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试卷代号:1028中央广播电视大学2007-2008学年度第一学期"开放本科"期末考试跨文化交际 口试题签(1B) 2008年1月Instructions for B:You (as B) and another student (as A) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. Theconversation will be divided into 2 parts, each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1, Awill ask the questions, and B will respond. In Part 2, B will ask the questions, and A willrespond. The examiner will indicate when to change parts.Note:Final grades will be determined by tile appropriateness, fluency and accuracy of yourconversation. The two paris of your conversation should have a connection. You will bejudged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions, but also on your ability tokeep the conversation going on smoothly. Your conversalion should flow as naturally aspossible.Situations: You and A are going to have a conversation. You will be first talking about somepossible views of both individualists and collectivists on each other's different culturalbehaviours; and then moving to the topic of cross cultural differences in non verbalcommunication. Your conversation will be in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Yourexaminer will indicate when to change to the second part.Part 1 :Some Possible Views of Both Individualists and Collectivists on Each Other's DifferentCultural BehavioursA starts the conversation by asking the first question, followed by more questions. B mainlyanswers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.You are B. In Ibis part of the conversation, A is going to ask you some questions about someaspects of individualists'attitudes and behaviours compared to those of Collectivists. Youmay answer his/her questions by giving opinions or relating your own experiences.Part 2: Cross-Cultural Differences in Non-verbal CommunicationB is now going to ask questions. A mainly answers questions. This part of your conversationshould last about 5 minutes.You are B. Now it is your turn to ask questions. Your questions should be about crosscultural differences in non verbal communication. Here are some suggestions:■ Ask A about ways of eye contact in China by comparison with those in the West.■ Ask A about some common gestures in China and in the West.■ Ask A about ways of greeting in China and in the West.试卷代号:1028 中央广播电视大学2007-2008学年度第一学期"开放本科"期末考试 跨文化交际 口试评分标准 2008年1月评分标准评分办法: 为了能够比较客观地反映考生的口语表现,建议口试的评分人由2-3位教师组成。考生的口试成绩可为评分人所给分数的平均值。

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