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1-5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项 并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
1.一I've got a bad cold today.
一 .
A. Thank you for telling me
C. It isn't serious
B. Oh, dear! I hope you get better soon
D. It'11 be better soon
2.一Can you help me clear up the mess?
一 .
A. Tell me who made it
B.No troubl e at all
C. Yes,that' ll be all right
D. No problem
3一Is it going to be warm next week?
一 .
A. Yes,it isB. I don't believe it
C. No,it hasn'tD. It changes all the time
4.一Would you like a tea?
一 .
A. Yes,I prefer coffee
B. I like green tea
C. Yes,please
D.No, I don't mind
5.一Have you ever been to Tokyo?
一 .
A. No,I didn't go there last year B.No,but I hope to go there next year
C. Tokyo is a busy city D. Yes,I'11 do it next time
6. We shall have an opportunity to exchange_______tomorrow
A. sights B. meanings
C. viewsD. minds
7. Do you think Tommy is the truth?
A. saying B, speaking
C. talking D, telling
8. If the weather had been good,the children out for a walk,
A. had gone
B. would go
C. could have gone
D. went
9. of them has a bedroom and a study.
A. Every
B. Both
C. All
D. Each

10. she couldn't understand was why fewer and fewer went to him for help.
A. ThatB. What
C.WhenD. Where
ll. John Waiters claimed that this lack of information in negative feelings towards the media
A. have resulted
B. had resulted
C. resulted
D. result
12. Does this patient's record need now? No,you can finish it later.
A.complete B. to complete
C .completing D, completed
13.There is a lot of crime on television. other issues are pushed out.
A. Therefore
B. However
C. But
D. Furthermore
14. You had better an umbrella with you.
A.一 B. to take
C. take D. taking
15, The new computer allows me work more efficiently.
A. to B.一
C. at D. for
16-2 5小题:阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A,B,公D四个选项中选出能填人相应空白 处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。
Emails一do you love them or hate them? Whatever you feel,they are here to stay. Here are some tips and ideas(16) improving your email writing.
First,startingending with a closure may seem old-fashioned,but it avoids (17) with a greeting and people by appearingrude. It needn't be Dear Sir or Madam faith fully,but just say HiorHello or Dear (and a first name),then close ,and Yours (18) Regards (for more formal contacts) and Cheers or Bye for friends. In offices and with people you know well and email frequently, you can just begin(19) their first name.
Getting emails that are not directly relevant (20) you is very irritating. Having wide mailing group lists down't necessarily keep people(21)It is estirnated(22) 40%of all emails are deleted immediately because they have an irrelevant or frivolous subject-line. Try to organise your mailing云roups accurately and keep(23) mailing lists regularly. If you don't do this,your messages may not(24) your to the people you want to send them to them. If your contact(25) because they delete them automatically without reading irrelevant emails from you,they may also delete any relevant ones automatically...

26-35小题:阅读下列短文,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出 所选的字母符号。
Dear Uncle Ric,
We were very sorry to hear that you are in hospital again, but I feel sure you'11 be out and about again soon. It down't sound very serious this time according to Auntie Ivy and in any case you have already recovered from the operation so quickly.
Malcolm has been working very hard all this year, because he is sitting some examinations this month and he is determined to study History at the University of Oxford. Although the sun has been shining all day today, he has been sitting at home reading about the history of the French Revolution. Fortunately he loves books,especially history books. He spends all his time and money on books.
James is totally different from his brother. He might be too young to know better. It gets bored with school and studying. But he is very keen on games. He never stays indoors when the weather is reasonably fine,and today he has been playing tennis for hours with his friends. I-Ie is fond of football,but tennis is his favorite. He said that he wanted to become a professional player. I-Its mother down't really approve.

