1065电大《 英语教学法(2)》试题和答案200501

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  英语(教)专业 英语教学法(2) 试题

注 意 事 项
   Section I Basic Theories and Principles
   Questions 1--15 are based on this part.
   Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answer on
   Answer Sheet.
   1. What is the teacher doing with the students' mistakes?
   T: What did you do last night? Mmm ... George?
   G: 1 study my homework.
   T: Er ... [worried look~
   G: Aah... ldo my homework ...
   T: You Do your homework last night?
   G: Ah... yes, I did my homework.
   A. Helping self correction.
   B. Encouraging peer-correction.
   C. Conducting immediate teacher correction.
   2. In which of the following activities does the teacher play the role of manager?
   A. Organize the pupils to do guessing activities.
   B. Explain the functions entailed in the dialogues.
   C. Walk around the classroom to offer help to those slow students.
  3. Which of the following writing activities reflect process-orientation?
   A. The teacher asks the students to write a short story about their children.
   B. The teacher asks the students to group edit their first drafts.
   C. The teacher asks the students to complete a passage with transitions.
  4. What vocabulary learning strategy does the following activity help to train?
   Put the following words in the right column:
   "cure, relieve, recover from, light, slight, severe, terrible, strong, heavy."
  A. Classification. B. Collocation. C. Association.
  5. Which linking word serves the function of "emphasizing"?
   A. Indeed. B. However. C. In essence.
  6. Which of the following belongs to deductive teaching of grammar?
   A. The teacher first explains the rule and then asks the students to do sentence comple-
   B. The teacher first presents the students with a dialogue and then ask the students to
   read the dialogue and summarize the usage of "can".
   C. The teacher just asks the students to listen to the dialogue and then read and act the
   dialogue out.
  7. What is the teacher doing with the "comparative adjectives"?
   The teacher gives the students two sets of activities and asks them to co?npare in terms of
   "exciting, difficult, energetic, enjoyable, expensive, dangerous".
   A. Practicing the comparative degree.
   B. Checking the comparative degree.
   C. Presenting the comparative degree.
  8. Which of the following techniques is better when presenting the usage of a new word?
   A. Giving examples. B. Using realia. C. Using demonstrations.
  9. Which of the following belongs to human factors in the composition of a lesson plan?
   A. Students' varied needs and attitudes.
   B. The course requirement.
   C. Size of the class.
  10. Which of the following is the description of "beliefs" of learners?
   A. They are formed against the cultural background in which the learner lives: they di
   rectly or indirectly affect learning and often form the basis of one's behavior.
   B. They are peculiar to different students, and closely related to personality, know-
   ledge, experience and previous learning experiences. They directly influence the
   learning process and are tightly linked with the individual learner.
   C. Not all learners are equally good at all of them: some learners excel in speaking, oth-
   ers are better at writing learners will feel confident if they can demonstrate what
   they are good at, while at the same time learning those skills they need most.
  11, What principle of classroom management does the following show?
   "Cindy, please don ' t eat in class; it disturbs others," After you have told the students
   that eating in class is forbidden.
   A. No favoritism. B. Consistency. C. Equality.
  12. What is the teacher doing in terms of classroom instruction?
   T: Do I make myself clear?
   Ss: Yes!
   T: Now, what should we do? ... Mary?
   M: Get in groups and talk about . ..
   T: And what more, Lisa?
   A. Explain the activity.
   B. Monitor the activity.
   C. Cheek understanding.
  13. What's the teacher doing by the following?
   You' re on the right track, John, ... and with a bit more attention the pronunciation of
   your/n/and/l/would sound even better.
   A. Explain why something is not good.
   B. Offer alternatives that might be better.
   C. Indicate what to improve.
  14. If all the students are involved in a discussion and should be able to join in equally,
   which of the following seating arrangements would be better?
   A. Spacing and punctuation.
   B. Indention and typeface.
   C. Choice of words and structure.
   Section II Problem Solving
   Questions 16--20 are based on this part.
   Directions: Below are five situations in classroom instruction. Each has at least one problem.
   First, identify the problem(s). Second, provide your solution according to what you
   have learned in Book 2. You should elaborate on the problem(s) and solution(s)
   properly. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
  16. What's the problem with the following writing activity? How do you solve it?
   Teacher: Now, boys and girls, you have 30 minutes to write on the topic "My Home-
   town". I think you must have a lot to say.
  17. The teacher has finished all the activities he designed in his teaching plan, still there is
   i0 minutes to go.
   What's the problem with his plan? What can he do in the 10 minutes?
  18. Mr. Wang is in charge of two classes. He likes organizing activities involving students in
   performance in class. While one class shows great enthusiasm, the other class tends to
   withdraw from such activities. Mr. Wang seems to be at a loss as how to motivate them.
   What's wrong with Mr. Wang? What can he do?
  19. The foIlowing is a conversation between a teacher and a student. Can you find anything
   undesirable? What would you do if you were the teacher?
   T: Do any of you have a pet at home? Ah, ... you have, Billy?
   B: Yes, er ... I have dog at home. Very big dog.
   T: Oh, you have h dog at home. h very big dog, you mean ?
   B:Yes, adog ... Er...
   It is nice, but once bite me here [shows lower arm]
   T: No! Bit, Billy, bit in the simple past.
  20. In one of the lessons 1 observed, the teacher stood in the right hand corner in the front of
   the classroom. The students near her were very active and cooperated with her very
   well. But at the back of the classroom, some students were talking privately about some-
   thing else and some were reading other books and one of them was writing a letter.
