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英语(教)专业 英语教学法(1) 试题

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  Section [ Basic Theories and Principles
  Questions 1-15 are based on this part.
  Direetions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answer on the
   Answer Sheet.
  1. What method does the statement describe?
   "It's a language teaching method based on the study of texts in the target language,
   which have to be explained and analyzed in the mother tongue and then translated."
   A. The Grammar-Translation Method.
   B. The Audio lingual Method.
   C. The Direct Method.
  2. Which of the following is the description of a function?
   A. Ownership. B. Giving directions. C. Acting out a play.
  3. What approach treats the students as a whole person, with feelings and emotions?
   A. The Natural Approach.
   B. The Communicative Approach.
   C. The Humanistic Approach.
  4. What type of syllabus does the following show?
  Unit 1 First day at school
  Unit 2 In the restaurant
  Unit 3 At the market
  Unit 4 Buying clothes
  A. Structural syllabus. B. Topic syllabus. C. Situational syllabus.
  5. Which aspect of needs analysis does the following situation reflect?
   "Li is a student majoring in engineering, but his interest is in management. And it was
   management that he selected when he was choosing his specialty for college education. So
   he shows little interest in his study and lags behind others in his study."
   A. Lacks. B. Needs. C. Wants.
  6. Which stage of course design does the following describe?
   Included in the content of the course would be, apart from the dialogues already men-
   tioned , reading and listening tea'ts. These texts were to be specially written to illustrate
   the use of the specified structures and lexical items. Reading and listening skills were to
   be taught by means of the texts and the tasks designed to go with them. Speaking skills
   were to be taught by means of the functional dialogues and other activities in the units.
   Writing arid listening skills were also to be taught following the main te~'ts. The zneth
   odology upon which the course book was designed was to reflect the pedagogical changes
   taking place in China, and was to be based upon the Communicative Approach.
   A. Selection and organization of learning materials.
   B. Determination of what to evaluate and how to evaluate.
   C. Diagnosis of needs.
  7. What may constitute the difficulty in comprehending the following passage?
   For the Arab the location of the person in relation to the body is quite different. The
   person exists somewhere down inside the body. The ego is not completely hidden, howev
   er, because it can be reached very easily with an insult. It is protected from touch but not
   from words,
   A. Background knowledge.
   B. Language.
   C. Type of writing.
  8. What role does the teacher play in the following activity?
   While the students are doing activities, the teacher walks around the classroom to see if
   anyone needs help, both in ideas and language.
   A. Participant. B. Manager. C. Resource.
  9. Which of the following activities is most communicative?
   A. The teacher refers to a picture about which everyone in the class asks questions.
   B. Students make sentences following the given pattern or sentence structure.
   C. Students speak according to the roles assigned to them in a given situation.
  10. What reading strategy does the following activity mainly help to train?
   "Read through the following passage within 1 2 minutesand then find its main idea."
   A. Skimming. B. Scanning. C. Inferring.
  11. What stage is the following activity best suited for?
   Role-play a di,fferent situation from that of the re:ft but using the same characters.
   A. Pre-reading. B. While-reading. C. Post-reading.
  12. What type of approach does the student apply to listening according to what he de-
   When i listen to English, what worries me most is my limited vocabulary. If I come
   across a new word, I stop to think about its meaning and so miss the next part of the
   A. Bottom-up approach.
   B. Top-down approach.
   C. Interactive approach.
  13. Which of the following can be used to develop the skill of listening for gist?
   A. While listening, the students are required to look at a list of words and circle those
   used by the speaker.
   B. After listening, the students are required to write a summary of the text in a few sen-
   C. After listening, the students are required to arrange the sentences in the order in
   which they are mentioned in the text.
  14. Which of the following speaking activities is most communicative?
   A. Use pictures to make up stories.
   B. Prompted dialogues.
   C. Interviews using a questionnaire.
  i5. What is trained in the following activity?
  A. Articulation. B. Stress. C. Rhythm.
  Section l] Problem Solving
  Questions 16 20 are based on this part,
  Directions: Below are five situations in elassromu instruction. Each has at least one problem.
   }?irst, identify the problem(s). Second, provide your solution according to what you
   have learned in Book I. You should elaborate on Iht problem(s) and solution(s)
   properly. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
  16. What problems does the following situation have in terms of motivation?
   ~ .. but at last all was prepared and arrangements made to send the boys to ct sm(iii
   school near the city gate kept by an old man who had in past years gone up for govern-
   ment ezraminations and failed. In the central roost} of his house therefore he had set
   benches and tables and for a small surer at each feast day in the year he taught boys in
   the classics, beating them with his large fan, folded, if they were idle or if they
   could not repeat to him the pages over which they pored from dawn until sunset.
  J. 7. The teacher explains the meaning of "ushers", "bride" and "look off balance" to the
   students, but still the students could not understand the following text~ What might be
   the problem(s)? How to solve it(them)?
