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该课程的侧重点在教授日常生活中所需的英语听说技能。通过大量的口语练习和实践,在本课程结束时,学生能就日常生活中的常见的话题进行连贯交谈,语言得体,能够表达自己的思想。其他技能训练包括阅读和写作。 在帮助学生提高语言技能的同时,还设计一些练习,以帮助学生对整个教材有一个清楚的认识,形成一套相适应的自学方法。

该课程是英语语言交际模块的第一门课程,一般需学习8周,每周 10-11学时。

该课程除了有文字教材《高级日常英语》《高级英语系列录像——视听指南》以外,还配有1盒录音带,里面录有《高级日常英语》中涉及的听力练习;8讲电视/录象课(每讲 25分钟),其目的在于围绕《高级日常英语》所涉及的主题给学生提供一些补充性的视听材料及相关的文化背景知识;另外录像课的内容还被压入VCD光盘。这些媒体的使用主要是为了让学生能够通过对相关语言材料的多种感官作用提高对语言的敏感度,同时也能加快对语言的吸收和理解,更重要的是为学生提供非常直观的英语国家的文化背景知识。

二、教学内容及在学习中应注意的问题 《高级日常英语》共包括八个单元,每一个单元都围绕着人们日常生活中常见的话题,如家庭、住宅、家庭琐事、出行、地方社区、人生与婚姻、健康以及年岁与人生。

单元内容的编排基本上遵循着从总体到具体的原则(from general to specific):首先是学生每一单元所要 掌握的内容(performance objectives),接着是让学生对所学单元的内容有心理准备的材料(warm-up),然后是一些为实现某一 performance objective所设计的activities,而每一个activity下面又分设了许多的tasks以达到强化训练学生语言技能的目的。因此学生在学习该教材时脑子里应该首先有一个很清楚的框架,先从每一单元的 performance objectives入手,然后有的放矢地去学习。


第一单元 家庭语用功能: 描述和询问人;聊天;问候;道别;自我介绍和介绍他人(复习)。语言要点: 称呼语;一般现在时(复习)。教学内容: 展开和结束一次非正式谈话;在非正式场合中介绍自己和他人;谈论、询问家庭关系;描述、询问家庭成员的外貌和性格;进餐时与人聊天;书写私人信函。

第二单元 住宅 语用功能:给予指令;描述事物;书写便条。语言要点: 祈使语气(肯定,否定);一般现在时; should; for +NP。教学内容: 谈论住宅、花园;说明如何使用家用电器;陈述“家规”;从分类广告上摘取信息;留便条。

第三单元 家庭琐事 语用功能:讲述家庭琐事;表示喜好;抱怨;理财;给予、答复。语言要点: 形容词比较级;现在进行时十 always;一般将来时;频度副词。 教学内容: 谈论日常琐事、习俗;比较文化差异,如进餐时间等等;谈论和询问喜好;谈论财务、帐单。

第四单元 出行 语用功能:询问、提供信息;填写表格;从分类广告上摘取信息;问候;描述设施。 语言要点: 祈使语气;地点状语;形容词比较级。教学内容: 问路、指路;询问、提供交通信息;读懂地图;阅读、理解(火车,飞机)时刻表;描述路标;与陌生人打招呼;表示感谢。

第五单元 地方社区 语用功能: 问候;请求、给予帮助;描述设施、需求。语言要点: 一般现在时;现在完成时;目的状语。教学内容: 询问、提供关于地方设施的信息;填写表格;阅读住房广告以及反应;银行、帐户;寄信、包裹;与邻居聊天。

第六单元 入生与婚姻语用功能:表达好奇、惊异、迷惑、兴趣等感情;表达希望、期待;叙述个人的‘“爱情故事”;叙述一件重大事件;安慰。 语言要点:一般过去时; that's/that sounds +形容词;wish+过去分词;hope/would like to ; 2nd conditional(If I were you...)。 教学内容: 询问、谈论婚姻关系的历史:求婚、订婚、结婚等;描述过去的一个重大事件;询问、谈论将来;回答一般的个人问题;询问“微妙”的问题。

第七单元 健康语用功能: 描述症状;表达同情、焦急、担心;询问、给予建议;看懂医嘱;转述医生的看法。 语言要点: have/feel,一般间接引语; wish十过去完成时; had better;should;2nd conditional。教学内容: 询问、谈论常见的身体不适(非正式场合),询问、给予治疗方面的建议;描述症状(正式场合);讨论如何保持健康;对健康表示焦虑、担心;表示同情。

