. hired B. will hire
   C. have hired D. hire
13. The songs __ were played last night on the radio were awful.
   A. that
   B. so that
   C. those
   D. as
14. The ___ he yelled, the ___ I spoke.
A. louder; more quietly B. quiet; loud
C. louder; quiet D. quiet, louder
15. It's necessary that __ the dictionary immediately.
A. he returned B. he will return
C. he return D. he has to return
16. ___ you've started the engine, continue your checking.
A. Since B. Immediately
  C. As soon as D. While
17. Mr. Johnson preferred __ heavier work to do.
A. to be giving t3. to be given
C. to have given D.. having given
18. She looks up to the wrong people and goes along with __ they do.
A. whichever B. that
C. what D: whatever
19. We don't need a car so urgently now, __
A. neither can afford it B. nor can we afford it
C. and we can neither afford it D. and nor we can afford it
20.'By the time she her study, I __ here for 9 years.
A. will finish; will work B. finishes; have worked
C. will finish; have worked D. finishes; will have been working
Ⅲ Directions:
For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." This thought by Thoreau strike a chord in so many people that it has 21 part of our language. We use the phrase "the beat of a different drummer" to 22 any pace of life unlike our own. Such colorful vagueness 23 how informal our rules of time really are. The world over, children 24 "pick up" their society's time concepts as they mature. No dictionary clearly 25 the meaning of "early" or "late" for them or for strangers who stumble over the maddening differences 26 the time sense they bring with them and the one they face in a new land.
I learned this firsthand, a few years ago, when I 27 an appointment as visiting professor of psychology at the federal university in Niterol, Brazil. Onmy first day of class I arrived to find an empty room. The class was 28 from 10:30 until noon. Many students came late, some very late. Several arrived after 10:30. A few, 29 closer to 11:00. Two came after that. All of the late comers wore the relaxed smiles that I came, later, to enjoy. Each one said hello, and although a few 30 briefly, none seemed terribly concerned about lateness. They assumed that I understood.
21. A. delivered B. become C. come D. changed
22. A. drive B. note C. explain D. expand
23. A. reveals B. determines C. rebels D. repeats
24. A. singly B. importantly C. necessarily D. simply
25. A. works B. defines C. figures D. says
26. A. over B. with C. among D; between
27. A. opened B. heard C. accepted D. rejected
28. A. schemed B. scheduled C. canceled D. postponed
29. A. turned in B. showed off C. turned off D. showed up
30. A. agreed B. approved C. talked D. apologized
VI. Directions:
Each of the passages below is followed by some questions, For each question there are four
answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to eachof the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Questions 31~35 are based on the following passage.
You'd be amazed at the stuff that turns up in a police department property room. Police recover things, then nobody claims them. All sorts of things. Cameras and stereo speakers, TV sets and tools and car radios. And once a year these unclaimed items are sold at auctions. This year at the police auction, there was a large number of bicycles.
When the very first bicycle came up and the auctioneer asked who'd start the bidding, a youngster right down in front said, "Five dollars." Tiny youngster--ten--maybe twelve.
"Pre got five, will you give me ten? Ten, who'd bid 157",
as the bidding continued the auctioneer looked back at the young lad down front. The
boy did not respond.
   Later another bicycle came up, and again the boy bid $ 5 but would go no higher. This
   went on through several bicycles. Each time the boy bid $ 5, never more. The bikes were
   selling for $35 or $40, and some even for more than $100. during a brief rest, the
   auctioneer asked the boy why he had let some of those good bikes sell without bidding higher. The lad explained that $ 5 was all he had.
   Back to the auction. There were still some more bikes there to be sold. On each bike, the lad bid $ 5 and someone else bid much more.
   But now the assembled crowd began to notice the boy who always opened the bidding. The crowd began to recognize what was happening.
   After a tedious (冗长的) hour and a half, the auction started to wind down. But there was still one bicycle left, and it was a dandy(一流的东西).
   A shiny, like-new ten-speed with 27-inch wheels, dual-position brake levers, stem shifters and a generator light set.