   This is a reading text about an American wedding:
   The ushers seated some of the bride's friends on his side of the church so things
   wouldn ' t look off balance~
   18. When observing a class at work, you find that the students can produce well structured
   and reasonably grammatical written text, but are less successful when it comes to speak
   ing. What might be the problem? How to solve them?
   19. During a communicative activity, whenever the teacher finds a mistake, no matter gram-
   matical or cultural or of any other aspect, he would stop the student and correct it.
  20. What's the problem with the following speaking activity? How to solve it?
   The teacher draws a table on the blackboard with two columns. Column A has a list of
   requests and Column B has scrambled responses to these requests. Tben he asks the
   students to work in pairs and match each request in Column A with its corresponding re-
   sponse in Column B and read them out loud.
  Section m Mini-lesson plan
  Questions 21 and 22 are based on this part.
  Directions: Read the two texts below and complete the teaching plans. Write your answer on the
   Answer Sheet.
  21. Read the following dialogue and design a 10-minute speaking activity to be used at the pro-
   duction stage, involving the use of pre-invitation and invitation.
   A: Hello, 82192111.
   B: Oh, heilo. Could I speak to Jim, please?
   A: Just a minute. Jim, you're wanted on the phone.
   C: Hello, this is Jim. Who is that speaking?
   A: This is Tom. Do you have any plans this weekend?
   C: Not yet, why?
   A: We are planning to go on a picnic. Would you like to join us?
   C: Certainly, with pleasure. Where shall we go and when shall me leave?
   A: I'll phone you when everything is decided.
   C: OK. Bye.
   A: Bye.
   22. Read the following material, and design a 10-minute while-reading activity to empower the
   students to transfer and relay information (about the most recent group). Remember to in-
   clude an Information Transfer Table if you are going to use this technique.
   Our local Community Youth Club is a very popular organization with young people in
   rny totem. ! have been a member for four years now and I 'ye taken part in a lot of interest-
   ing projects. These include fun activities such as holiday camps and discos. We have or-
   ganized sports competitions arid we have even made a video.
   But it isn't all just enjoyment, we have also started social work to help people in our
   neighborhood. We have organized activities for small children during holidays. we have
   also formed a special support group to help young people stop smoking !
   We are particularly proud of the most recent group we have created. It organizes
   regular visits to the local old people's home. This idea came from a school visit to an old
  people's home. My class spent an afternoon at a borne and everyone found the visit very re-
   The old people at the home were excited by our visit. They were very talkative and
  they told us their personal stories. During our visit, the home was filled with the sound of
  laughter. We sang songs and played games with the old people and had tea together. But
  we realized that life WaSn't always easy. Some of them were in poor health and were very
  urnhappy. They couldn ' t go outside and the visits by children brought some sunshine into
  their lives.
   Many young people like me do not live with our grandparents and we have very little
  contact with elderly people. As a result, many people don' t know what they are like and
  we have a lot of wrong ideas about them. We have little or no idea of the kind of lives they
  lead in the homes. After their visit, 7ny f riends and I decided we should do something to
  help improve the quality of their lives.
   Since the creation of our visiting group, over twenty volunteers have joined us. Up to
  now, we have organized three group evenings and a concert. But it is the individual visits
  that are the most important. Club remembers regularly visit old people and everyone finds the
  experience rich and rewarding.
   英语(教)专业 英语教学法(1) 试题答案及评分标准
  SectiOn I BasicTheories and Princip,es(30 pOints)
   1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C
   6.A 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A
   11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A
  SectiOn Ⅱ ProblemsS01ving(30 pOints)
   (1) TOO mHch pumshment is used. Eyen according tO the behavloral point O{view,
   there shOuld be more positive reinforcement, that is there shOuld be more praise,
   encouragement Or awara. Punlshment wotks OnlY when the students try tO avold
   punlshment. H pUHIShment means nothlng tO them, then punlshment has nO Value.
   (2)Students wOrk too lOng On the pages and this tO a great extent Wlll demotlvate the
   students. There shOuld be relaxatlon and variety in operation. One kind O{Opera-
   tlon 1asting tOO lOng can Only create restraint not motivatlon.
   (1)Theteacher shOuldtry tO Gndout whythe studentswere idleOrCOUldn't repeatthe
   pages and take measures in accordance with students' needs。
   (2) TheteachershOuldtrytOiliakethe leSSOBSinterestingandincreasethe variety of his
   classroom instructiOn. When the Sttldents are interested, they Wlil partlcipate and
   won't idle any more. Everyone welCOllies change and variety, if the teacher can
   make some changes in his instruction instead Of always asklng the students tO recite
   the pages{Or too long,maybe they will be mottvated.
  (3)Decrease punishment and try tO encourage the students wLen they are not doing
   well. He shOuld praise the students when they iliake some progress. Anyway,
   pumshment and praise only works On mstrumental motivation. What is more lnl-
   portant is tO motivate the students intrinsically.h this case,the students should
   try tO analyze students,needs and create situations tO satlsfy their needs.
