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2001年7 月
Paper I Listening Test
Part l
·One point for each item.
·Answers must be the same as the key.
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D
5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C
Part 2
·One point for each item.
·1gnore minor spelling mistakes.
9. experience
10. take steps
11. normal response
14. immersion
15. path
Paper 2 Communication Analysis
· The following points should be covered in the analysis.
·Award two points for each of the points covered.
· Other relevant and reasonable analysis may be considered.
Case 1(10 points):
A Lijuan did not understand that"Are you hungry?"was the invitation to lunch.
B Lijuan' s negative answer was understood by Robert as a decline to the invitation.
C Lijuan had all the occasions to say that she wanted to have lunch each time Robert asked whether she wanted to do something.
D Robert was careful1y trying to be helpfu1, not to repeat the same invitation.
E Lijuan's cultural characters make her want a persuasive or insistent invitation to lunch.
Case 2: (10 points)
A Wang Liren sounds very informal when he greets Arthur Leach. He may intend to sound friendly but may possibly sound a bit rude to Arthur Leach if he thinks that they are not vet on such good terms as close friends.
B Wang's "fine"is too curt an answer to Leach's inquire- after. There seems to be no reason for him to hasten to the introduction of his assistance at the expense of an appropriate answer.
C Wang should have said "Let me introduce my assistant to you"rather than what he actually said.
D He did introduce Zhao to Leach before Leach to Zhao. Otherwise, it would show that he was real1y arrogant Or strange, especial1y after he said that he would introduce Leach to Zhao.
E Zhao did not use Leach's title"professor",which is inappropriate. Possib1y he was nervous and mechanically copied Leach's linguistic pattern without thinking.
Case 3 (10 points):
A Wang Hong did not accept Helen's compliment appropriately.
B It is not necessary for her to give the information about how the coat was cheaply bought.
C Helen tried to rescue the situation by continuing her compliment. This shows that it matters to her to fol1ow the Western way of complimenting and of commenting on possessions.
D Wang Hong should not have raised the question about the monetary value of a birthday present.
E Wang Hong's insistence on finding out thev81ueOfthecarpet worsens the matter.
Paper 3 Vocabulary
·One point for each item.
·Answers must be the same as the key.
19. failure
20. interpretation
21. misunderstanding
22. face to face
23. form
24. utterance
25. conceptual, associative
26. generates
27. assumptions
28. sexist bias
Paper 4 Question on 29
·Award a maximum of 15 points.
英语中的近义词十分丰富。这里面一部分的原因是,书面英语要求避免重复使用相同的词语。所以,在可能重复"enough"(够)的地方,我们使用"sufficient"(足够);在可能重复"everlasting"(永恒)的地方,我们可以写"never- ending"(无尽)。但是,没有两个词是完全一样的。一般总是可以找到它们之间的某些差别,或者是使用环境上的差别。一个词可以恰当地使用的地方,换上它的近义词就不一定恰当。近义词之间的区别可以分作几个不同的方面。区别可以是地域变体之间的差别,如"autumn"和"fall"都是指"秋季",可是一个用在英国英语中,一个用在美国英语当中,近义词之间还可以有语体性区别,如"sa1t"(盐)和"sodium chloride"(氯化钠)指相同的物质,但是一个是日常生活用语,另一个是科学术语。近义词之间还可以有感情色彩上的区别,如"youths"(青年)和"youngsters"(年轻人)虽然是近义词,"youths"(青年)听起来就不如"youngsters"(年轻人)感到亲切。一个词带给人的联想往往因人而异,所以可能难以预料。因此,在英国称一个人为"republican"(共和派),对于要求废除王权的人来说,这是一种赞誉;然而对于拥戴王室的人来说,这是指这个人有极端可恶的主张。
Paper 5
Passage 1
· Award a maximum of 21 points.
31. B(3%)
32. D(3%)
33. No. Your hostess may still try her best to prepare a delicious dinner. (4%)
34. "In the face of a very difficult task, you still managed to do it almost perfect1y".(4%)
35. Meiguanxi (it doesn't matter), suibian (at one' s ease/convenience ) and chabuduo(not short by very much)(4%)
·Award one point for each item。
·Answers must be the same as the key。
36.T 37.NG 38.NG 39.NG 40.T
41.F 42.F 43. F 44.T

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