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英语专业 商务英语(上) 试题
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  Paper 1 Listening Test (30 points)
  Information for candidates
   ● There are three parts to the test and you will hear each part twice.
   ● There will be a pause before each part to allow you to look through the questions and other pauses to let you think about your answers.
   ● Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
  Part 1
  You will hear a short talk. As you listen, mark the following statements True or False according to the information you have heard. (10 points)
   1. This talk explains why many small businesses fail.
   2. When people start a new business they are usually optimistic about its future.
   3. Many small businesses fail in the UK and US because of working capital problems.
   4. In their first two years about half of small businesses go out of business.
   5. Most of Ihe failed companies don't have enough customers.
  Part g
  You are going to listen to a conversation between Helen and Alex. You will listen to it twice~
  Choose the best choice according to the information provided. (10 points)
   6. Alex is going to finish his business plan on
   A. Monday B. Wednesday
   C. Tuesday
   7. Alex will need aboul ______ to cover his personal expenses for the first year.
   A. ξ20,000 B. ξ12,000
   C. ξ24,000
   8. Alex has decided he is not going to have ____
   A. an appointment with the manager B. a holiday
   C. a company of his own
   9. How did Alex's girl friend think of his plan?
   A. She is much worried about it. B. She is enthusiastic about it.
   C. She is too busy to notice it.
   10. Alex and Helen will meet to .... .
   A. finish the business plan together B. discuss health and safety legislation
   C. go over the plan together
  Part 3
  You will hear part of a story about James and Anne. As yon listen, answer questions 11 -- 15 by filling iR the numbers you hear. (10 points)
   In 1995 James and Anne O'Connor decided to open a small shop selling sandwiches in the city centre about (Il) miles from their home. They couldn't afford a bigger
  shop with a kitchen at the back as that would have cost an extra (12) pounds per
  month arid they didn't have enough money. They planned to prepare the food at home and
  drive to the shop, a (13) -minute journey.
   They opened the shop in May and were soon doing very good business selling ft)od to the people who worked in offices in the city. Everything went we]l for the first (14)
  months, hut then, as the weather got colder, fewer people came into their shop. Takings were down By (15) and they both knew tbey would go out o{ busirtess'if things didn' t improve.
  Paper 2 Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)
   I. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the eight. (8 points)
a) a small group representing a large group
2. strategy
b) having no money
3. merger
c) a general plan intended to achieve something over d period of time
4. brief
d) joining together osually of two companies
5. brand
e) tetL someone aboul something, usually in connection with work
6, discount
f) reduction in price
7. sample
g) an owner of shares in a business
8, shareholder
h) the name of a product or sometimes the name of a company
  Il. Choose a word from the box for each space in the passage below. Remember to put the words in the correct form. (22 points)
in negotiators proposal more win
excellent say were discuss straight
if neither beaten and greeted
   On one occasion we received a proposal from a company that was interested in doing
  work for a client of ours as a subcontractor. We studied the (1) very carefully and
  decided that there were fourteen points that we would like to (2) . While not all
  fourteen were crucial to us, if we could win them it would provide a particularly satisfactory
  outcome for our client.
   The negotiation was undertaken at our client% offices. When the subeontractor's staff
  arrived we (3) them warmly, and once they were comfortably settled in we said:
  'Your proposal is excellent, we are delighted with it. But there are forty one points that we
  have to (4) if we are to reach agreement. Would you like to write them down?'
   People are delightful. (5) you give them a chance to behave like Parlor's dogs they will jump at it. The subcontractor's (6) dutifully listed the issues. When we
  reached point forty-one we simply (7) , 'Can we start with number one?', and we
  then went straight into the negotiation.
   Note carefully the dynamics of the situation. The subcontractor% staff had just thought on their feet and (8) now negotiating forty-one points that they had never seen
  before, and had (9) planned nor prepared for. What is (10) , twenty-seven
  of those points were figments of our imagination. We simply made them up. We used them
  to create room to manoeuvre and to control the agenda.
   The subcontractor won twenty-seven points and we only won fourteen. They had clearly (11) us!
  Paper 3 Short-answer Questions ( 15 points)
   Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from the textbook. You should use complete sentences.
1. What does the term TQM mean?
2. What is a tall structure? And what is a flat structure?
3. What is SWOT analysis?
Paper 4 Reading Comprehension (25 points)
Passage 1 (15 points)
Read the following text and answer questions 1--5.
   You may have heard that doing business on the Internet is in some way 'insecure'.
Don't let that put you off if you stop to think about it, your everyday business dealings
aren't exactly without hazard. If you fret about 'Internet security' you might be better off
visualizing an American-style mall, full of outlets, the majority of which you have never
visited. Should you do business there? Of course you should. Remember, it's just like doing
business in the local high street. Anyone can look into your shop window and enter your
shop after all, that's what you want them to do, isn't it?
Perhaps you are worrying about losing customers through credit card fraud. With a little
care, you really needn't be. Credit card fraud existed long before the Internet arrived. If
your customer provides their credit card details over the Internet then in some sense you are
already trusted as a business, although you do, of course, need to protect your customer
against an ilbintentioned third party. So advise your customer to keep a record of what he or
she has ordered and for how much.
allows rivals to get at your computers and your information. Well, in one sense, this is the
whole point of linking your business to the Internet: you want people to get at your
computers and all the information they contain. However, just because I invite members of
the public to enter my shop, I needn't give them permission to enter my head office. A
security guard stops unwanted visitors from getting in -- and it's just the same in
cyberspaee. I don't connect our internal network to the Internet, I use a firewall that works
just like my security guard except it doesn't have a day off.
restaurant or pub. Display your products with abandon on the World Wide Web. Of course,
you should exercise caution when dealing with sensitive information on things like credit
cards, but you've got more to lose by not taking advantage of 'electronic commerce' than by
being on it.
Answer the following questions according to the information provided in the passage.
1. This passage discusses three colnnlon worries lhat people have about doing business
on the Internet. What are these worries?
2. Doing Internet business is llke doing what in his opinion?
3. If your customers give you their credit card numbers, what does it indicate?
4. What advice should you give your customers to protect themselves?
5. How do you ensure that your company is protected against rivals?
Passage 2 fl0 points)
Choose the best answer according to the information provided in the passage.
What is the purpose of a marketing system in a society? One very common view is that it
should encourage consumption. In theory, if more people buy more things, the demand for
goods will increase. And if demand increases, this will result in higher production, more
enlployment and more "wealth" the main indicators of a healthy economy. Finally it is
generally believed that the more people consume -- the more goods and services they buy--
the happier they will be.
But, some experts disagree with this view. They feel that increasing consumer
satisfaction is more important than making consumers buy more. They say that
manufacturers should concentrate on producing goods that suit the tastes and needs of
consumers, if customers find goods that suit their tastes and needs, this will help to improve
their lifestyles, and they will feel satisfied.
Unfortunately, increasing the amount of choice also bas some disadvantages. Firstly,
when a company increases the variety of products this also increases the cost of production.
So, gnods and services tend to become more expensive. And higher prices lead to decreasing
Secondly, greater variety of products means that more money needs to be spent on
market research, to find exactly what the customers want.
Thirdly, consumers themselves have to spend more time and effort looking at a variety
of products, before they decide which one suits their needs. If there wasn't so much choice,
the customers would have more time, and this time could Be spent buying more things.
Finally, having more products to choose from does not necessarily increase the
consumer's real choice, because such produets may be very similar to other brands of the
same product. Advertisers would like us to believe that their washing powder is better than
any other.
They are always telling us that their brand gives us a "white wash" than that of their
competitors. But, in fact, one detergent powder is very much the same as any other, and it
really doesn't matter which one we buy. This same problem can occur with all kinds of
products -- front beer and cigarettes to toothpaste and toilet soap.
Perhaps the most important purpose of a marketing system is to improve the quality of
our lives. We have to consider not just the amount we buy, but also about how easily
available products are, whether we can afford them, and whether we are satisfied by their
For a company the most important thing is whether the people really like the product.
No matter how much marketing a company does, if in the end people don't enjoy using the
product, then the marketing has failed.
6. Most people think that the purpose of a marketing system is
A, to keep consumers happy by providing more choice.
B. to improve customer satisfaction by improving quality.
C. to satisfy people's needs by selling them more products.
D. to increase consumption.
7. We know that an economy is doing well if
A, people buy more things.
B. people own more things.
C. production and employment rise and more money circulates.
D, people seen, satisfied.
8. Besides choice, the three things which are important in improving people's lives are
A. quantity, quality and satisfaction.
B. quality, availability and affordahility.
C. suitability, satisfaction and quantity.
D. necessity, cost and quality.
9. Beer, cigarettes and face cream are all examples of
A. products which everybody needs.
B. products which are very similar, whichever brand you choose.
C. products of which the consumer has little choice.
D. products for which it is not necessary to provide choice.
10. The most important factor which influences the choice of products is __
A. whether people like them.
B. whether they have been marketed properly.
C. how much time it takes to choose them.
D. whether there are enough of them.