Robin sends you her love. We are looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon. I am sending this letter through the e-mail to Auntie Ivy and she will bring it to the hospital with our best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
Lots of love
Questions 26-30:
26. It is certain that Uncle Ric is in hospital ..
A. again after having fully recovered from an operation
B. to get some treatment for a serious disease
C. to get an operation for some minor disease
D. to do some check-up after receiving an operation
27. It is who wants to study history.
A. Trevor's wife B. Trevor's younger son
C. James's elder brother D. Robin
28. In the second paragraph, the sentence"...he is sitting some examinations..."means that Malcolm is .
A. sitting at his desk preparing lessons for some examinations
B. sitting at home busy reading for some examinations
C. sitting in an examination place
D. going to take some examinations
29. From the letter, we know that James wants to become a professional player, .
A. yet the whole family don't like the idea
B. but Robin, his mother, does not like the idea
C. his father thinks it's too bad that he gets bored with school
D. Malcolm feels sorry for his idea, wishing he knows better
30. This is a .
A. business letter
B. private letter
C. memo
D. telephone message
Cash of all kinds.the French franc, the German mark, and the Italian lira,is bound to disappear physically. The paper notes and gold coins may soon become curious collections of the pre-electronic age. Digital money can replace every use of cash money. It is true that
electronic money has been around for decades. Each week billions of institutional dollars flow through the Interbank Payment System through telephone wires and satellite links. But in the 21st century, entirely new forms of digital money一including electronic cash and "computerized" smart cards一will become the means of most personal financial trade. What a great change this will be!
Digital credit cards, smart cards,electronic wallets and electronic checks will change our way of life in the 21st century. They are efficient and easy to use. Customers will not take money with them when they go shopping. They will pay their bills from a smart cell phone or they will buy their coffee by using a digital credit card. How convenient it will be! And how easily people will do their shopping in such a way!
With so many changes these days,the Internet will help speed up the end of cash. In Europe,some banks have been offering people electronic cash since late last year. Customers can withdraw money from their accounts through the bank's website and store their incomes on their home PCs. As the electronic cash is downloaded, the customers'bank accounts are recorded. Since customers can use electronic cash to buy things on the Internet,electronic cash will transform the Internet into a global marketplace for everything. It is going to have a very big impact on our lives.
I he low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not just for finance,but also for many other things in our life. The Age of lnternet !,as brought e-businesses to our life,which perhaps will form the backbone of our economy. Mom and Pop can go global一all from the comfort of their easy chairs. Citizens will have access to e-government with its website offering a wide range of governmental information,policy and services.
Racing into the 21st Century,people all over the world are building up a series of I"T projects,which is surely a part of the global future. People all over the world have been working for a brilliant future for centuries and it now seems the dream might come true very
Questions 31-35:
31. The main point of the first paragraph in this passage is ·
A. the value of the paper notes and gold coins will lie in collections
B. electronic money has been around for decades
C. entire new forms of digital money will replace cash money
D. cash of all kinds is bound to disappear slowly
32. The advantage of digital money is ·
A. it is efficient and easy to use
B. i t will change our way of life in the 21st century
C. it can replacee very use of cash money
D. people will do their shopping very easily
33. What is NOT true about the electronic cash,according to the passage?
A. It will turn the Internet into a global marketplace where one can buy everything.
B. The electronic cash can be downloaded and the money withdrawn is recorded.
C. People can buy anything worldwide by sitting comfortably in their chairs.
D. People don't have to pay for anything when they go shopping anywhere.
34. In the sentence of the fourth paragraph,"The low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not just for finance...","a worldwide medium" refers to.
A. a worldwide market B. the Internet
C. the Age of Internet D. e-business
35, "i he author is sure that will bring the whole world a brilliant future.
A. e-govermnent B. e-business
C. IT projects of any kind D. the world market

36-40小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(.I. }、错误(F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(NG) .
It is unusual these days for people not to have a 'I'V, in fact many homes have two or three. However,more and more people are choosing to live without "I'V. The number of homes without a television in the UK has been growing steadily for over 10 years now. Many people choose not to have"a TV because they are worried about their children. One parent, Joan,said,'We got rid of our TV when our son was 4 because we found that he was more interested in watching television than playing,and we thought this wasn't healthy',Many people think that not having a 'I'V has improved their lives:'Since selling our television my wife and I read more, talk more and have more time for our hobbies',said Paul,who has sold his TV. So,when people tell you that they cannot live without television, you can tell them that they are not following the latest trend!
Questions 36-40:
36. The majority of homes in the UK have more than one television.
37. The trend of nat having a television is not new.
38. Joan's son was an unhealthy child.
39. Paul thinks his life has improved since he sold his TV.
40. The latest trend is to have more than one television.
Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage to express your views on a given topic. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outl ine below:

各专业英语} (2)试题答案及评分标准
1.B3. A 2. D4. C5.B
6. C7.D8. C9. D10. B11. B12. Cl3. A14. C15. A
26. A 27. C28. D29. B30. B
31. C 32. A33.D34.B35. C
36.NG37.T33. F39. T40. F

Distance learning is for those who cannot study full time for sonic reasons.Many of them have a job,and sorne have to take care of a family. But they can study and rneanwhile work or do other things. They can study with the help of a tutor and contact the tutor or other learners when having difficulties. They can study at anyand anywhere.For example,I work in a company during the day,but I ani taking a course in law in evening . I find distance learning is suitable for me,

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