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英语专业 英语教学法(1) 试题
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  Section I .. Basic Theories and Principles 40 points
  Questions 1 - 20 are based on this part.
Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answer on the
  Answer Sheet.
   1. Which of the following is theoretically based on behaviorism?
   A. Audio-lingual Method.
   B. Humanistic Approach.
   C. Functional-notional Approach.
   2. Which of the following is the description of a function?
   A. Ownership.
   B. Giving directions.
   C. Acting out a play.
   3. What approach treats the students as a whole person, with feelings and emotions?
   A. The Natural Approach,
   B. The Communicative Approach.
   C. The Humanistic Approach.
   4. Which of the following should most concern us when designing a syllabus?
   A. Needs of the learners.
   B. Lacks of the learners.
   C. Wants of the learners.
   5. Which of the following methods does not tolerate errors?
   A. The Audio-lingual Method.
   B. The Communicative Approach.
   C. The Direct Method.
   6. Which of these methods adopts the humanistic view of the learners?
   A. The Grammar translation Method.
   B. The Audio lingual Method.
   C. The Community Language Learning Method.
   7. Before teaching the text, the teacher asks students to discuss in pairs or groups of the
   questions related 1o the text. What stage of reading is it at now?
   A. Pre reading.
   B. While reading
   C, Post-reading.
  8. Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?
   A. Re-arranging the materials.
   B. Brainstorming the topic.
   C. Writing a summary of the text.
  9. What reading strategy does "picking out sub-topic sentences" train?
   A. Skimming.
   B. Scanning.
   C. Inferring.
  10. Tile following is a listening activity based on a dialogue. What listening strategy
   does it help to train?
   Teacher: "After listening, answer the following questions according to what you
   hear on the tape.
   1. What is the relationship between the speakers?
   2. Wbat are the attitudes of the speakers towards each other?"
   A. Gist listening.
   B. Inferring.
   C. Listening for details.
  11. What type of approach does the student apply to listening according to what he
   When I listen to English, what worries me most is my limited vocabulary. If I
   come across a new word, 1 stop to think about its meaning and so miss the next part
   o.f the speech.
   A. Bottom up approach.
   B. Top-down approach.
   C. Interactive approach.
  12. To develop the skill of listening for specific information, the teacher asks students to
   fill in lhe blanks with the information they hear on the tape. Which stage of listening
   class is it at now?
   A. Pre-listening.
   B. While-listening.
   C. Post-listening.
  13. What conversational technique does the following conversation present?
   "Jack: Sam, what are you going to do tomorrow?
   Sam: Nothing much. Why?
   Jack: We're going to watch a football match. Would you like to come too?
   Sam: I' d love to !"
   A. Checking understanding.
   B. Pre-invitation.
   C. Showing understanding.
   14. Which of the following questions exemplifies the consideration for interaction
   designing a speaking activity?
   A. Does the activity involve competition or problem solving?
   B. Is the activity easy to manage?
   C. What roles are students expected to play and }low should they play them?
  15. Which stage of the speaking lesson is least teacher controlled'
   A. Presentation.
   B. Practice.
   C. Production.
  16. Which of the following is a communicative activity?
   A. Listening to the weather broadcast and filling in a form.
   B. Listening to the weather broadcast and talking about a picmc.
   C. Transferring the information from the weather broadcast into a chart.
  17. What stage can the following activity be used att
   The teacher asks the students to work in pairs to complete the following dialogue.
   A B
   A. Excuse me. Where is A. North Street
   Please? Hospital, please?
   B. Go along . and B. __ the street ,and __
   take on the right, the second turning __
   A. Thank you very much. A. __
   A. Presentation.
   B. Practice.
   C. Production
  18. In which of the following situations is the teacher playing the role of manager?
   A. Organizing students to do activities by giving instructions.
   B. Walking around to offer help to those who need it both in ideas and language.
   C. Giving feedback and dealing with errors.
   19. Which of the following helps to train liaison in pronunciation?
   A. Not at all.
   V V
   B. She se[Is seashells by the seashore.
   C. I want to do a good deed.
   20. The leacher walk around tile classroom, when the students are doing activities, to
   see if anyone needs help, both in ideas and language. What role is the teacher
   A. Manager.
   B. Assessor.
   C. Resource.
  Section II: Lesson Plan 60 points
Directions: In this section, you are presented with a short passage. Read the passage and design
  three reading activities: one pre-reading activity, one reading activity and one post-reading
  activity. The requirement of each activity is as following:
  ~ Pre-reading: prepare for reading
  ~ Reading: read to get the main content of the story
  ~ Post-reading: reformulate the story or make comment
  You may follow the table given after the passage. Make sure the three activities are related to
  each other.
  Excuse me, you're sitting in my sent
   The train to Beijing ! Yi Wen often dreamed about the train, and about going to the
  capital. But here it was in front of him. He looked at his brother.