第八单元 年岁与人生语用功能: 描述、询问童年时代;回忆;表达遗憾;陈述抱负、希望;表达肯定与不肯定;比较不同性别、角色;给予、接受劝告。 语言要点: used to/would(过去习惯);一般过去时;过去进行时; hope/would like to;going to;1st conditional;ought to;while/whereas in comparison;3rd conditional。

教学内容: 谈论、询问童年时代;谈论、询问将来打算;描述和比较父母、男人、女人的作用;讨论老人问题;谈论、询问代沟。

以上每一单元的活动设计按照目的基本上可以分为两大类,即activities for fluency和activities for accuracy。

activities for fluency即那些以着重提高学生语言交际技能为目的的练习活动,如听说练习。activities for accuracy即那些用来提高学生对语言知识掌握的精确度的练习活动,如词汇和语法的练习。

这两大类活动均能有效地帮助学生提高交际技能,因此不可偏废哪一方。 下面详细讲一下使用本书时所应注意的问题。



听力练习听力练习的设计也基本上遵从 from general to specific的原则,即练习从 listening for gist向 listening for details逐渐过渡,这实质上也体现了学生在自我听力技能训练时所应遵循的原则。在具体实践上应注意以下几点:第一,听力材料的标题不容忽视,因为这一般是材料的中心思想所在。听者可以从中猜测出所要听的材料是关于哪一方面的,然后可以调动脑中所有与此相关的知识(activate all the relevant knowledge),这样可以很快进人听力理解状态。第二,听材料时,要正确处理好“点”与“面”的关系,要注意对“点”(details)的理解要以对“面”(gist)的理解为基础。也就是说学生应先把注意力集中在材料所提供的总体情况,即我们常说的six w's( e.g.Where does the story/dialogue take place? What is the main idea of the story/dialogue? Who are the heroes/speakers? How did ...happen? Why did it happen? When did it happen? etc.)。 然后在此基础上再加强对细节的理解。切记勿因过分注意个别句子以至单词的意思而忽略了对整体的理解。 第三,做精听练习(listening for details)时,应有备而听(listening with a purpose)。这就要求先测览一遍练习题目,再听材料。也只有这样才能做到听的时候心中有数,提高听力理解的正确率,进而提高自信心。

口语练习 这是该教材的侧重点之一,因此书中包括大量的口语练习活动。这些活动大多是结合听力材料的内容设计的。其目的在于让学生从听力材料中汲取语料(language input),然后经过在大量的交际活动中的模仿使用最终把它们变成自己的东西说出(language output)。这样也就避免了出口成错或是没的可说的尴尬。另外,要想提高口语还需注意以下几个方面: 第一,“说”这项语言技能不是孤立的,应与其他四项技能("听"、“读”、"写”、“译”)结合起来。这五项技能相互联系,相互促进。偏废任何一个方面都会阻碍语言学习的进程。学生在学习时也应有意识地把这几项技能有机地结合起来。比如说可以把听到的或者读到的材料作为自己要说、要写或要译的素材。 第二,“多练”是提高口语的最佳途径( Practice makes perfect.) 首先学生应认真地完成教材里设计的口语练习。比较理想的状况是由至少两个人一起来完成。但如果现实不允许也可以自己扮演多种角色来完成。另外,不要放过任何一个用英语交流的机会,这包括在辅导课上积极参与一切交际活动;也包括参加课外的英语活动,如英语角、英语讲座、网上英语交谈等等。 第三,在做口语练习时应注意交际技能(communication skills)的培养。如通过多种途径表达同一意思,这可以使说话者在不知道某一特定词汇或句型时也可有效地表达自己的想法;再如能根据不同场合选用恰当的语体表达自己的想法等。 阅读练习 该教材围绕每一单元的主题选用了一些语言简单、地道的文章,其主要目的在于给学生提供口语或写作练习时所需要的素材。有一些文章甚至还可以供写作时模仿。因此学生不能单把读懂文章作为自己的目标,而是应从中汲取地道的语言,以备将来用到自己的讲话或写作中。

同学们在阅读时还应注意以下几个方面: 第一,注意阅读技能的培养。常见的技能包括跳读(skirnming for the gist)、略读(scanning for details)及根据上下文(context)猜词义等。一般来讲,拿到一篇文章不要急于去读正文,首先看一下标题及其他所有附带的信息(para-text,如文章的出处、作者及图片等),这样在读正文之前就可以对文章的风格、文体及文章所要表达的信息有一个初步的概念,那么在阅读正文时大脑很快便可以进人阅读理解状态。 第二,与做听力练习一样,阅读也应是有备而读(reading with a purpose)。平常读文章时可以把它变成一个不断检测自己对所要阅读的内容的预测是否正确的过程。这样可以使阅读因为有了目的而更加有意思。 第三,平常要进行广泛大量的阅读。阅读的内容可以小到路标、药瓶上的用药提示,大到报刊上的广告、文章乃至于原版小说。这些都有助于学生阅读能力的提高。 写作练习 该教材几乎每一单元的结尾都设计了一个写作题目,其目的实质上是为了给学生提供一个应用该单元所学的知识的机会,同时也可起到巩固知识的作用。

