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Information for the Examinees:
This examination consists of FOUR sections. These are:
Section I: Listening (20 points, 30 minutes)
Section ll: Language Appropriaey and Accuracy (30 points, 20 minutes)
Section m: Reading Comprehension (20 points, 30 minutes)
Section ~: Communication Analysis (30 points, 40 minutes)
The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours (120 minutes).
Section [ : Listening [20 points]

Lnstroctions :
★ Tile Listening Ti, st will take approximately 30 minutes.
★ There are TWO parts to the test and you will hear each part twice,
★ There will be a pause of 30 setconds before each part to allow you to look at your queatlons.
★ There will he a pause of 30 seconds after each part to allow you to think about your answers.
★ You can first write your answers on this test paper. After the recordings, you will have about 10 minutes to transfer Four answers to the Answer Sheet.
Part 1: Questions 1--5 are based on Ibis part. (10 points)
You are going to listen to an interview. Choose fhe best answer from A, B, C and D to answe each question. Write year answers on Ibc Answer Sheet.
1. Who is Stanley Coren?
A. a philosophy professor
B, a Biology professor
C. a psychology professor
D. a physiology professor
2, How long has Coren been studying canine behaviors?
A. thirty months
B. thirty years
C. three years
D. thirteen years
3, Which statemem is right?.
A. When it comes to communication, dogs are often smarter than their owners.
B. The responsibility [or communicating lies with both the dogs and the humans.
C. For the most part, people can understand dogs better than dogs understand hunans.
D. Dogs are no doubt smarter than the humans in communication.
4. Dogs are
A. less intelligent than we give them credit for.
13. the same intelligent as we give them credit for,
C. much more intelligent than we give them credit for.
D. None of the above.
5. A dog has the intellect o[ a two-year-old child, and it can
A. understand 250 words,
B. understand a lot more than it says,
C. do what a two-year-old baby does.
D. understand the humana better than the two-year old baby.
Part 2: Questions 6- 15 are based on this part. (10 points)
You are going to listen to a lecture on how to get rid of your negative thoughts when applying for
a job. As you listen, fill in the blanks to complete Sentences 6--15.
Note: Only one word is necessary for each blank.
6. Your recently passed away. You think you're too old, fat or stupid to find a job,
7. thinking and speaking can derail your job search.
8. Most employers want to happy people not people who are down on tbamaelve and the world.
9. Picture two job .
i0. Maybe you wouldn't complain about directions or the rain, but the way you view
yourself can ~ your job search.
11. So how can you sound happy when you're really feeling the ?
12. Tell yourself out loud that you have a tendency to be pessimistic and that you are going to
look for the
13. You don't need to totally revise your personality, But you have to ~ that it's not
a lot of fun to be around someone who's cranky and negative, '"
14. Next, set up .~ daily goals and reward yourself when you accomplish them.
15. Next, you have to tell yourself that job __ is a numbers game.
This is the end of the Listening Test
Section li: Language Appropriacy and Accuracy [30 points]
Instructions: There are altogether 15 statements below. You are offered four choices marked with A, B, C, and D for each statement. Choose the most appropriate one and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
16. He'll face the music when his parents find out.
A. be in trouble
B. listen to the music
C. go to a concert
D. be beaten
17. Peter and his friends decide to go out and enjoy themselves by drinking a lot on the 2004,'s West Lake Beer Festival this weekend.
A. paint the town eolourful
B. paint themselves red
C. paint the town red
D. paint the city red
18. A: 'Wow! Carl has done some really amazing Ihings!"
B: "Don't believe everything he tells you. He was probab!y pulling your leg."
A. exaggerating
B. stopping you
C. holding you
D. teasing you
19. The cake that Susan made tasted terrible, but I knew that she made it because she wanted
to please me, so when she asked if I liked it, I said it was good so as not to hurt her.
A. I told a white lie.
B. I told a kind lie.
C. I told a grey lie.
D. I told a green lie.
20. He's a guy you don't feel you can trust. You can never get a straight answer out of hirr
A. as conning as a monkey
B. as slippery as an eel
C. as slippery as a snake
D. as clever as a fox
21. 'Quit beating around the bush! If you don't want to go with me, just tell me!"
A. hitting around the trees
B. cheating me
C. telling a lie
   D. avoiding giving me the direct answer
22. He decided to get out of the competition for success, and went to work on a farm.
A. horse race
B. rat race
C. wolf race
D. human race
23.If all of us try to do the same thing at the same time, chaos will .reign. So let's ask Sarmantha to make thc plan first.
A. Too many cooks spoil the dish.
B. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
C. Too many cooks spoil the soup.
D. Too many cooks spoil thc meal.
24. The Fnglish equivalent of the Chinese proverb "种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆" is
A, Grow a melon, you get a melons grow a bean, you get a bean.
