1065电大《英语教学法(2) 》试题和答案200807

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英语教学法(2) 试题
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Section I Basic Theories and Principles 40 points
Questions 1 -- 20 are based on this part.
Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answer on the
Answer Sheet.
l. Having generated as many ideas as possible related to a certain topic, what is the
next step in the writing process?
A. To write a detailed outline.
B. To write the first draft.
C. To eliminate irrelevant ideas and find sub-topics that may cover other points.
2. Which of the following is one of the advantages of teacher editing?
A. It may increase students' motivation in writing and their competence in
B. It can correct more mistakes and provide more alternative expressions.
C. Weaker students can benefit from learning from good students.
3. What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage of the writing process?
A. Make decisions on the purpose, the audience, the contents, and the outline of
the writing.
B. Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details like correcting
spelling, punctuation, and grammar until later.
C. Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weaknesses of his/her writing and
focus on the flaws likely to appear in their drafts.
4. Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the people
rather than how it should be used?
A. Descriptive grammar. B. Prescriptive grammar.
C. Traditional grammar.
5. When students are given the structure in an authentic or near authentic context and are
asked to work out the rule for themselves, what kind of method their teacher is using?
A. Deductive grammar leaching. B. Inductive grammar leaching.
C. Traditional grammar teaching.
6. In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the
chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language?
A. Presentation Stage.
B. Practice Stage.
C. Production Stage.
7. What strategy does the following activity help to train?
"Ask the students to close their eyes and form the image of the animals in their minds
when the teacher says their names, like rabbits, dogs and so off instead of giving the
A. Imagery.
B. Context.
C. Association.
8. Which of the following activities belong to application in vocabulary instruction?
A. Ask students to complete a vocabulary map centering on SARS.
B. Ask students to match the words in column A with the words in column B.
C. Ask students to describe an event that happened during the SARS period.
9. What vocabulary learning strategy does the following activity help to train?
Match the prepositions on the left with the right words on the right.

A. Collocation. B. Grouping.
C. Contextualization.
10. If you want to present new vocabulary, which of the following techniques would you use?
A. Examples. B. Explanation.
C. Context.
11. Which of the following is among the physical factors that affect lesson planning?
A. Teacher's personality. B. Students~ personality.
C. Teaching resources.
12. Which of the following best demonstrates what a lesson plan is?
A. It presents a list of activities for the fulfillment of the course objectives.
B. It presents detailed material for the teacher in classroom instruction.
C. It presents teaching schedule of a lesson for the fulfillment of course objectives.
13. Which of the following is among the human factors that affect lesson planning?
A. Size of the class. B. Syllabus requirement.
C. Students' learning styles.
14. What shouldn't be included in a lesson plan?
A. The objective of the lesson. B. Anticipated problems.
C. Students' learning styles.
15. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?
S: My watch was stealing.
T: Oh, that's why you didn't know the time and was thus late.
A. Helping self-correction. B. Encouraging delayed correction.
C. Just ignoring the error.
16. What activity is the following seating arrangement most suitable for?

A. Individual work. B. Play acting.
C. Pair work.
17. To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?
A. At the summary stage of the activity.
B. The moment error occurs.
C. During the course of the communication.
18. For better classroom management, what should the teacher do while the students
are doing activities?
A. Participate in a group.
B. Prepare for the next procedure.
C. Circulate around the class to monitor, prompt and help.
19. When should the teacher issue the instruction?
A. As soon as class begins.
B. When students~ attention is directed to the teacher.
C. When class is silent.
20. Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activities under which
subcategory of classroom management?
A. People.
B. Environment.
C. Organization.
Section II Lesson Plan 60 points
Directions: In this section, you are presented with a short dialogue. Read the dialogue and
design three grammar activities: one presentation activity, one practice activity and one
application activity. Make sure to include some sample exercises. The requirement of each
activity is as follows:
~ Presentation: present the structure of attributive clause through summarizing
~ Practice: practice the use of "who"and "which" in attributive clause
~ Application: apply attributive clause to express opinions
You may follow the table given after the passage. Make sure the three activities are related to
each other.
Cartoon Heroes
Nemo, a cute orange-and-white fish, and Shrek , a huge green monster have won the
hearts of young people,in China and all over the world. The heroes of popular cartoons are
everywhere, on office desks, handbags, and computer screens.
But there are some cartoon favorites which are older. The cartoon of the Monkey King
has just had its "40a~ birthday". Called Havoc in Heaven, it tells the story of a monkey who
leads a group of monkeys against the rule of Emperor in heaven. But it is above all the
jokes played by the monkey that people remember. "Havoc in heaven" has become a common
expression used by a parent or a boss when they return tO the house or office and see a mess.
Another favorite who has celebrated an important birthday in China is a reporter with
red hair and a small white dog. Tintin has been popular for 75 years, ever since Belgian
cartoonist Herge invented the character in 1929. His books have been translated into more
than 50 languages and about 200 million copies have been sold. In December 1984 the whole
series of Tintin began to be published in China. Many Chinese still keep collections of these
black-and-white Tintin books. There are several fan clubs ill China which have held
birthday parties for Tintin in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Wuhan.
Finally, Snoopy, Charlie Brown ' s lovable dog who lives in his own private dream
world, also had his "50th birthday" celebrated by China's Snoopy fans in 2000.
"I didn't draw the cartoons only for children. Adults who have escperienced life
understand them better," said the late Charles Schultz, creator of Snoopy and the Peanuts
Activity 1 (Presentation)