   The auctioneer asked, "Do I hear a bid?"
   And the young lad near the front--who hy now had all but gave up--quietly repeated: "Five dollars." ,
   And the auctioneer stopped his chant. Just stopped. Stood'there.
   And the audience sat silent. Not one hand was raised. Not one voice called out a second bid.
   Until the auctioneer said, "SOLD! To the young man in the shorts and sneaker--for $5!'
   And the audience applauded.
   And a small boy's face lit up like one of the most beautiful sights you ever saw, as he traded the $ 5 scrunched up (揉皱) in his sweaty fist for what was surely the most beautiful hieyele in the world.
    31. The unclaimed items are____
    A. given to the local people B. thrown away
    C. given to the poor as charity D. sold once a year at auction
    32. The person who starts the bidding is ___
    A. always the auctioneer
    B. the person Who will buy the article
    C. the first person who offers to pay a certain price
    D. has nothing to do with the article
   33. "I've got five, will you give me ten? Ten, who'll bid 157" This was said by the person
    A. who wanted to buy the first bicycle
    B. who wanted to offer to pay a higher price
    C. who got five dollars in his pocket
    D. who conducted the auction
   34. From the passage we know that the last bike
    A. the last bike was in excellent condition
    B. the last hike was brand new
    C. the last bike was very expensive
    D. people didn't like the last bike
   35. The boy repeated "Five dollars" quietly because __
    A. he was ashamed and embarrassed
    B. he was too shy to repeat loud
    C. he had lost confidence
    D. he was afraid of being laughed at
Questions 36~40 are based on the following passage.
    Although American informality is well known, many visitors think that it indicates a"lack of respect". This is especially true in the business world. Americans often use first names upon meeting a stranger and do not always shake hands. They often just smile and say "Hi" or "Hello", rather than using a more formal hand shake. It is good to remember that to an American such an informal greeting really mean the same thing as a more formal hand shake some place else.
    Similarly Americans do not usually give a special "farewell" or hand shake to each person when they leave a party of business meeting. They will often just wave good-bye to the whole group or perhaps say, "Well, so long everybody, I'll see you tomorrow." They then will leave. No hand shake.
    Americans seem either totally hurried and hard working or totally informal and at ease. Often you will see men Working at office desks without their chairs arid even put their feet up off the desk while they talk On the telephone. This is not meant to be rude. Once Americans leave the busy streets, they are easy and informal;'
    A visitor to the United States should therefore understand that being in a great hurry docs not indicate unfriendliness and being informal and being at ease does not show a lack of respect. Americans have a great range of customs and habits that at first may seem puzzling to a visitor. In time you will learn these new ways.
   36. According to the passage, Americans' informality.
    A. some visitors feel sick about
    B. some people dislike
    C. some visitors get puzzled about
    D. some people do not want to follow
   37. Americans eM1 strangers' first names because___
    A. they get used to the way in greeting
    13. they are very friendly
    C. they like these visitors
    D. they want to make friends
   38, "Hi" and "Hello" are used by Americans in greeting to _
    A. people they know well
    B. anyone they meet
    C. their best friends
    D. their family members
   39. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
    A. They wave good bye to people instead of shaking hands.
    B. Some people put their feet upon the desk while talking on the phone.
    C. Their informality doesn't show a lack of respect.
    D, Their unfriendliness makes visitors annoyed very much.
    40. Which title is best for the passage?
    A. Informaliw. B. American way of greeting.
    C. At ease. D. Friendliness.
V. Directions:
    Read the two colunms of sentences. Choose one sentence from the right column to match each of the sentences in the left column. The two sentences will make up a dialogue. There are tour more sentences than needed in the right column. Each sentence can only be used once. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

