1064电大《英语教学法(1) 》试题和答案200307

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Information for the examinees:  
This examination consists of THREE sections. They are:  
Section Ⅰ: Basic Theories and Principles (30 points, 20 minutes)  
Section Ⅱ: Problem Solving (30 points, 50 minutes)  
Section Ⅲ: Mini-lesson Plan (40 points, 50 minutes)  
The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours.  
You must write all your answers on the Answer Sheet.  
注 意 事 项  
Section Ⅰ: Basic Theories and Principles 30 points  
Questions 1-15 are based on this part.  
Directions:Choose the best answer for the following questions and write your answers on the answer sheet.  
1. Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach?  
A. focus on accuracy B. focus on fluency  
C. focus on strategies  
2. Which of the following is characteristic of acquisition?  
A. form-focused B. accuracy-oriented  
C. meaning-focused  
3. What syllabus does the following present?  
Unit 1 Self-introduction  
Unit 2 Greetings  
Unit 3 Asking the way  
Unit 4 Making apologies  
Unit 5 Inviting  
Unit 6 Extending thanks  
A. structural syllabus B. topic syllabus  
C. functional syllabus  
4. Which of the following emphasizes meaningfulness principle?  
A. TPR B. Audio-Lingual Method  
C. Communicative Approach  
5. Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence?  
A. sentence-making B. cue-card dialogue  
C. simulated dialogue  
6. Which of the following activities is most likely interactive?  
A. mimicking B. role play  
C. problem solving  
7. In which of the following does the teacher assume the role of prompter?  
A. organize students to discuss on the Internet  
B. walk around while the students are discussing on the Internet  
C. give encouragement and suggestions to smooth the discussion  
8. Which of the following activities is communicative?  
A. jigsaw listening B. sentence making  
C. drilling exercises   
9. Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?  
A. re-arranging the materials  
B. brainstorming the topic  
C. writing a summary of the text  
10. Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage?  
A. reading to decide on the title  
B. reading to sequence the events  
C. reading to fill in the charts  
11. What reading strategy does "picking out sub-topic sentences" train?  
A. skimming B. scanning  
C. inferring  
12. Which of the following can be conducted at the pre-reading stage?  
A. choosing the best summary sentence  
B. reading for comparison and contrast  
C. discussing on the layout of the text to read  
13. What does "locating the specific information" help to train?  
A. scanning B. skimming  
C. inferring  
14. Which of the following activities is best for training detailed reading?  
A. drawing a diagram to show the text structure  
B. giving the text an appropriate title  
C. transferring information from the text to a diagram  
15. Which of the following activities represent the top-down approach?  
A. watching related films  
B. pre-teaching vocabulary  
C. explaining difficult language points in the reading material  
Section Ⅱ: Problem Solving 30 points  
Directions:Five situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problem (s); Secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles. You must elaborate on the problem(s) and solutions in about 50-70 words.  
Situation 1  
In a speaking lesson, a teacher asks students to read the model dialogue after her three times, and then asks the students to read the dialogue in pairs for three times. Next, the teacher explains the dialogue word by word to make sure the students understand all.  
Situation 2  
The following material is used as a listening material with junior middle school students of Grade Two. A teacher uses the following dialogue as a listening text to develop students' understanding of oral English:  
A, Yes, I think it has all the possibilities of a distinguished criminal. I should be sorry for anyone who gets into his bad books.  
B. Is he the man, or am I mixing up with someone else? Is he the man who brought out a History of Witchcraft some time back - ten years or more?  
A. That's the man; do you remember the reviews of it?  
B. Certainly I do; and what's equally to the point, I knew the author of the most incisive of the lot. So did you;  
A. Oh, very well indeed, though I don't think I saw or heard of anything of him between the time I went down and the day I read the account of the inquest of his ...  
Situation 3  
After presenting the model dialogue in a speaking lesson, the teacher asks the students to work in pairs to role-play a self-created parallel dialogue infront of the class.  
Situation 4  
In a listening lesson, the teacher first plays the recording for students to listen. Then he stops the recording here and there trying to explain some difficult words and phrases in Chinese.  
Situation 5  
The following activity is designed by a teacher for the production stage of a speaking lesson:  
Students work in pairs to talk about the pictures of a student's family members using the following questions:  
1) Whose father/mother is he/she?  
2) Whose brother/ sister is the boy/girl?  
3) How old is he/she?  
Section Ⅲ: Mini-lesson Plan 40 points  
Directions: Read the following two texts carefully and complete the teaching plans.  
1. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the text.  
In these oceans live huge numbers of a small fish just 5 cm long. These fish swim together, often in a group that many be 4. 5 meters thick and hundreds of meters long. There may be 63,000 fish per cubic meter. These fish provide the main food for whales. A whale may eat a ton 0f them at a time, and may enjoy four meals a day.  
Name of activity

Objective(s) of the activity

Type of the activity

Classroom organization of the activity

Teacher's role

Students' role

Teacher working time

Student working time

Teaching aid(s)

Predicated problem(s)


2. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the text.  
Listen to the tape. Then put these sentences in the correct order.  
( ) A The assistant started painting something on the ceiling.  
( ) B The artist stepped back.  
( ) C The assistant shouted something.  
( ) D The artist was painting the ceiling.  
( ) E The artist got angry.  
( ) F The assistant looked up.  
( ) G The assistant explained to the artist why he had done this.  
( ) H The artist rushed forwards.  
( ) I The assistant was mixing some paint.  
( ) J The artist stepped back again.  
Name of activity

Objective(s) of the activity

Type of the activity

Classroom organization of the activity

Teacher's role

Students' role

Teacher working time

Student working time

Teaching aid(s)

Predicated problem(s)


Section Ⅰ: Basic Theories and Principles 30 points  
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A  
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A  
11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.A  
Section Ⅱ: Problem Solving 30 points  
Situation 1  
Problem: For a speaking lesson, there should be more opportunities for students to conduct oral activities, especially communicative activities. But this lesson is full of mechanical practice, and deductive explanation of words and expressions. The focus of the lesson is not appropriate.  
Solution:Reduce the amount of mechanical reading. Imitating model pronunciation and intonation is important, but it should not take up too much time. It is necessary to include some communicative activities.  
Situation 2  
Problem: The listening material is too difficult for the students, full of new words and expressions. Besides, the topic is not within junior middle school students' experience.   
There is no introduction to the dialogue. It is very difficult for students to understand what it means at the beginning.  
Solution:The teacher can adapt the material, making it simpler. Replace the difficult words with everyday word or just leave out the difficult words. As the topic is not appealing to the students, it is necessary to change the listening material. When teachers select materials for students, they should bear in mind the learners' needs, their current proficiency level and also the course requirement.  
Situation 3  
Problem: It's too big a leap from presentation to production. There should be some controlled or semi- controlled activities to provide some basis for later productive activities. Activities in class should be graded.  
Solution: The teacher can include some reading activities in between, and also conduct some comprehension activities. Before asking students to write and role play their own dialogues, it is necessary to conduct some activities to make the students understand the model dialogue, induce new sentence patterns and practice the new patterns.   
Situation 4  
Problem: The teacher should get students prepared before they listen. This teacher's operation seems to focus too much on the understanding of individual words and expressions.  
What's morel stopping the recording to explain in Chinese will affect the understanding of the whole listening material.  
Solution:Change the focus of the listening lesson to the acquisition of listening skills and strategies and the comprehension of the listening material. There should be a clear purpose for listening, whether for details or for main idea. The teacher should assign listening tasks first, then play the recording. The explanation of words and phrases can be dealt with before listening, if the teacher thinks they will affect the listening.  
Situation 5  
Problem:The activity is too controlled. Students have no scope for imagination, thus may get demotivated. At the production stage, students should be able to apply what they've learnt to new situations instead of doing mechanical structural drills like presented in the Situation 5.  
Solution: This activity can be used at the practice stage. For the production stage, the teacher can ask students to work in pairs to ask about each other's father, mother, etc, and then report to class the Information they get from their talk. The teacher can also conduct interviews, asking one or two students to interview others about their family.  
Section Ⅲ: Mini-lesson Plan 40 points  
Name of activity 1分

Objective(s) of the activity

Type of the activity

Classroom organization of the activity

Teacher's role

Students' role

Teacher working time

Student working time

Teaching aid(s)

Predicated problem(s)


1) 2分  
2) 2分  
3) 2分  
Name of activity Reading

Objective(s) of the activity
Get to know something of the fish in the ocean

Type of the activity
The exploitation of the text

Classroom organization of the activity
Personal work /Individual

Teacher' s role
Organizes and guides

Students' role
Read with skills to find out the key information of the text.

Teacher working time
2 min

Student working time
4 min

Teaching aid(s)
Some pictures, or videos, or overhead projector.

Predicated problem(s)
Some students may read word by word and they neglect the reading skills.

The teacher explains the skills clearly.

1) The teacher explains some skills, such as locating specific information, taking notes on the main points, and so on.  
2) Students read with skills  
3) Get feedback  
After reading, the teacher invites some students to give some key information of the text.  
Name of activity Put the events in the correct order.

Objective(s) of the activity
Help the students understand the content and structure of the text.

Type of the activity

Classroom organization of the activity
Group work.

Teacher's role
Instructor , manager

Students' role
Active participant in class activity

Teacher working time
1 min

Student working time
4 min

Teaching aid(s)
Tape and tape recorder.

Predicated problem(s)
There will be pure listeners in group work, or there will be some who tend to  
idle, and the students may have some  
difficulties in putting the events in the correct order.

Solution (s)
For those pure listeners and those who are off-task, the teacher can walk close to them and show them how to participate.  
If students have difficulty, the teacher should offer. help, showing them how to decide the time order of the events.

1) The teacher assigns the work  
2) Students listen carefully and decide the order of the events.  
3) Get feedback  
When the students have finished their work, the teacher invites some to show their decision. 

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