英语教学法(2) 试题答案及评分标准

Section I Basic Theories and Principles 40 points
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
6. C 7. m 8. C 9. A 10. A
11. C 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. C
16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. C
Section H Lesson Plan 60 points
Activity 1 (Presentation)
Objectives: to present the structure and meaning of attributive clause
Classroom organization: Individual work to pair work
Teaching aid: multi-media or OHP
Assumed time: 7 minutes
1. Assign the task (1')
"Now, class. In this period, we are going to learn the "who" and"which" clauses. First,
please read the text and find out all the sentences with "who" and "which".
2. Students work individually to find out the sentences with "who" and "which". (2')
3. Feedback and explanation. (4')
Check whether students have located all the following sentences, and then asks the
students to explain how they understand these sentences, and the function of the "who" and
"which" clauses, and also when to use "who" and when to use "which".
There are cartoon .favorites which are older.
It tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the
Emperor in heaven.
But it is above all the jokes played by the monkey that people remember.
Another favorite who has celebrated an important birthday in China is a reporter with
red hair and a small white dog.
There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin in
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Wuhan.
Snoopy, Charlie Brown's lovable clog who lives in his own private dream world, also
had his "50~ birthday" celebrated by China's Snoopy fans in 2000.
4. T: "Now, we know when to use "who" and "which". Here I have several sentences,
but "which" and "who" are left out."
Activity 2 (Practice)
Objectives:to help students to understand better when to use "who" and "which", and
master the choice of "who" and "which"
Classroom organization: individual work to pair work
Teaching aid: multimedia
Assumed time: 7 minutes
5. Assign the task (1'):
(4 continued) "Can you work with your partner to help fill in 'which' and 'who'?"
6. Individual work -- pair work (3t)
Students work first individually to insert "who" or "which" in the following sentences,
 and then check their answers with their partner.
  A: Excuse me. Are you the person gave us a speech on how to study last week ?
  B: Sorry, which school are you from ?
  A: The school has just celebrated its 50th anniversary last week. At the celebration we
 invited a lot of experts to give speeches.
  B: Yes, I remember.
  A: From your speech I know you have a book talking about how to study. Where can I
 get a copy ?
  13: I am not sure. You can ask the girl introduced me at the celebration.
  A: Which one? Can you tell me? There were so many at the speeches.
  B: The girl was in red. She was the only one.
  A: Oh, I know. You mean the girl comes from China Central Radio and TV
 University ?
  B: Yes, that's her. I am sure she knows.
  A: Thank you.
  B: You are welcome. May you great progress in study.
  7. Feedback (3 t)
  Invite individual pairs to report their work. Ask them to explain their answers.
  Transition ~
  8. T: "Good, you can use 'who' and 'which' quite well,"
  Activity 3 (Application)
  Objectives: to enable the students to use "who" or "which" in sentences to express their
  Classroom organization: Group work
  Teaching aid. multi-media/printed handout
  Assumed time: 6 minutes
  9. Assign the task (30")
  (8 continued) "I want to know what you like and dislike. Can you help finish the
  following sentences using 'who' or' which' ?")(Present the sentences on the screen or hand
  out the hardcopies. )
 10. Individual work (3')
  Students work individually to complete the following sentences. It is necessary to make
 it clear that students can write more than one sentences [or each one.
  a) I like animals
  b) I like those students
  c) I like teachers
  d) I don't like books
  e) I don't like food
  11. Pair work (3')
  Arrange the students into pairs to share what they write.
  12. Feedback (2')
  Invite students to report what they like and what they do not like. Make comments on
 both students' like/dislike and the use of "who" and "which" in the sentences.
  Backup plan
 Predicted problems:
  1. The students may not find the practice activity difficult. They may have difficulty in
 finding where to insert "who" and "which".
  2. The application activity may be too difficult for some students to do and they may idle
 in class.
 Possible solutions:
 The two predicted problems both have something to do with students' current level of language
  proficiency. This is the case that may happen to every class.
  1. If your class of students are poor in English and may find such a practice difficult, you
  can ask the students fill in blanks, the very traditional way of practice.
  2. You can give examples to show how to write sentences. Still, you can ask students to
  work in pairs or groups to do it.

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