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跨文化交际 试题
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   Information for the Examinees:
   This examination consists of three sections. These are.
   Section I: Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge
  and Skills (30 points)
   Section II ~ Reading Comprehension (30 points)
   Section IH: Communication Analysis (40 points)
   The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time
  allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
  Section I: Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge and Skills. (30 points)
   Instructions: There are altogether 15 statements or questions below. You are offered four
  choices marked with A, B, C, and D for each statement. Choose the most appropriate one and
   put it in the Answer Sheet.
   1. According to Chinese politeness theories, when you talk about others face-to-face,
   you them by elevating them.
   A. belittle B. criticize
   C. praise D. glorify
   2. Utterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to
   A. what the speaker has intended to convey in what is said
   B. what what is said normally means
   C. what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is said
   D. the associative meaning words have
   3. It is right to ask children or teenagers their age. But it is not normally __ in
   English speaking societies to ask an adult their age and never a woman!
   A. considerate B. polite
   C. impolite D. inappropriate
   4. Normally, people are about their appearance. So even if something appears to you to be wrong, it's not polite to mention it unless you know the person very well.
   A. independent B. tolerant
   C. impolite D. sensitive
   5. The surname MacDonald in Scotland was probably first used to name Donald's
   A. uncle B. nephew
   C. son D. daughter
  6. In UK, the kin terms used for relatives do not distinguish between __ relatives.
   A. internal and external B. old and young
   C. male and female D. paternal and maternal
  7. Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to show __
   A. modesty and humility B. disagreement and anger
   C. enjoyment and pride D. pride and gratitude
  8. Normally we Chinese feel that if you open the gift as soon as it is given, you might the person who gives the gift and you might be thought greedy.
   A. insult B. concern
   C. excuse D. embarrass
  9. Chinese students are often surprised at the __ with which their English friends apologize to one another over trivial things.
   A. emergency B. frequency
   C. adequacy D. fluency
   10. A Chinese addressing an English person he knows quite well may adopt language
  which sounds too to the English ear.
   A. fast B. rough
   C. direct D. vague
  11. Non-verbal communication can convey our __ towards ourselves and towards
  the people we are communicating with.
   A. expression B. request
   C. language D. attitude
  12. Body language can sometimes lead to misunderstanding since people of different
  cultures often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message or have
  different of the same signal.
   A. effectiveness B. interpretations
   C. agreements D. communication
  13. No matter how successful she has become, my sister is still regarded as the black
  sheep of the family. What does "the black sheep" mean here?
   A. A person who is strongly disproved of by other members.
   B. A person who is always quiet and friendly.
   C. A person who will set the world on fire sooner or later.
   D. A person who is very popular among his folks.
  14. A stereotype is a conventional, , and oversimplified conception, opinion, or
   image of a group of people.
   A. effective B. beneficial
   C. characteristic D. formulaic
   15. The cardinal principle we should bear in mind in conducting cross-cultural
  communication is this: There is no such a thing as good or bad. There are only
   A. influences B. differences
   C. indifference D. respect
  Section I1 ~ Reading Comprehension. (30 points)
  Part 1 ~ Questions 16--20 are based on this part. (15 points)
Read Passage 1, and then answer Questions 16--20 briefly. Write your answers on the Answer
   Passage 1
   The international flavour of many people's jobs naturally means that there is greater
  interaction between people from different cultures. Within the business environment,
  understanding and coping with intercultural differences between people is critical to ensuring
  that interpersonal communication is successful.
   Intercultural awareness is necessary for two reasons. Firstly, it minimises the
  possibility of misunderstandings and/or causing offense through intercultural mishaps.
  Secondly, it is a means to maximising the potential of business relationships through the
  utilization of intercultural differences productively.
   One area within the business environment in which intercultural awareness is a necessity
  is in the business presentation. Directors, managers, salespeople, consultants and business
  personnel are regularly required to deliver presentations. However, when one is asked to
  give a presentation to an audience from a different culture there are intercultural factors that
  can hinder the success of a presentation.
   16. What is very important in interpersonal communication according to the text?
   17. What tendency can we infer from the text about people's jobs?
   18. How can intercultural awareness help in strengthening business relationships?
  19. What does intercultural awareness mean?
   20. If this text goes on, what do you think the author is going to talk about next?
  Part 2: Questions 21--25 are based on this part. (15 points)
  Read Passage 2 and then decide whether each of Statements 21--25 is True or False according to
the information given in the passage. Write "T" for true and "F" for false on the Answer Sheet.
