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各专业 英语Ⅱ(2)试题
注 意 事 项
1.When does the film begin?
 A.At 8:50. B.At 8:15.
 C.At 8:30 D.At 7:30.
2.Where did this conversation most probably take place?
 A.At a museum. B.At a restaurant.
 C.At a concert. D.At a department store.
3.Why was Sunny late for class?
 A.Ahe train was last . B.She got up later than usual.
 C.She forgot her class. D.She got on the wrong coach
4.What did the woman buy?
 A.Fruit. B.Vegetale.
 C.Biscuit. D.Meat.
5.What is most probably Raymond's job?
 A.A doctor. B.A teacher.
 C.A technician. D.A businessman.
6.How long has the man been waiting for?
 A.16 minutes. B.One hour.
 C.Half hour D.Two hours.
7.What happened to Mike?
   A.He got a pay rise. B.He was ill at work.
   C.He lost some of his responsibility. D.He had fallen down at work.
8.What does the man mean?
   A.The movie sas cheap.
   B.The movie was not worth seeing.
   C.He liked the movie very much.
   D.He didn't have time to go to the cinema.
9.How much does the man owe the woman?
   A.15 cents. B.50 cents.
   C.5 dollars. D.75 cents.
10.Who made the pizza?
 A.The man. B.The woman.
 C.The woman's mother. D.A Cook.
  11.David learned to scuba dive when he was working in India.
  12.David spent his first holiday in Bali.
  13.David's scuba diving instructor was a young woman.
  14.The scuba diving instructor was a young woman.
  15.Scuba diving is now now of David's favourite hobbies.
  16.That is .
   A.the best novel I've ever read B.a best novel I've ever read
   C.the best mpvel I've vever read D.the better novel I've ever read
  17.average women do more housework than men.
   A.By B.In
   C.On D.For
  18.she works hard,she won't pass her exams.
   A.If B.Unless
   C.When D.Because
  19.The sky is so blue. Nice weather!
   A.If B.What
   C.What a D.How a
  20. is that guy standing by your mother?
   A.Whom B.Which
   C.Who D.When
  21.He didn't want to see that film because he already seen it;
   A.has B.had
   C.have D.was
  22.It's to drive so fast.
   A.insafe B.missafe
   C.unsafe D.dissafe
  23.Could you tell me ?
   A.how long you learn to swim
   B.how long have you learned to swim
   C.how long you have learned to swim
   D.how long you learned to swim
  24.His carelessness his failure in the exam.
   A.has resulted in B.has resulted to
   C.has lead to D.has lead in
  25.You had better arrive here earlier next time.
   A.- B.to
   C.off D.and
  26.The population of the world is growing at a dangerous .
   A.progress B. rate
   C.increase D.measure
  27.It is important to remember the saying that is better than cure.
   A.prevention B.promotion
   C.permission D.proportion
  28.Some pop singers have much influe the young people today.
   A.to B.for
   C.onto D.on
  29.I wasn't sure about my homework,so I stopped the answers with a friend.
   A.checking B.having checked
   C.to check D.to have checked
  30.Sorry,I didn't know he is a friend of .
   A.your brothe's B.your brothers
   C.your brother's friend D.your brother
Net becomes a British Way of Life
  The Internet has become a part of everyday life for most Britons,says a report published this week (31) market research company Netinfo.
  Just over 70% of people (32) for the survey said the net had become essential. The survey reveals that emailing friends and others in the nation's favourite Internet activity.It also found that people spend an average of seven hours a week a week online,visiting 13 different websites in seven days.But 10% of all those (33) surf the net are doing it for more than 20 hours a week.
  Just over 2,000 adults in Britain were interviewed the report.The study found almost 19 million peple in the UK-four (34) the adults - regularly went online.But the number of new users has slowed down.Numbers online grew by just 11% over the past 12 months compared (35) 33% the previous year.
  The report also reveals the (36) importance of the silver surfer.According to the report the number of older peple online grew by more than 40% over the past year.People aged over 55 now (37) 17% of the UK Internet population.
  The survey also discovered that many workers surf the net for personal reasons while at work.Almost (38) of workers with Internet access admitted (39) it for pleasure,usually to email friends and family.According to Bill Wills,author of the survey,many employees expect some flexibility,and most employers are willing to accept this.'However,employers aer less (40) to be understanding,if you're downloading movies or introducing an unfriendly virus to your company network,' he said.