   Don't forget where you crone from, little brother, ' Jin said. 'And watch your bags
  carefully. '
   Yi Wen nodded, unable to speak. This was his first long trip by train at the start of
  his new life, leaving his village and his home for the last sisxteen years.
   Heheld .Jin in his arms. With tears in his eyes, Jilt pushed Yi Wen away. 'Go,
  brother. Write to us as soon as you get there, OK?'
   Yi Wen jumped onto the train. There were people and bags everywhere. He pushed
  past them towards his seat.
   A young man was sitting in Yi Wen's seat. He was wearing jeans and a very smart
  jacket, and was smoking a cigarette.
   What should he do? Six pairs of eyes looked at Yi Wen, while the man looked out of
  the window.
   'Sir, you're sitting in rny seat. ' Yi Wen said, with a nervous smile. The other people
  watched with interest.
   The man didn't turn to look at Yi Wen, but just looked out of the window.
   'Excuse me, 'I have a ticket with the number of the seat you're sitting in!' Yi Wen
  said in a stronger voice.
   '1 was here first. ' said the man, without moving his head. Although he was sitting
  down, he looked very tall and strong.
   Yi Wen looked at the other passengers .for help. 'But '" ' he started to say.
   'But what?' The man turned and looked at Yi Wen. 'I'm not moving. '
   Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice. ' This young man has the ticket
  for that seat. You should move. '
   Yi Wen felt brave. 'See? Please move. I've got a long way to go. '
   ' How long?' the young man asked.
   To the last stop, Beijing. '
   'I'm getting off before you. Then you can have my seat.
   'Where is that?' asked Yi Wen.
   ' Hangzhou. '
   Yi Wen thought Hangzhou was far away.
   ' It's twenty four hours away from here, ' the man with glasses said. Even if it's only
   ten minutes, you should move. '
   Slowly the young man stood up, looked at Yi Wen and dropped his cigarette on the
   'I'll see you later,' he said, and disappeared down the train.
  Activity 1 (Pre-reading)
  Activity 2 (Reading)
  Activity 3 (Post-reading)
  Backup plan:
   1. Predicted problems
   2. Possible solutions
   英语专业 英语教学法(1) 试题答案及评分标准
  Section I Basic Theories and Principles(共 40 分,每题 2 分)
   1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A
   6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B
   ll.A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. C
   16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C
  Section II. Lesson Plan ( 共 60 分 )
  Activity 1 (Pre-reading)
   Objectives: to prepare for reading; to predict the story to facilitate reading
   Classroom organization: group work
   Teaching aid: multi-media or OHP
   Assumed time: 5 minutes
   1. Assign the task ( 1 ' )
   "Now, class. I think most of us have traveled by train. When someone else sits in your
  seat, what would you do?"
   2. Students work in groups to talk about this situation. (2')
   3. Feedback (2 ' )
   Call on different groups to report.
   4. T: "OK. We know what you would do. Here we have a story. The title is 'Excuse
  me, you are sitting in my seat'. It tells about a boy who was on the train for the first time.
  When be got on the train and found someone sining in his seat, what did he do?"
  Activity 2 (Reading)
   Objectives: to get the main content of the story
   Classroom organization: Individual work to pair work
   Teaching aid: multimedia
   Assumed time: 6 m[nntes
   5. Assign the task (1 ' ):
   (continuing 4) "Now read the text and see what happened in the story. You may use the
  following table to help you. '
   6. Individual reading (3')
   Students work individually to fill in the table. Then the teacher can arrange them into
  pairs to check their work.
   7. Feedback (2')
   Call on some pairs to report what they have got from the story.
   8. T: "Good. We know what happened in tile story. Would you like to perform the
   Activity 3 (post-reading)
   Objectives: to role play dm story so that students can feel the affect and thus can choose
  what to do in such situations
   Classroom organization: Group work
   Teaching aid: no
   Assumed time: 9 minutes
   9. Assign the task (1')
   (8 continued) "I' d like you to work in groups, divide the roles and discuss how to
  perform. Then practice the role play."
   10. Group work (57)
   Students work in groups to role play the story. While the students are practicing, the
  teacher can circulate to monitor and give help where needed.
   11, Feedback (3')
   Randomly choose some students and assign new roles for them to perform the role play
  on the platform,
   Backup plan
   Predicted problems:
   1. The students who are poor in linguistic intelligence may not be able to speak well
  when asked to report about the story.
   2. In Activity 3, when the teacher chooses students randomly to perform, some students
  may withdraw.
   Possible solutions:
   1. The teacher can print out the form for students to write clown their answers. Then
  after pair work or group work, Students get the answers right before the teacher ask them to
   2. The leacher needs to know the multi-intelligence trend of the students. When he
  chooses students, he should bear in mind who are good at performing and who are good at

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