B. As you grow, so you get.
C. As you sow, so you have.
D. As you sow, so you reap.
25. When Eliot came back home with his clothes soaking, his young Chinese wife who knew s little English laughed and said, "Look at you, you are just like a drowned chicken,t" Its
correct English equivalent is:
A. a drowned rat
B, a drowned cat
C. a drowned dog
  D. a drowned mouse
  26. Oh, my God! I always think I'm a lucky dog. But this deal has turned out to be a complete failure.
   A. a dead rat
   B. a dead chick
   C. a dead duck.
   D. a dead goose
  27. "If l keep my nose to the grindstone, I should be finished by the end of the day. "
   A. continue to work hard
   B. watch the grindstone
   C, keep moving the grindstone
   D. slay awake
  25, Jim is a guy who is as strong as
   A. a bull
   B. a horse
   C. a tiger
   D, a lion
29. We know that the dog is regarded as people's best friend in the west, but sometimesdogs also have negative associations, such as
A. a top dog
B. get the dog
C. he worked like a dog
D. treat someone like a dog
30. "! understand you have a job interview tomorrow. Break a leg !"
A. Crossing fingers!
B. Watch out !
C. Be careful for your leg!
D. Good luck!
Section Ⅲ: Reading Cnmprehension [20 points]
Part 1: Questions 31--35 are based on this part. (10 points)
Read Passage 1 and then answer Questions 31--35 briefly. Write your answers on the Answer
People in Iow and high* context cultures tend to communicate differently with words. To Americans and Germans, words are very important, especially in contracts and negotiations.
Peoplc in high--context cultures, on the other hand, place more emphasis on the surrounding context than on the words describing a negotiation. A Greek sees a contract as a formal statement announcing the intention to build a business for the future. The Japanese treat contracts as statements of intention, and they assume changes will be made as a project develops. The Mexican treat contracts as artistic exercises of what might be accomp/isbed in an ideal world. They do not expect contracts to apply consistently in the real world. AnArab may be insulted by merely mentioning a contract; a man's word is more binding.
Americans tend to take words literally, while Latins enjoy playing on wordst and Arabs sometimes speak with extravagant or poetic figures of speech that may be misinterpreted iftaken literally. Nigerians prefer a quiet, clear form of expression; and Germans tend to be direct but understated.
In communication style, Americans value straightforwardness, are suspicious of evasiveness, and distrust people who might have a "hidden agenda" or who "play their cards too close to the chest." Amcricans also tend to be uncOmfortable with silence and impatient with delays. Some Asian businesSpcOple have learned that the longer they drag out negotiations, the more concessions impatient Americans are likely to make.
Western cultures have developed languages that use letters describing the sounds of words. But Asian languages are based on pictographical characters representing the meanings of words. Asian language characters are much more complex than the Western alphabet; therefore, Asians are said to have a higher cOmpetence in the dise~minatiors of visual patterns.
North Americans consider time a precious commodity to be cOnserved. They correlate time with productivity, efficiency, and money. Keeping people waiting for business appointments wastes time and is also rude.
In other cultures time may be perceived as an unlimited and never-ending resource to be enjoyed. An American businesswoman, for example, was kept waiting two hours past a scheduled appointment time in South America. She wasn't nffended, though, because she was familiar with Hispanics' more relaxed concept of time.
Although Asians are punctual, their need for deliberation and contemplation sometimes clashes with our desire for speedy decisions. They do not like to rush. A Japanese husinessperson considering the purchase of American appliances, for example, asked for five minutes to consider the seller's proposal. Thc potential buyer -- the Japanese, resumed his arms, sat back, and closed his eyes in concentration. A scant 18 seconds later, the American resumed his sales pitch to the obvious bewilderment of the Japancse buyer.
31. Is American culture low context or high context?
32. [Iow are words used differently by people in low and high-context cultures?
33. What kind of communication style do people in !ow context culture value?
34. What have some Asian businesspeople learned about their American negotiation partner?
35. How do people in high-context culture treat time?
Part 2: Questions 36-40 are based on this part. (10 points)
Read Passage 2 and then decide whether Statements 36--40 are True or False according to the
information given in the passage. Write "T" for true and "F" for false on the Answer Sheet.
Passage 2
There seems to be growing evidence to suggest that women and men do pursue different interactive style. In mixed-sex conversations this means that inert tend to interrupt women they use this strategy t9 control topics of conversation and their interruptions tend to induce silence in women. Women make greater use of minimal reposes to indicate support for the speaker. It also seems that women ask more questions, while men talk more, swear more and use imperative forms to Rea things done. Women use more linguistic forms associated with politeness.
Underlying this felt sense o[ difference, and the growing body of evidence to support it, is a recurrent concern with power. Studies of language and gender have returned repeatedly to the question oif how the language used by men and women rein[orcea their respective positions in society. Women are maintained in a subordinate position, it has been argued, because they find themselves adopting powerless patterns of speech; and, conversely, men maintain their dominance by the use of verbal slrategies associated with power, for example, the propensity of men to interrupt ,*'omen more than women interrupt men may be seen in these terms.
However, an equally important theme that has emerged more recently is the focus on differences between men' s and women' s speech in two different sub-cultures with contrasting orientations towards relationships. In effect, women and men, it is claimed, grow up within different social world, as a result of which women are inclined to see relationships in them in terms of intimacy, connection and disclosure whereas men are inclined to see them in terms of hierarchy, status and independence. These sub-cultural differences are enacted in contrasting communicative styles. If the contrasting sub-cultures of men and women give rise to contrasting communicative styles, these very differences provide ample grounds for misunderstanding between men and women.