   Passage 2
   When working with people from different cultures, you need a solid understanding of
  the norms of that culture. You also need communication skills and business strategies that
  can be applied across cultures. The items listed above reflect some of the necessary skills for
  intercultural work in general. However, individuals need to further their intercultural
  competence based on their own situations and needs.
   To determine what skills you need to develop, reflect on past intercultural experiences
  (for people with limited experience abroad, think of experiences working and interacting
  with people and groups different from you). When do you become uncomfortable, rigid, or
  shut down? What mistakes have you made in the past? Commit yourself to continually
  developing the skills that will help you in similar situations in the future.
   View your experiences with different cultures as a trajectory (抛物线), rather than a
  string of individual experiences. Link the different experiences you have and you can link the
  personal development and learning that comes with them.
   21. General intercultural skills vary in different cross-cultural situations.
   22. People are not suggested to strengthen their intercultural skills learning from their
   past experience working with colleagues.
   23. Our intercultural skills grow as we engage in cross cultural communication.
   24. We can infer from the text that dealing with people from different cultures may
   require different intercultural skills.
   25. The paragraph before this text is not about the general skills necessary for
   intercultural work.
  Section HI: Communication Analysis. (40 points)
Instructions: The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of
the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for
  more successful communication or cultural understanding in each case by answering Questions
  26--28 respectively. Your analysis of each case should be about 100--150 words. Write your
  answers on the Answer Sheet.
  Note! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test.
  Case I (10 points)
   Linhua had accompanied an American delegation when they visited China. She was a
  great help for them. Later, Linhua went to America on a business tour, and visited them.
  They were so glad to meet again. Linhua offered to host the meal, but they refused. They
  ordered their own dish, and Linhua ordered her own. When footing the bill, they only paid
  their part, and no one wanted to pay for Linhua. Linhua found them so inhospitable, though
  she knew the Americans would usually pay for their own food.
  Question 26: Why did Linhua find them inhospitable?
  Case 2 (15 points)
   Li Na, a famous Chinese actress, married a German. One day when she was acting, her
  husband was watching there, saying again and again that she was the best actress. On
  knowing this, Li Na told her husband not to praise her like that in public. The German
  wondered what he had done wrong.
   Once Li Na and her husband were talking with their Chinese friends, Hong and his
  wife, at a party. The German praised the good looks of Hong's wife. Hong replied that his
  wife was moderately good-looking when young, but now she was old and no longer so.
  Hong's wife nodded in agreement with a smile. The German was surprised.
  Questions 27:
  Why was the German confused in the first situation and surprised in the second?
  Case 3 (15 points)
   Sarah and Daniel are a young American couple who are teaching English al Zhejiang
  University. They are learning Chinese and enjoy their new lives. They have been eager to
  get to know Chinese people better so were pleased when Chen Li, their new Chinese
  colleague invited them to her home for dinner at one weekend.
   When Sarah and Daniel arrived, Chen Li introduced them to her husband Wang Bing,
  asked them to sit down at a table containing 8 plates of various cold dishes, served them tea
  and then disappeared with her husband into the kitchen. Sarah offered to help in the kitchen
  but Chen Li said she didn't need any help.
   A half-hour later she came back and sat down and the three began to eat. Wang Bing
  came in from time to time to put several hot dishes on the table. Most of the food was
  wonderful and there was much more than Sarah and Daniel could eat. They wanted Wang
  Bing to sit down so that they could talk to him. Finally he did sit down and ate a bit, but
  quickly he turned on the TV to show them high tech features. Soon it was time for Sarah and
  Daniel to go home.
   Sarah and Daniel felt slightly depressed by this experience, but returned the invitation
  one month later. They decided to make a nice American meal and felt lucky to find olives,
  tomato juice, butter and even some cheese in the hotel shop. They put these out as
  appetizers. For the main coursethey prepared spaghetti and a salad with dressing made from
  oil, vinegar, and some spices they found in the market.
   When Chen Li and Wang Bing arrived they were impressed by the apartment and the
  decorations, and asked about the price of the furniture, paintings, the carpet and other
  things. Sarah politely refused to answer their questions. They took small tastes of the
  appetizers and ate only a little spaghetti and didn't finish the salad on their plates. Sarah
  urged them to eat more but they refused. Sarah and Daniel talked about their families and
  asked the Chinese couple about theirs. After a while, Daniel cleared the table and served
  coffee and pastries. The Chinese couple didn't drink nor eat too much.