41. What about the big change in mylife, the first thing you mentioned?
A. Maybe it was off the hook or out of order.

42. What do you mean "get even with me"?
B. Oh, yes. You'll have a lucky break in five or six years.

43. Whenever I talk to him, ne laugns, even when we're talking about something serious.
C.That might be interesting, but modern art is what I really like.

44. It sounds to me as it he has trouble accepting criticism.
D. Well, I just laughed it off. People have a right to what they believe.

45. I tried to get hold of Mike all day, but the phone was always busy.
E. Well, nobody likes to be found fault with. We all like to be treated with resoect.

46. What's more, I can't figure out how they got in here.
F.Me?Never.I'm personally more comfortable with a conservattve look.

47. There's a new exhibit of anment culture at the museum. Maybe we ought to go there sometime.
G. I don't know. But don't gel too alarmed.

48. Would you ever consider getting a tattoo?
H. Oh, I' ve seen his resume.What did you think of him?

49. How did you react when he said that?
I. It seems to me they must have climbed in through the window.

50. These roils from Stella's Bakery are pretty good.
J. Well, they were very strict with me as they believed children needed a lot of discioline.

K. Really? Whatever I do, I like to do well, hut I wouldn'tcall,that mbitious.

L. Well, I... it' s about the trip tomorrow...

M. They're not too bad, but what I'd rather have is some Pizza.

N. Oh, don't let it bother you. Chris is just a very nervous person.
Ⅵ. Directions:
Read the passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Then answer the questions or
complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Write your answer on the ANSWER
SHEET. (10 points)
When we talk about Australia and sport, we can't help thinking of surfing. I had the
pleasure of going to several sunny beaches near Sydney to find out about it. I was later told
that surfing was not invented in Australia. It began in Hawaii.
A surfer, must be both brave and skillful because surfing is a very dangerous sport.
That% why on every surfing beach you can find the special surf lifesaving service. Life
savers try in every way to save people in danger al the risk of losing their own lives, You
might have thought that those lifesavers were highly paid. No, just the opposite. They pay
to be members of a surf club. It is said that there are 14,000 lifesavers throughout Australia.
The annual surf carnival in Perth is one of the best in the world. There are competitions
in lifesaving, swimming and surfing. The lifesavers on parade are special attractions that ste
hard to resist. Lifesaving is' quite a Complicated procedure: the lifesaver wears a harness,
which is attached to the line. Then the line is wound around the reel. When the lifesaver
reaches the swimmer in danger the line is pulled in the other lifesavers on the beach. We own
those lifesavers a lot for making a risky sport a little safer.
51. Where did surfing originated?
52. How did the writer get to know surfing?
53. How often is the surf carnival in Perth?
54. What does one need to do in order to be a surf lifesaver?
55. How do you describe surfing according to the passage?
Put each of the following sentenees into English or Chinese, rising the word(s) given in the
bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
56. the creation of colorful, arristic mustc videos allowed millions of viewers to watch visual interpretations of their favorite rock group's songs.
57. Do you tell the employee that the budget really isn't his or her area and that someone else will take care of it?
58. With the exception of some fortunetelling computers in shopping centers and carni, vals, iew prophetic methods involve modern objects,
Ⅷ. Directions:
For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in about 100 words according to
the situation given. You need to include all the information. Write your answer on the
ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
1. The Internet is a huge resource bank.
2. The use of the Internet needs to be guided.
3. How can the Internet be used in everyday life and work?
You can write the composition in three paragraphs. Remember to write it neatly.

1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A
6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B
11.B 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.C
16.C 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.D
21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.B
26.D 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.D
31.D 32.C 33.D 34.A 35.C
36.C 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.A
41.B 42.G 43.N 44.E 45.A
46.1 47.C 48.F 49.D 50.M
51. It originated from Hawaii.
52. He / She visited several sunny beaches near Sydney.
53. It happens once a year / every year.
54. He or she needs to pay to belong to a surf club.
55. It's a dangerous sport.
59. Under his natural humility, however, is a driving ambition arid an obsession with
meeting new challenges.
60. It is common knowledge that fingerprints can be traced to an individual; likewise,
footprints can also be used.
12~15 很好。墓本无语法错误、内容切题、结构合理、行文流畅。
8~11 较好。无重大语法错误,内容比较切题、结构比较合理、文字比较通顺,
4~7 差。语法错误很多、结构较乱、内容与题目要求不很一致、字数不够。
  0~2 很差。语法错误太多、文不对题、结构混乱。)

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