   (1)The teacherfails tO find the keyissueinthis reading.In this piece Of readlng,wh"
   constitutes the difficulty in eompreLending the sentence is not vocabulary but back
   ground knowledge. Even when the students kllow the meanings O{"ushers"' "the
   bride''and"look Off balance", they s"11 eould not understand why the bride's
   {rlends rotting On either side Of the church has anythlng tO dO with balance.
   (2) The teacher Only deals with the vocabulary but fails tO dcal with background
   knowledge Vocabulary really hinders students' comprehension Of the matenal,
   but different cultutes have diferent wedding cultures. h is diffICHh fOr Chinese
   students tO understand the sentence if they dO not know the western weddmg CUS-
   (1)The teacLer should flrst introduce some background knowledSe needed fOr under-
   standlng this culture-loaded materlal. Besides explaining the meanings O{the new
   words, he caninone way Or another make the students know how the bride's faml-
   1y and{fiends sit in chutch at the wedding. To dO this, he can ask the students tO
   dO some searchlng abOut American weddings before class. He can alsO find some
   picturestO help understandthis pieceOfmaterlal.
   (2)The teacher can ask the students tO{lrst read the sentence and then explaln why.
   He can ask the students tO eonsult the dlCtlonary tO find the new words and expres-
   slons. if the students s"11 COUld not understand, he can take advantage Of this Op-
   portunlty tO explaln the importance Of backgroundknowledge in readlng comprehen-
   sion. if in claSS there are students whO happen tO know somethmg about the needed
   schcma, he can ask him Or her tO explaln hOW he Or she manages tO understand the
   (1)This may result fronl there bemg"ttle spcaklng instruction. The teacher may have
   deslgned a 10t Of actlvlties tO practice written language, but giving the StLldents few
   chances tO dO oral practice.
   (2) There may alsO be Other reasons. The students may 1earn more from written texts
   than from oral texts. The style,grammar and structures O{written texts arediffer-
   ent from that Of the oral texts. if the students have Unle access tO oral texts, the
   students Wlll have diffiCUty when they have tO spcak. One cannot recite from the
   written texts tO conduct oral communication.
   (3)Another reasonmaylieinthe{OCUS Ofclassroom instruction. Theteachermay fOCUS
   Blore On accuracy than On fluency. When the fOCUS is put On accuracy, students
   won't{eel at ease with thelr oral language.
   (1)Deslgnmore spcaklngactivities.TO improveoral proficieney,studentsmust havee-
   noughtithetOlnv01veinspcaklng. TheteachershOuldchecktOseeif it Will help im-
   prove thelr spoken 1anguage.
   (2)Addmoreoraltexts(conversations)inthe spcaklnglessons.Iflanguage lessonsare
   mainly based On written texts, the teacher can try tO increase the amount Of oral
   texts, especially in the spcaklng 1essons. Students need tO know how people
   initiate, maintain and end a conversation. They also need to learn other conversa-
   tional techniques and communicative strategies in order to use the language both ac-
   curately and appropriately. They need to experience the difference of language be
   tween written and spoken English.
  (3) The focus of language lessons varies with the type. In speaking lessons, the focus
   should be on fluency, rather on accuracy. If the teacher can shift the focus from ac
   curacy to fluency, the students may speak more, which will undoubtedly contribute
   to their oral proficiency.
  (1) The teacher issues too much error correction (he shouldn't stop the student in the
   process/he should not interrupt the students while they are speaking). Too much
   error correction will interrupt smooth communication and change the focus of the
  (2) The focus of classroom instruction is wrong. The teacher violates the principle of
   communicative activities as accuracy is emphasized.
  (1) Wait until the students have finished the communicative activity to correct the er-
  (2) Select only those key grammatical mistakes to correct. If they are not very impor
   tant, just ignore them.
  (3) Errors in terms of culture must be dealt with.
  (4) The teacher should create opportunities and render help for students to negotiate if
   problems arise in communication.
  No speaking is involved, reading is not speaking. The students can complete the task
  without having to speak apart from reading aloud. When there is no chance for students to
  speak, it is impossible to improve students~ oral proficiency. More importantly, opportuni-
  ties for students to speak their own language should be provided.
   (1) The teacher can prepare the requests and responses on cards. He can divide the class
   into two groups and give them the two sets of cards respectively. Then he can ask
   the group who have the requests to find their partners by asking the other group one
   by one. When everyone has found his/her partner, the teachers then ask the
   students to perform in the front.
   (2) Design cue-card dialogue or flow-chart. Arrange the requests and responses into cue
   cards or flow charts and then arrange the students into pairs to practice questions
   and answers.
   (3) Give a real situation in which the students can use the requests and responses and
   then ask the students to create their own dialogues to perform in class.
  SectionⅢMini-lessonplan(40 points)(共40分,每题20分)

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