   After they left, Sarah and Daniel felt puzzled, because their Chinese guests didn't eat
  too much, while they themselves left Chen Li's home so full.
  Questions 28 ~
  How does Chinese understanding of the host-guest relationship influence Chen Li and Wang
  Bing's way of entertaining Sarah and Daniel?
How does Sarah and Daniel's understanding of the host-guest relationship influence their way of
  treating Chen Li and Wang Bing?
  What advice could you give to both couples to help them further their friendship?
   跨文化交际 试题答案及评分标准
  Section I: Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge and Skills. (30 points)
  (30 points, 2 points each. )
   1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C
   6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
   11. D 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B
  Section ]]: Reading Comprehension. (30 i~oints)
  Part 1. (15 points, 3 points each. 0.5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake, but at most
1 point can be deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is
  not required, but the meaning must be the same. )
   16. Understanding and coping with intercultural differences between people.
   17. There is a greater interaction between people from different cultures.
18. It helps in minimizing the possibility of misunderstandings, and in using
  intercultural differences productively.
   19. Intercultural awareness refers to the state of being aware of the intercultural
  differences in cross-cultural communication.
   20. The author will most probably talk about the intercultural factors that can hinder
  the success of a presentation.
  Part 2. (15 points, 3 points each. )
   21. F 22. F 23. ri' 24. T 25. F
  Section Ⅲ: Communication Analysis. (40 points)
   Question 26.
   Case 1 (10 points, 7 points for the analysis, 3 points for overall language quality. )
   1)In China, to show hospitality, people tend to host the meal. And if they cannot do
   this, they at least will struggle to pay for the guest.
   2)In America, people tend to pay for themselves to show equality and independence.
   3)Linhua knows this custom, but from a Chinese point of view, she still finds this hard
  to accept, esp. when after what she did for them when they visited China. So she finds them
  a little inhospitable.
  Question 27.
  Case 2 (15 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality. )
   1)In either Western or Eastern culture, people compliment other people's intelligence,
talents, performance, manners, clothes, houses, furniture, cars, and good personal
  qualities. However, cultural differences exist.
   2)The German was confused in the first situation because in Western culture it would be
  natural for family members to praise each other. And the one who is praised usually feels
  pleased. For example, it would not be unusual to hear a westerner talking about how hard
  his/her family members work and how much they have accomplished. But the Chinese rarely
  praise members of their family in public.
   3) In the second situation, Li Na's husband was surprised because of the reason
  mentioned above, and also because in Western culture saying that someone (even a family
  member) is old is inappropriate. Complimenting the good looks of a friend's wife by giving
  remarks as "You have a lovely wife" would be considered perfectly natural and even highly
  appreciated. But the same compliment would be regarded as indecent by many Chinese,
  especially by the older generation.
  Question 28.
  Case 3 (15 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality. )
   1)In China, it is traditional that hosts entertain guests by offering many courses of
  dishes to show their hospitality, and the number of courses served usually has the
  connotation of good luck, e.g. the number "8" sounds like发, which means getting rich. It
  is quite common, especially in cities, that the husband helps a lot in cooking and serving
  food. Hosts treat guests, especially distinguished guests, very politely, and guests' offer of
  help in the kitchen is normally politely refused. These Chinese conventions help explain the
  way Chen Li and Wang Bing entertained Sarah and Daniel.
   2)In the West, hosts' hospitality is not shown by the quality and quantity of the food,
  but by offering their own specialty. The hospitality is also shown by the hosts''
  accompanying the guests and having a conversation with them. So both the host and hostess
  would accompany the guests to have dinner and have a warm talk together. Guests would not
  ask any private questions, such as the price of the furniture, etc. These Western conventions
   help explain the way Sarah and Daniel treated Chen Li and Wang Bing. Chen Li and Wang
   Bing followed the Chinese conversation habit, that's why they asked about the prices, and
   often Chinese guests want to show their manners by eating limited amount of food, and this
   may explain why Chen Li and Wang Bing ate only a little food.
   3) It is advisable for both couples to learn the other culture through experience,
   chatting, observing and reading. On suitable occasions, e. g. at parties, friendly and
   interesting conversations about their respective cultures, such as ways of entertaining
   guests, normal conversation topics and taboos, etc, can be an effective way of understanding
each other. Through such interactions, their friendship will surely be enhanced.

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