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英语专业 商务英语(上) 试题

Paper ! Listening Test (30 points)
Information for eandldates
~ There are three parts to the test and you will hear each part twice.
~ There will be a pause before eaeh part to allow you to look through the questions and other
pauses to let you think about your answers.
~ Write your answers mt the Answer Sheet.
Part l
You will hear a short talk. As you listen, mark the following statements True or False according
to the information you have heard. (10 points)
1. This talk is concerned with politeness in English.
2. The British have a rich choice of expressions to show their reasonablenss.
3. "You" is used for both singular and plural and for both informal and formal
4. The British lady refused to say "please" at the shop.
5. The Spanish people tend to say "thank you' more often than, the Bridsh.
Part 2
You will hear part of a presentation about a British company. As you listen, answer quesjons
6--10. (10 points)
2000, our fifteenth year, was another record year.
Turnover was up over (6)__% to almost £14 billion reflecting strong organic
growth, the first time fourth quaruer inclusion of Young & Rubicam Inc. and continued
rapid growth in our media investment management activities.
Revenues grew over 37% to almost £3 billion for the first time. Pre-tax profits rose by
over 43% to £366 million, earnings per share by over 26% to (7) p and diviaends
by21% to 3.75 p.
The only disappointment was that the share price, the real measure of your wealth, fei
by (8) % during 2000. However, your Company's share price performance ranks
(9) in terms of share price appreciation against a company group of 14 compeuters
since 1 January (10)
Part 3
You will hear a short passage. As you listen, mark the following statements True or False
according to the information you have heard. (10 points)
11. Swiss luxury watch manufacturers were doing badly in the 1980s.
12. Electronic digital watches were invented in Switzerland.
13. According to market research consumers preferred analogue watches.
14. ETA's new product would be easy tn repair.
15. Swatches would be fashion items, not timepieces.
Paper 2 Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)
Ⅰ. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the dight. (8 points)

Ⅱ. Choose a word from the list for each space in the passage below. Make changes if necessary.
(22 points)

Dear Mr Wang,
Now I Understand that the way we do business is not a universal one. If somebody
wants to be (1) in business, he or she has to understand his or her (2)
culture. Now I do!
Even though there are certain requirements we have to reach agreement on, our project
is likely to move (3) . Our decision has been based on a (4) of the
pros and cons. One important thing is that we are going to have the (5) to learn to
know each other's culture, in order to build a long-lasting (6) . This will give us
the opportunity to obtain (7)-- benefits.
On our part, in spite of the sizeable expenditures for rent, completion of the buildings,
feeding and housing employees, (8) fees, etc. , we feel we will obtain (9)
that encourage us to persevere in the (10)
On your side, you are going to have compensation in the form o{ rent, taxes, and the
creation of (11)
! can anticipate that our venture will be beneficial for both parties, and will be a conduit
to build good personal relations. We look forward to seeing you in three weeks.
George Smith, VP
Overseas Operations
Paper 3 Short-answer Questions (15 points)
Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from the textbook. You should
use complete sentences.
1. What is STEEP analysis?
2. What sort of information is supposed to be included in your CV?
3. What is the SMART action plan?
Paper 4 Reading Comprehension (25 points)
Passage I (15 points)
Read the following text and answer questions 1--5.
It's a small world after all...
Take some of the world's best-known brand names -- Coca Cola, British Airways, The
Times of London. What do they all have in common? Each one of them is run by an
Australian. In faet, the World Bank is run by an Australian too. As Dame Edna would say--
spooky !
We may conclude, therefore, that the Australians run the world. Except, of course,
they don't. So who does? Democratically eleeted political leaders, answerable to their own
voters? Or powerful global corporations, answerable to their own shareholders, and
interested only in profit?
Ever since the violent public protests at the World Trade (.)rganisation meeting in Seattle
in the autumn of 1999, the word "globalisation" has come to be used as a weapon in the war
of words over the way the world is developing, h is a wonderfully vague, all-encompassing
term, which can mean more or less whatever you want it to mean. My favourite definition is
"globalisation = everything that is happening."
Imagine a high-sehool kid playing basketball--he's wearing a sports shirt with the name
of his favourite team on it. Probably an American team, on a shirt that may well have been
designed in Europe and manufactured in Southeast Asia. The same goes for the shoes on his
feet, the designer sunglasses on his nose as he saunters home, and the funky sports bag
slung over his shoulder. It doesn't matter if you' re in Cape Town, Copaeabana, Cologne or
Kowloon--that's glohalisation.
And what's made it all possible is tile communications revolution. Little more than 100
years ago, if I had designed a shirt here in London, the only way to have had it made in
Hong Kong would have been to send the designs, by courier, using horses and ships,
halfway round the world. If I'd wanted to pay someone to make it, the money would have
gone the same way. Now, with a click of my computer mouse, my designs can he in Hong
Kong, Helsinki and Houston in an instant. So can my money. That's giobalisation.
And yet, three-quarters ~f all the world's telephone lines are in the richest countries
where only one-fifth of the world's population live. Whereas 40 years ago, the people living
in the richest countries earned on average 30 times more than those in the poorest, now they
earn 80 times more. According to the World Bank, two billion people have been left behind
by the globalisation revolution, most of them in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and
the countries of the former Soviet Union.
And although everyone now seems to pay lip service to the notion of free trade, it's not
free yet. The international development charity Oxfam says that the rich countries of the
northern hemisphere still have trade barriers in place that cost the developing nations US
$ 700 billion a year in lost exports. Most of this is in agriculture and textiles, which means
that millions of poor farmers are still far from seeing the supposed benefits of the new global
As for the global corporations, every time we buy our washing powder (Unilever), fill
our cars with petrol (Shell), or wear a pair of blue jeans (Levi), perhaps we should pause
for just a moment to think of those who have sweated to manufacture the product we' re
buying. So, is glohalisation good for us? It depends on who you mean by "us".
1. Why may one conclude that the Australians run the world?
2. What does the example of the high school kid tell us about glohalisation?
3. What has changed with the communications revolution?
4. What evidence is given to show that globalisation hasn't benefited poor countries?
5. What is the writer's opinion of globalisation?
Passage 2 (10 points)
Many articles and books have been written in recent years about cuhure inorganizations, usually referred to as "Corporate Culture." The dictionary defines culture as
"the act of developing intellectual and moral facuhies, especially through education." ThAs
writing will use a slightly different definition of culture.- "the moral, social, and behavioral
norms of an organization based on the beliefs, attitudes, and priorities of its members." The
~erms "advanced culture" or "primitive culture" could apply to the first definition, but not
the lalter.
Every organization has its own unique culture or value set. Most organizations don'~
consciously try to create a certain culture. The culture of the organization is typically created
unconsciously, based on the values of the top management or the founders o,r a~
Hewlett-Packard is a company that has, for a long time, been conscious of its culture
(The HP Way) and has worked hard to maintain it over the years. Hewlett-Packard' s
corporate culture is based on 1) respect for others, 2) a sense of community, and 3) plain
hard work. It has been developed and maintained through extensive training of managers and
employees. HP's growth and success over the years has been due in large part to its culture.
Another successful company that expends a lot of energy in maintaining its workplace
culture is Southwest Airlines. Southwest is the only major airline in the U. $. that has beef
profitable in each of the last five years. It also has a good reputation as an employer. Herb
Kelleher, Southwest 's CEO, indicated how Southwest maintained its culture:
"First of ail, it starts with hiring. We are looking for a particular type of person,
regardless of which job category it is. We are looking for attitudes that are positive anti for
p,:ople who can lend themselves to causes. We want folks who have a good sense of humor
and people who are interested in peHorming as a team and take joy in team results instead of
icdividual accomplishments.
"Another important thing is to spend a lot of time with your people and to communicate
with them in a variety of ways. And a large part of it is demeanor. Sometimes we tend to
h,se sight of the fact that demeanor--the way you appear and the way you act--is a form ~f
communication. We want our people to feel fulfilled and to be happy, and we want our
management to radiate the demeanor that we are proud of our people."
In both of these examples, the top management of the companies were vigilant about
maintaining their cultures. The behavior rules and boundaries are relatively clear and
communicated often. However, this is not typical. I believe most organizations operate with
a diversity of cultures. This is especially true considering lhe increasing worldwide mobility
of people and cultures and values.
Mark statements 6--10 True or False according to the information provided in the text above.
6. Corporate Culture is the moral, social, and behavioral norms of an organization based
on the beliefs, attitudes, and priorities of its members.
7. Every organization works consciously try to create a certain corporate culture of its
8. The culture of the organization is based on the values of the top management or the
founders of the organization.
9. Hewlett-Packard's corporate culture is based on bard work, team spirit and mutual
10. Demeanor is the way you appear and the way you act, and it is a way of