   What's the problem with the teacher's classroom instruction? How can we solve such
  Section III Mini-lesson plan
  Questions 21 and 22 are based on this part.
  Directions: Read the two texts below and complete the teaching plans. Write your answer on the
   Answer Sheet.
   21. Read the following letter and design a 10-minute pre-writing activity for the writing of a re-
   Dear Li Kang ,
   Howls it going? I thought I'd write to tell you about the American school system. Sa
   condar y school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve. Ninth to twelfth
   grades are high school. At the end of twelfth grade, American students receive the high
   school diploma. Students need a high school diploma if they want to go to college.
   December, and the second January through May. We have a LONG summer vacation !
   We start school at 7:50 am and we finish at 3 pm.
   I take part in all kinds of after-school activities -- I play football, basketball, volley-
   ball, table tennis and I go to theater club.
   Will you tell me something about your summer vacation and the Chinese school system in
   your next letter?
   Best wishes,
   Rob Marshall
  22. Design a 15-minute activity to check the understanding of the vocabulary. Your activity
   should involve speaking and listening, but no translation.
   英语(教)专业 英语教学法(2) 试题答案及评分标准
  Section I BasicTheoriesand Principles(30 points)共30分,每题2分。
   1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A
   6.A 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A
   11.B 12.C 13.C 14.H 15.B
   SectionⅡ PrOblemS01Ving(30 points)
  Section I Basic Theories and Principles (30 points)
  1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A
  6. A 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. A
  11. B 12. C 13. C 14. I3 15. B
  Section li Problem Solving ( 30 points)
  Problem: The teacher failed to clarify the target reader and the audience.
  1) The teacher can tell the students directly who the target reader will be. For example, he
   can ask the students to write to potential investors. If students do not know what the
   reader will be, they will find it difficult to choose the right style of writing, or the right
   content to include.
  2) The teacher can also give several choices to the students. They can write to their friends,
   to foreign guests, to foreign visitors, to investors and so on. This can give the students a
   sense of self-determination. The students can choose the kind of readers they like and
   thus enjoy their product while enhancing their writing skills.
   开阐述即可。解决方式写出一个即可,但要求说明一下原因,比如 if student;do not know
   what the reader will be,they will feel"difficult tO choose the right style Of writing,Or the
   right content tO include.)
  1) The teacher may have under-estimated students' ability.
  2) The activities he designed may be so easy for the students that they took less time than he
  1) It is necessary to design additional activities before class in case the activities are finished
   before schedule.
  2) The teacher can use the 10 minutes for role-play activities, performance activities, or
   comment activities. He can also design summary activities for the 10-minutes. It all de-
   pends on the objectives of the lesson and the content of the text.
  3) It is necessary to include some check-up activities or evaluation tasks at the end of the les-
  1) He failed to do needs analysis before designing activities. Obviously, the two classes dif
   fer greatly in learning styles. One is experiential and like to learn from performing, while
   the other may be analytical.
  2) He should not design classroom activities just according to his own liking. The students
   may differ greatly in their preference of the type of activities.
  3) The classroom activities lack variety. One cannot expect to attract students or to fulfill
   the task of teaching with only one type of activity. Students differ in intelligence, learning
   experiences, learning styles and activity preference. And so, there should be more types
   of classroom activities.
  1) Conduct needs analysis and try to learn what kind o{ activities the other class like and de
   sign activities according to their preference.
  2) Increase the variety of classroom activities for both the active and passive class. No one
   likes monotony. Variety is the spice o~ life and thus the spice of classroom teaching.
  3) With the passive class, he can design more analytical activities and at same time, try to
   make the class active. Anyway, without enough participation in productive activities, one
   cannot expect to learn well
  The teacher corrects the students too much. He should not correct him during the conversa-
  tion. The purpose of conversation is to talk about pets, which is to convey ideas to others.
  Correction during conversation will affect the quality of conversation, and will hurt the
  student% feeling and self-respect as well.
  1) Just carry on the conversation paying no attention to the students' mistakes.
  2) The teacher can tell the students about the use of articles and the formation of past form
   later, just after the conversation or at some other time.
  1) The teacher failed to get all round attention.
  2) The teacher didn't try to guarantee even participation.
  3) Her position was too fixed and it was not in the place to monitor all the class or for all the
   class to see.
  4) Maybe the topic of the lesson was not appealing to everyone, or the activities were too dif
   ficult, or the teacher herself talked too much, or she [ailed to consider different needs of
   the students.
  1) She should stand in the middle front of the classroon, so that ali the class could see her
   well. If she stood in the middle front, it would be very easy for her to see all the students
   in class and thus to keep discipline.
   2) The teacher should not always direct her attention to a certain number of students. She
   should give all-round attention to the whole class. She can look around instead of fixing
   her eyes on the right front section. When the students see the teacher is looking at them,
   they will behave better.
   3) The teacher can circulate around the class. It would be better if she could go to each
   group or walk from front to back. In this case, she could easily find those or,task
   students and give timely help.
   4) The teacher can try to change the topic, adapt the activities to suit the students~ needs.
  SectionⅢMinllesson plan(40 points)(共40分,每题20分)

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