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英语Ⅱ(2) 试题
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  第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)·
  1.--What does this word mean, Joe?
   A. This word means Joe B. Joe is a boy's name
   C. Of course, I'm Joe D. Sorry, I don't know, either
  2.--I really enjoy pop music. What's your favorite?
   A. No, not at all B. Neither do I
   C. So did I D. Well, actually I like classical music
  3.- Let me help you carry this.
   A. That's OK. I can manage B. It's not very light
   C. I can help you with it D. Put it down on the ground
  4. -- Can you tell me where I can park the car?
   A. Yes, please B. It is made in America
   C. Well, just over there D. The park is not very far
  5.- Have you ever been to Tokyo?
   A. No, I didn't go there last year B. No, but I hope to go there next year
   C. Tokyo is a busy city D. Yes, I'll do it next time
   第二部分 词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)
  6. It is one of the best concerts I
   A. went to B. have ever been to
   C. have ever gone to D. had gone to
  7. He has three companies
   A. employing 50 people each B. employing each 50 people
   C. each employ 50 people D. employing 50 each people
   8. The trip to the countryside was great
   A. funny B. funnily
   C. fun D. funness
   9. John fell asleep he was listening to the music.
   A. after B. while
   C. before D. as soon as
   10. She was late that she missed the last train.
   A.- B. too
   C. so D. such
   11. The workers are busy models for the exhibition.
   A. to make B. with making
   C. being making D. making
   12. I was sick, but I it at the weekend.
   A. got by B. got at
   C. got up D. got over
   13. you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.
   A. When B. Unless
   C. While D. However
   14. Could you tell me ?
   A. how long you lived here B. how long have you lived here
   C. how long you have lived here D. how long did you live here
   15. China is no longer what it
   A. used to be B. was used to being
   C. used to being D. was used to be
  第三部分 完形填空(每题2分,共20分)
   Scientists are working hard to develop better aerials for mobile phones, a spokesman for
Phikia Phones said today. 'It really 16 users when they lose the signal in the middle of a
  call, so we are developing new aerials that will enable users 17 stronger signals. Many
   users reported that when they 18 , the signal was often lost', said the spokesman. The
new aerials are designed to avoid 19 the signal by receiving the message on a wider range
   of radio frequencies. 'We 20 that this is a major concern for phone users' said the
   spokesman. The new phones have a flexible external aerial, which users will have 21
touching their ear or head. The aerials 22 make the phones able to pick up a wider range
   of signals. The company spokesman insisted 23 this was not a potential danger --
  " 24 safety regulation has been followed", he told our reporter. "If 25 one of these
   phones this morning, I wouldn't have missed my train coming here", joked the spokesman.
   16. A. irritates B. is irritating C. irritated D. irritate
   17. A. receive B. received C. to receive D. receiving
   18. A. are travelling B. were travelling
   C. travel D. was traveling
   19. A. losing B. lose C. lost D. to lose
   20. A. learnt B. had learnt C. have learnt D. are learning
   21. A. used to B. to used to C. get used to D. to get used to
   22. A. to B.- C. are D. will
   23. A. on B. to C. what D. that
   24. A.- B. All C. Every D. Any
   25. A. I'd had B. I had C. I'd have D. have
  第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分)
   Passage 1
   I never used to go anywhere without the car. I regarded it as an essential part of myself.
  But when the price of gas doubled in this year, I decided not to use the car except when
  absolutely necessary.
   For example, I always used to take the car when I went to fetch the papers on Sunday
  mornings, although our newsagent's is only 10 minutes' walk away. Now I go on foot.
   I tell myself that I'm not only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same time. It's all a
  question of habit really. I'm sure you can get used to anything if you try and already feel that
  I rely on the car less than I used to.
   Besides, now that we live in the suburbs, I can walk down the road and catch a bus to
  the office or to any part of the town. We used to live in the country about 15 miles from
  town and then I would frequently drive to and fro twice in one day. That meant I would use
  15 gallons of oil or more in a week. Now I only need half that amount.
   The trouble is that I am also getting used to the gas prices. They don't seem so high to
  me any more. Perhaps it is easier to get used to expensive gas than it is to doing without
  the ear.
  Questions 26--30 are based on Passage 1.
   26. When the price of gas doubled in this year, the author decided
   A. to go everywhere without a car
   B. only to take the car to fetch the papers
   C. to use the car when he had to
   D. to go on foot everywhere
   27. In the sentence "It's all 'a question of habit really," the pronoun "It" refers to
   A. saving the gas
   B. keeping fit
   C. not only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same time
   D. not relying too much on the car
   28. To go to the newsagent's to get his newspaper, the author
   A. used to walk for 10 minutes B. used to drive his car
   C. walked down the road to the office D. walked for 10 minutes to keep fit
   29. We know from the passage that the author
   A. is getting used to living in the country about 15 miles from town
   B. used to go to and come back from town twice a day by car
   C. usually buys 15 gallons of oil or more in a week
   D. only spends 7.5 pounds on gas now
   30. The last sentence of the passage suggests that
   A. the author still can not get used to doing without the car
   B. the author feels that the high price of gas is a great problem
   C. it is easy to use gas at high prices
   D. the price of gas is not high any more
   短文理解 2
  Welcome to San Francisco
   Native American tribes lived on the land now known as California before the 1500s until
  the Spanish eolonised the area in the 17th century. They gave San Francisco its name. Gold
  was discovered in the nearby hills in 1848, starting the Gold Rush, when poor people came
  from all over the world to make their fortune. The vast mix of races has probably
  contributed to its famous liberal attitude, shown by the beat generation, hippies and the largest gay community in the world.