英语专业 商务英语(上) 试题答案及评分标准
Paper I Listening Test (30 points)
Part 1 (10 points)
~ Two points for each item.
1. T 2. F 3. T 1. F 5. T
Part 2 (10 points)
~ Two points for each item.
6. 49 7. 28.4 8. 11. 1 9. third (3rd) 10. 1999
Part 3 (10 points)
~ Two points for each item.
II.F 12. T 13. T 1.1. F 15. T
Paper 2 Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)
I. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. (8 points)
~ One point for each item.
1. d 2. f 3. b 4. c
5. g 6. b 7. e 8. a
Ⅱ. Choose a word from the list for each space in the passage below. Make changes if necessary.
(22 points)
Two points for each item.
( 1 )successful (2) counterpart's
(3) ahead (4) consideration
(5) opportunily (6) rt.lationship
(7) mutual (8) administrative
(9) benefits (10) vt.nture
(1 1) employmenl
Paper 3 Short-Answer Questions.
Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from the textbook. You should
use complete sentences.
~ Award a maximum of 15 points.
1. STEEP stands for sociological, technological, economical, ecological and political.
They represent five general categories of external factors that may affect businesses. 14y
STEEP analysis, companies can have a clear perspective of the environment in which they
operate and come up with proper strategies and tactics.
2. Your CV should include your name, address, telephone number, your education,
your work experience, your skills, your hobbies and names of referees, etc.
3. SMART, a planning tool, stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
timed. They are a set of criteria by which marketing objectives are assessed.
Paper 4 Reading (25 points)
Passage 1 (15 points)
~ Three points for each.
1. Because they run some of the world's most important companies and organisations
such as Coca Cola, British Airways, Times and the World Bank.
2. Manufactured goods may have been designed and made in different parts of the worht.
3. The flow of information and money can go much faster than before.
4. They have only one-fourth of the world's telephone lines. Their citizens earn about 80
times less than the citizens of rich countries. Their exports, mainly agricultural products anti
textiles, are subject to trade barriers.
5. On the whole, globalisation benefits the rich more than the poor.
Passage 2 ( 10 points)
~ Two points for each.
6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T

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