36. Men interrupt women in order to contro| topics of conversation.
37. Men support more and agree more when listening to others.
38. Women are less direct and more polite in their speech than men.
39. How men and women use language has nothing to do with their positions in society.
40. The contrasting sub-cuhural differences and different communicative styles of men and women may lead to misunderstanding between them.
Section IV: Communication Analysis [30 points]
Instructions: The following are three different cases of cross-colturai communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding ia each case by answering Questions 41--43 respectively. Your analysis of each case should be about 1O0--15O words. Write your answers on the Answer ,Sheet. Note! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test. Case 1 (7 points)
Jane, an American teacher, had just started teaching English to a group of Japanese students in the US. She wanted to get to know the students more itformally, so she invited them to her house for a party. The students arrived together at exactly 8:00 pm. They seemed to enjoy the party: they danced, sang, and ate moat of the food. At about 10:00 pm, one of the students said to the teacher, "1 think it's time for me to leave. Thank you very much for the party. ' Then all the students stoOd up and left at the same time. Jane decided she would never invite them again.
Question 41 :Why did iii the students leave together? Why dM Jane decide never tn invite tihese students 1o her house again7
Case 2 (1o points)
Tom, an American, went to a Chinese home for the first time. He was offered some tea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, mote tea was added. He drank the second cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, then ... until he was quite full. Tom was totally confused by the way of entertaining.
Question 42: Why was Tom totally confused'?
Case 3 (13 points)
Li Na, a famous Chinese actress, married a German. One day when she was acting, her husband was watching there, saying again and again that she was the best actress.or.
英语专业 跨文化交际 试题答案及评分标准
Section !: Listening [-20 points]
Part 1. (10 points, 2 points each. )
1 C 2. B 3. A 4, C 5. B
Part 2. (I0 points, I point each. The exact words are required. )
6. spouse
7. Negative
8. [lire
9. applicsnts
lO. inf[uenee
11, opposite
12. positive
13. recoguine
14, reasonable
15. hunting
Section I1 : Language Appropriacy and Accuracy [30 pOints]
(30 points, 2 points each. )
16. A 17, C 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. D 2,5. A
26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. D
SectionⅢ : Reading Comprehension [20 points]
Part 1. (10 points, 2 points each. O. S polot off for each grammar/spelling mistake, but at most i point can be deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is not required, but the meaning must be the same, )
31. L,ow context.
32. People in low context cultures think words are very important, especially in contracts and negotiations. People in high-context cultures, on the other hand, place more emphasis on the surrounding context than on the words describing a negotiation.
33. A direct, straightforward style.
34. The longer they drag out negotiations, the more concessions impatient Americans are likely to make..
35. Time may be perceived as an unlimited and never-coding resource to be enjoyed.
Part 2. ( 10 points, 2 points each. )
36. T 37. F 38. T 39. F 40. T
Section Ⅳ Communication Analysis [30 points]
Question 41.
Case 1 (7 points, 5 points for the analysis, 2 points for overall language quality. )
1)Young people in Japan and many other countrics in Asia often arrive in a group at social events and leave in a group. This is a sign of collective cuhurc.
2)Jane felt insulted, because they all left at once. In she US and other English-speaking countries, 10:00 pm is relatively early to leave a party.
Question 42.
Case 2 (10 points, 8 points for the analysis, 2 points for overall language quality. )
1)Tradiilional Chirnese custom requires that during the course of entertaining, the host has to always pour more wine or tea to the gues! 's glass or cup, and always adds more food to the gues! 's plate or bowl without asking whether it's wanted.
2)Chinese guests know how to respond to this type of hospitality. They simply leave the wine, tea, or food in the container and stop having any more. But Tom, the Ameclcsn guest in the case didn't know this.
3)He followed the politeness rule of his culture: it's not good manners to leave food in one's own plate at a dinner table. Therefore, without any knowledge of the differences between the two cultures, an American guest would very likely suffer from either drinking or eating too much in such a situstion.
Question 43.
Case 3 (15 pobtts, 1t points for the analysis, 2 points for overall language qality. )
1) In either Western or Eastern culture, people compliment other people's intelligence, talents, performance, manners, cio:bus, houses, furniture, cars, and good personal qualifies. However, cultural differences exist.
2)The German was confused in the first situation because in Western culture it would be natural for family members to praise each other. And the one who is praised usually feelspleased. For example, it would not be unusual to hear a westerner talking about how hard his/her family members work and how much they have accomplished. But the Chinese rarely praise members of their family in public.
3)In the second situation, Li Ns% husband was surprised because of the reason mentioned above, and also because in Western culture saying that someone (even a family member) is old is inappropriate. Complimenting the good looks of a friend's wife by giving remarks as "You have s lovely wife" would be considered perfectly natural and even highly appreciated. But the same compliment would be regarded as indecent by many Chinese, especially by the older generation

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