  Hotels range from the luxurious (you can stay in The Hyatt on Union Square, which is
  expensive) to the basic (Gold Rush Hostel, which is cheap youth dormitories or simple
  rooms). San Francisco Guest Services, situated at the airport, can help you to book ahead.
   You can eat every type of food cooked by nearly every ethnic group in the world because
  they all live in San Francisco: Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese are all here--at every
  price from 5-star restaurants to tiny street stalls. But best of all is the seafood, which comes
  fresh from the Pacific Ocean and is on your table in minutes.
   The most famous sight in San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge. Also don't miss a
  boat trip to the island prison of Alcatraz--from which no one has ever escaped alive,
  although a few tried to swim across the freezing bay through the dangerous currents to reach
  the mainland. Boats leave every forty-five minutes, but booking is essential. Take a walk
  through Chinatown in the centre of the city. Chinatown was started by Chinese immigrants
  in the first days of the Gold Rush, and is now a vast city within a city. Here Chinese is still
  spoken in every shop, restaurant and temple every day. Get onto the cable cars and ride up
  and down San Francisco' s famous hills, ring the bell and hang on the sides. At only $1
  it's the cheapest thrill in the world.
   Drive along the coast to the north of the city into wine country, where you can taste and
  buy the finest Californian wines, or take an eight-hour boat trip far from the coast to see the
  biggest mammal of all the time -- the blue whale.
  Fact file
  By air
   San Francisco International Airport -- 14 miles south of the city. Accessible by bus and
   shared-taxi service.
   Oakland International Airport -- further from the city, but easily reached by a Rapid
   Transport Link.
   By sea
   Cruise ships of five major cruise lines arrive at Pier 35 in San Francisco Bay.
   By car
   San Francisco is on Highway 101 over the Golden Gate and Interstate 80 over the Bay
  Questions 31--35 are based on Passage 2.
   31. San Francisco got its name from
   A. native Americans B. Spanish colonists
   C. modern Americans D. British colonists
   32. During , many poor people went to San Francisco to make their fortune.
   A. the Gold Rush
   B. the Spanish colonial period
   C. the ruling period of native American tribal leaders
   D. the British colonial period
   33. San Francisco has been known for its famous liberal attitude shown by
   A. the beat generation
   B. hippies
   C. the largest gay community in the world
   D. all of the above
   34. According to the writer, which one of the following sightseeing spots in San
   Francisco is the most famous v
   A. Chinatown B. The Golden Gate Bridge
   C. The island prison of Alcatraz D. Cable cars
   35. According to the passage, you may go to Oakland International Airport by
   A. taxi B. bus
   C. Rapid Transport Link D. ship
   The blue whale is the heaviest and longest animal on Earth. The average adult length is
  25m for males and 26.2m for females, with body weights of 90-120 tonnes.
   Hector's dolphin is the world's shortest cetacean. They may be only 1.2m long when
  fully grown.
   A blue whale eats up to 4 tonnes of krill daily. This is equivalent to eating a fully grown
  African elephant every day.
   The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean. They have been
  known to dive as deep as 2000m.
   One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died.
   The sperm whale has the world's heaviest brain which can weigh up to 9.2kg. This
  compares with the average 1.4kg for the brain of an adult human.
   The hajji dolphin, or Chinese river dolphin, is the rarest dolphin in the world and is
  reported to be endangered. It lives in the Yangtze River in China. Conservation measures are
  being taken by the Chinese to save it.
  Questions 36--40 are based on Passage 3.
   36. Male blue whales are much longer than female ones.
   37. Hector's dolphin is the smallest fish in the world.
   38. Sperm whales dive deeper than any other cetacean.
   39. Whales are cleverer than humans.
   40. The brain of a sperm whale can be over 6 times heavier than a human one.
  第五部分 书面表达(20分)
  41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an email to a business
  partner, Robert, in London about your trip next week. You should write at least 80 words
  and base your email on the Chinese outline below:
   英语Ⅱ(2) 试题答案及评分标准
   第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)
   1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B
   第二部分 词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分)
   6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C
   11.D 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.A
   第三部分 完型填空(共计20分,每小题2分)
   16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C
   21.D 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.A
   第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分)
   26.C, 27.D 28.B 29.B 30.A
   31.B 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C
   36.F 37.F 38.T 39.NG 40.T
   第五部分 书面表达(20分)
  Dear Robert ,
   I'm very pleased to accept the kind invitation you extended in your last email. I'm
planning to spend my holiday in Britain next week. Since this is my first visit to your country, I
  hope you will be able to meet me at the airport.
   My flight details -- the plane leaves Beijing at 12'30 next Thursday and arrives
   in London at 14' 30 (local time). The flight number is CA1347.
   Thank you and looking forward to meeting you in London.
   With best wishes.
Zhang Lin

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