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商务英语(上) 试题
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   Paper I Listening Test (30 points)
  Information for candidates
  ● There are three parts to the test and you will hear each part twice.
  ● There will be a pause before each part to allow you to look through the questions and other pauses to !et you think about your answers.
  ● Write your answers in the spaces indicated in the test paper.
  Part !
  You will hear a short talk. As you listen, mark the following statements True or False according to the information you have heard. (10 points)
  1. This talk is concerned with politeness in English.
  2. The British have a rich choice of expressions to show their reasonableness.
  3. "You" is used for both singular and plural and for both informal and formal situations.
  4. The Spanish people tend to say "thank you" more often than the British.
  5. The British lady refused to say "please" at the shop.
  Part 2
  You are going to listen to a conversation between Helen and Alex. You will listen to it
  twice. Choose the best choice according to the information provided. (10 points)
   6. Alex is going to finish his business plan on
   A. Monday B. Wednesday
   C. Tuesday
   7. Alex will need about to cover his personal expenses for the first year.
   A. 20,000 B. 12,000
   C. 24,000
   8. How did Alex's girl friend think of his plan?
   A. She is much worried about it.
   B. She is enthusiastic about it.
   C. She is too busy to notice it.
     9. Alex has decided he is not going to have
   A. an appointment with the manager B. a holiday
   C. a company of his own
   10. Alex and Helen will meet to
   A. finish the business plan together B. discuss health and safety legislation
   C. go over the plan together
  Part 3
You will hear part of a story about James and Anne. As you listen, answer questions 11 -- 15 by
  filling in the numbers you hear. (10 points)
  In 1995 James and Anne O'Connor decided to open a small shop selling sandwiches in
  the city center about (11) miles from their home. They couldn't afford a bigger
  shop with a kitchen at the back as that would have cost an extra (12) pounds per
  month and they didn't have enough money. They planned to prepare the food at home and
  drive to the shop, a (13) -minute journey.
   They opened the shop in May and were soon doing very good business selling food to the
  people who worked in offices in the city. Everything went well for the first (14)
  months, but then, as the weather got colder, fewer people came into their shop. Takings
  were down by (15) and they both knew they would go out of business if things
  didn't improve.
   Paper 2 Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)
  I. Match the words on the !eft with their definitions on the right. (8 points)