英语专业 商务英语(上) 试题答案及评分标准
Paper 1 Listening Test (30 points)
Two points for each correct answer.
Part 1
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
Part 2
6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C
Part 3
11. 4.5 12. 250
13, 20 14. six (6)
15. 15% (fifteen percent)
Paper 2 Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)
I. Match the words on the left with their definitions or explanations on the right.
One point for each correct answer.
1. b 2. c 3. d 4, e 5. h
6. f 7. a 8. g
II. Choose a word from the list for each space.
Two points for each correct answer.
1. proposal g. win 3. greeted 4. discuss 5, If 6. negotiators
7. said 8. were 9. neither 10. more 11. beaten
Paper 3 Short-answer Questions (15 points)
Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from the textbook. You should
use complete sentences.
Award a maximum of 15 points.
1. TQM, total quality management, is an approach to management which involves a
complete dedication to the idea of quality. Total means that everyone in the organisation is
involved in the final product or service to the customer, Quality concerns the objective,
measurable and manageable criteria that everyone must understand and commit to.
Management is a proactive rather than a reactive process, recognising that TQM is a
managed process which involves people, systems and supporting tools and techniques,

2. A tall structure usually has many levels or layers of management. It is hierarchical.
And a flat structure has fewer layers of management. This often results ia more individual
3. A SWOT analysis is an analytical tool that can help you work through all the
information you have about your business. "SWOT" stands for strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats
Paper 4 Reading Comprehension (25 points)
Passage 1
1. The three worries mentioned ars:
(1)doing business on the Internet is insecure;
(2)losing customers through credit card fraud;
(3)the fear of rivals having access to your computers amd in{ormation.
2, lt's like doing business in the local High Street.
3, It indicates that the castoraers trust you or that you are trusted as a business.
4, You should advise your customers to keep a record of what they haTM ordered and for how much.
5. You don't connect your Internal network directly to the Internet; you use a firewalh
Passage 2
Two points for each correct answer.
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A

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