31.A. of B.to C.with D.by
32.A.questioning B.questioned C.question D.to question
33.A.who B.which C.whose D.what
34.A.from B.within C.in D.at
35.A.with B.to C.from D.and
36.A.increase B.increasing C.to increase D.increased
37.A.makes up B.is made up of C.make up D.make of
38.A.three-quarter B.three-quarters C.third-fourths D.make of
39.A.to use B.to have used C.use D.using
40.A.like B.likeness C.likely D.liking
  John Parker is an English language teacher.He eas always good at languages at school,so he decided to take his degrees in French and German.When he finished his university studies,he began teaching in a secondary school in England.Two years later,however,he met someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students during summer holidays.His students were adults and he enjoyed the work enormously.He soon found he was more interested in teaching his own language to foreigners than in teaching foreign languages to English schoolboys.
  Since then he has specialized in this work.He has found that one of the advantages of the job is that it enables him to find work almost everywhere in the world.First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Asia.After this he went to Italy where he has worked for the last two years.He hasn't been to Arabia yet,but he intends to go there next.He has taught men and women of all ages and of various nationalities.He has also learned to get on with all kinds of people and to get used to different ways of life.He has also learned to get on with all kinds of people and to get used to different ways of life.He likes this way of life and has never regretted his decision to follow this career.
  41.From the passage,we know for sure that John Parker .
A.worked very hard at French and German at school
B.was more interested in traveling around than teaching
C.was good at teaching schoolboys English
D.only worked in a high school for two years
  42.John Parker enjoyed teaching adult students because .
A.all his students were foreigners
B.he was able to talk to his foreign students in French and German
C.he was more interested in teaching English than other languages
D.he could be offered a job during summer holidays
  43.In the first paragraph,the sentence"......he met someone by chance..."means .
A.he met someone accidentally
B.fortunately,he met someone
C.there was a chance for him to meet someone
D.suddenly he saw someone
  44.The first sentence in the second paragraph"Since then he has specialized in this work"means that John Parker has .
A.become an expert in teaching English in a secondary school
B.taken teaching English to foreigners as his only occupation
C.considered teaching English as very peecial
D.become a special English teacher in his work
  45.Which of the following statements is not true?
A.John's work enables him to stay for a while in many places in the world.
B.John has learnt to get used to various ways of life.
C.John would never feel sorry if he kept his job as a secondary school teacher.
D.John Parker gets on well with men and women of all ages and of various nationalities
  Advertisements can be thought of "as the means of making known in order to buy of sell goods or services".Advertisements aim to increase people's awareness and arouse in terest.The try to inform and to persuade.The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method,and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market.Television,although more expensive,can be very effective.Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction.Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.
  There can be no doubt that the growth in advertising is one of the most striking features of the western sorld in 20th century.Many businesses such as those handing frozen foods,liquor,tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.
  We might ask whether the cost of adverissing is pai for by the producer or by the customer.Since advertisements form part of the cost of production,which has to be covered by the selling price,it is clear that is is the customer who pays for advertising.However,if large-scale advertising lead to increased demand,production costs are reduced,and the customer pays less.
  It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisements on sales.When the market is growing,advertisements help to increase demand.When the market is shringking,advertisements may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support.What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisements if they were not convinced of its value to them.
  46.Advertisement is often to .
A.deceive customers
B.increase production
C.arouse suspicion
D.push the sale
  47.The word"media"(in the first paragraph) includes .
A.he press
D.all of the above
  48.Advertisement is mainly paid for by .
A.the customer
B.the producer
C.increased sales
D.reduced prices
  49.Advertisement can increase demand .
A.all the time
B.in any circumstances
C.in a growing market
D.in a shrinking market
  50.From the last sentence of this passage we conclude that .
A.businesses usually do not pay much for advertisement
B.businessmen know well that advertisement could bring them more profits
C.advertisement could hardly convince people of the value of the goods
D.advertisement usually cost businesses large amounts of money
  Have you ever watched the TV series'Star Trek',or seen one of the films based on the series?If you have,did you know that it has given us a new language?Yes ,a TV science fiction series has given us a new language with its own vocabulary and grammar.The language is 'Klingon',the language spoken by the 'baddies'in the early series who became friends of the
  'goodies',the humans,in later episodes.
  The language was developed by Star Trek fans,who are known as 'Trekkies',in the USA.They took the little amount of Klingon heard in the series and subsequent films and created a whole new language based on it .It noe hsd iyd oen fivyionstir snf htsmmst bookd.When the fans meet up at conventions to buy memorabilia and meet the stars of the programmes,the can often be heard talding in Klingon.
  51.Klingon was first heard spoken at Star Trek conventions.
  52.You can only see Star Trek on TV.
  53.Klingon was developed by Trekkies.
  54.There are 'teach yourself Kingon'courses available.
  55.Klingon is spoken at 'Trekkie'conventions.
  Directions:You are to write a notice to recruit(招聘) a receptionist.You xhould write at least 80 words and base your notice on the Chinese outline below:

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