II. Choose a word or phrase from the list for each space in the passage below. (22 points)
manage post to arrange reach enclose
require moreover study would particularly
Dear Mr. Sellers
With reference to your advertisement in the Independent on 21 April, I would like to
apply for the (24) of Project Manager with your company.
I am 35 years old and I have considerable experience in engineering in both the public
and private sector managing overseas construction projects. (25) , I have recently
completed a course on Management and Communication and I am currently (26) for
an MA degree in Engineering Management. This experience has enabled me to develop the
necessary leadership and communication skills to (27) multi-disciplined construction
teams. I am (28) interested in the position you are offering as I (29) like
to become more involved with building refurbishment projects.
I would be grateful if you could (30) an interview as soon as possible as I am
going abroad next month. I can be (31) at the above address. I am available to start
work from 1 June. Please find (32) my CV. Please do not hesitate to contact me if
you (33) any further information.
I look forward (34) hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Anne Alexander
Paper 3 Short-Answer Questions (15 points)
Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from the textbook. You should
use complete sentences.
35. What sort of information is supposed to be included in your CV?
36. What is STEEP analysis?
37. What is the SMART action plan?
Paper 4 Reading (25 points)
Passage 1 (15 points)
Read the following text and answer questions 1--5.
It's a small world after ali...
Take some of the world's best-known brand names -- Coca Cola, British Airways, The
Times of London. What do they all have in common? Each one of them is run by an
Australian. In fact, the World Bank is run by an Australian too. As Dame Edna would say --
spooky !
We may conclude, therefore, that the Australians run the world. Except, of course,
they don~ t. So who does? Democratically elected political leaders, answerable to their own
voters? Or powerful global corporations, answerable to their own shareholders, and
interested only in profit?
Ever since the violent public protests at the World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle
in the autumn of 1999, the word "globalisation" has come to be used as a weapon in the war
of words over the way the world is developing. It is a wonderfully vague, all-encompassing
term, which can mean more or less whatever you want it to mean. My favourite definition is
"globalisation = everything that is happening."
Imagine a high-school kid playing basketball -- he's wearing a sports shirt with the
name of his favourite team on it. Probably an American team, on a shirt that may well have
been designed in Europe and manufactured in Southeast Asia. The same goes for the shoes on
his feet, the designer sunglasses on his nose as he saunters home, and the funky sports bag
slung over his shoulder. It doesn't matter if you're in Cape Town, Copacabana, Cologne or
Kowloon -- that ' s globalisation.
And what's made it all possible is the communications revolution. Little more than 100
years ago, if I had designed a shirt here in London, the only way to have had it made in
Hong Kong would have been to send the designs, by courier, using horses and ships,
halfway round the world. If I'd wanted to pay someone to make it, the money would have
gone the same way. Now, with a click of my computer mouse, my designs can be in Hong
Kong, Helsinki and Houston in an instant. So can my money. That's globalisation.
And yet, three-quarters of all the world's telephone lines are in the richest countries
where only one-fifth of the world's population live. Whereas 40 years ago, the people living
in the richest countries earned on average 30 times more than those in the poorest, now they
earn 80 times more. According to the World Bank, two billion people have been left behind
by the globalisation revolution, most of them in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and
the countries of the former Soviet Union.
And although everyone now seems to pay lip service to the notion of free trade, it's not
free yet. The international development charity Oxfam says that the rich countries of the
northernhemisphere still have trade barriers in place that cost the developing nations US
$ 700 billion a year in lost exports. Most of this is in agriculture and textiles, which means
that millions of poor farmers are still far from seeing the supposed benefits of the new global
As for the global corporations, every time we buy our washing powder (Unilever), fill
our cars with petrol (Shell), or wear a pair of blue jeans (Levi's), perhaps we should pause
for just a moment to think of those who have sweated to manufacture the product we' re
buying. So, is globalisation good for us? It depends on who you mean by "us".
38. What does the example of the high school kid tell us about globalisation?
39. Why may one conclude that the Australians run the world?
40. What evidence is given to show that globalisation hasn't benefited poor countries?
41. What has changed with the communications revolution?
42. What is the writer's opinion of globalisation?
Passage 2 (10 points)
Choose the best answer according to the information provided in the passage.
What is the purpose of a marketing system in a society? One very common view is that it
should encourage consumption. In theory, if more people buy more things, the demand for
goods will increase. And if demand increases, this will result in higher production, more
employment and more "wealth" -- the main indicators of a healthy economy. Finally it is
generally believed that the more people consume -- the more goods and services they buy --
the happier they will be.
But, some experts disagree with this view. They feel that increasing consumer
satisfaction is more important than making consumers buy more. They say that
manufacturers should concentrate on producing goods that suit the tastes and needs of
consumers. If customers find goods that suit their tastes and needs, this will help to improve
their lifestyles, and they will feel satisfied.
Unfortunately, increasing the amount of choice also has some disadvantages. Firstly,
when a company increases the variety of products this also increases the cost of
production. So, goods and services tend to become more expensive. And higher prices lead to
decreasing sales.
Secondly, greater variety of products means that more money needs to be spent on
market research, to find exactly what the customers want.
Thirdly, consumers themselves have to spend more time and effort looking at a variety
of products, before they decide which one suits their needs. If there wasn't so much choice,
the customers would have more time, and this time could be spent buying more things.
Finally, having more products to choose from does not necessarily increase the
consumer's real choice, because such products may be very similar to other brands of the
same product. Advertisers would like us to believe that their washing powder is better than
any other.
They are always telling us that their brand gives us a "white wash" than that of their
competitors. But, in fact, one detergent powder is very much the same as any other, and it
really doesn't matter which one we buy. This same problem can occur with all kinds of
products -- from beer and cigarettes to toothpaste and toilet soap.
Perhaps the most important purpose of a marketing system is to improve the quality of
our lives. We have to consider not just the amount we buy, but also about how easily
available products are, whether we can afford them, and whether we are satisfied by their
For a company the most important thing is whether the people really like the
product. No matter how much marketing a company does, if in the end people don't enjoy
using the product, the marketing has failed.
43. Most people think that the purpose of a marketing system is
A. to keep consumers happy by providing more choice
B. to improve customer satisfaction by improving quality
C. to satisfy people's needs by selling them more products
D. to increase consumption
44. We know that an economy is doing well if
A. people buy more things
B. people own more things
C. production and employment rise and more money circulates
D. people seem satisfied
45. Besides choice, the three things which are important in improving people's lives are
A. quantity, quality and satisfaction
B. quality, availability and affordability
C. suitability, satisfaction and quantity
D. necessity, cost and quality
46. Beer, cigarettes and face cream are all examples of
A. products which everybody needs
B. products which are very similar, whichever brand you choose
C. products of which the consumer has little choice
D. products for which it is not necessary to provide choice
47. The most important factor which influences the choice of products is
A. whether people like them
B. whether they have been marketed properly
C. how much time it takes to choose them
D. whether there are enough of them

商务英语(上) 试题答案及评分标准
Paper i Listening Test (30 points)
● Two points for each item.
Part 1
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
Part 2
6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C
Part 3
11)4.5 12)250 13)20 14)six 15)15%
Paper 2 Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)
I. Match the words on the left with their definitions or explanations on the right. (8 points)
● One point for each item.
16. B 17. A 18. D 19. E
20. F 21. H 22. C 23. G
II. Choose a word or phrase from the list for each space in the passage below. (22 points)
● Two points for each item.
24. post 25. Moreover 26. studying 27. manage
28. particularly 29. would 30. arrange 31. reached
32. enclosed 33. require 34. to
Paper 3 Short-Answer Questions. (15 points)
● Award a maximum of 15 poinfs.
35. Your CV should include your name, address, telephone number, your education,
your work experience, your skills, your hobbies and names of referees etc.
36. STEEP stands for sociological, technological, economical, ecological and
political. They represent five general categories of external factors that may affect
businesses. By STEEP analysis, companies can have a clear perspective of the environment in
which they operate and come up with proper strategies and tactics.
37. SMART, a planning tool, stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
timed. They are a set of criteria by which marketing objectives are assessed.
Paper 4 Reading (25 points)
Passage 1 (15 points)
~ Three points for each answer.
38. Manufactured goods may have been designed and made in different parts of the
39. Because they run some of the world's most important companies and organisations
such as Coca Cola, British Airways, the Times of London and the World Bank.
40. They have only one-fourth of the world's telephone lines. Their citizens earn about
80 times less than the citizens of rich countries. Their exports, mainly agricultural products
and textiles, are subject to trade barriers.
41. The flow of information and money can go much faster than before.
42. On the whole, globalisation benefits the rich more than the poor.
Passage 2 (10 points)
~ Two points for each item.
43. D 44. C 45. B 46. B 47. A

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