同学们在做写作练习时应注意以下几点: 第一,写作练习应注重过程而不应只注重结果(writing as a process rather than merely as a product)这就要求写作时要经过一定的程序而不是一拿到题目动起笔来就写。首先一拿到题目要审好题,然后击活脑中所有与此题目相关的信息(activate all the relevant knowledge/brainstorming),接着以此为基础列提纲(write an outline,这是一个非常重要的环节,因为这样才可确保写出的文章条理清晰,内容切题,避免走弯路浪费时间),再接下来便是细化提纲(detail the outline),即从与此题目相关的信息中提取出典型的具有说服力的信息并把它填充到提纲中。在做好这些准备工作之后便可以动笔写作了。写完之后还需要反复阅读修改,即draft--redraft的过程,比较理想的是写完一篇文章后,先把它放在一边,隔一段时间再读它,这样读的时候可以换一个角度,更容易看出文章中的问题。 第二,写作练习时注意模仿(modeling)。教材中好多阅读的材料都是很好的可供模仿的范例。但是需要注意的是模仿不等于抄写(copy),因为抄写过多会导致plagarism。模仿是指对文章的好结构、好句式的模仿,而不是把文章中的原词原句照搬照抄。 第三,写作练习也可以参照评分标准进行有目的的练习。


分 数 标 准

18-20 文章切题,内容充实,有独到之处;行文流畅,语言得体;篇幅适当;结构组织安排得十分合理;句子结构有变化,用词有选择,避免了单调和粗俗;无语法错误。

15-17 内容适当;语言自然得体;篇幅适当;结构合理;准确地使用常用语法结构;语法和选词基本无错误。

12-14 基本切题;语体基本得当;篇幅适当;篇章结构进行了适当的计划或调整;只有少量语法错误,选词错误,或拼写错误,不致引起阅读困难。

9-11 基本切题,但内容有待充实;语体不当之处较少;篇幅适当;结构有待改善;常用结构中无语法错误,其他语法和词汇错误不致引起严重的阅读困难。

6-8 大致切题,但有关内容欠缺或包含无关内容;缺乏语体意识;篇幅不够;篇章结构松散不当;各种语言错误导致严重阅读困难或误解。

0-5 错误过多,无法阅读。

三、课程考核 本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占 20%,课程终结考试占 80%。


课程终结考试:包括口试和笔试两部分,口试满分为1OO分,占课程总成绩的 2O%;笔试包括听力、阅读和写作三部分,满分也为1OO分,占课程总成绩的6O%。口试和笔试都由中央电大统一命题,在同一时间全国统考。



口试考官从交际的有效性、谈话的流利程度、语音、语法、用词五个方面对两位考生分别进行评判计分。考试时间总共为3O分钟。正式口试时,每个话题的会话约7分钟。 笔试:笔试分作两部分,第一部分为听力测验,占4O分;第二部分为阅读理解和写作,阅读理解占4O分;写作占2O分,共计6O分。考试时间总共12O分钟,其中听力部分4O分钟(含1O分钟誉写答案时间),阅读理解部分50分钟,写作3O分钟。


评价目标:本考试重点考核学生日常生活所需的英语听说技能。学生应能就日常生活中常见话题进行连贯交谈,语言得体,能够表达自己的思想。同时,还考核相应的阅读和写作技能,以及对英语国家日常生活的一些文化特征的了解程度。需要特殊说明的是命题涉及教材内容不少于 5O%。其目的在于让学生更好地利用本教材提高英语交际技能。

学生备考中应该注意以下几个问题: 第一,注意平时时间安排,以防临时抱佛脚,造成期未复习负担过重。大家都知道,语言学习重在平时积累,那么平时如果能够按照课前认真预习、课上积极参与、课下及时复习的步骤学习该课程,考试时一定能取得理想的效果。另外,平时还要注意多听、多说、多读、多写和多译,这样才能综合发展英语交际技能。 第二,平时注意认真看清练习指示,以防养成审题不认真的坏习 惯。不认真审题可造成答题方式不符合要求或写作的文章跑题等后g果,这些都可导致不必要的丢分。 第三,复习时,采取互助、互惠的办法,相互学习,相互促进。同学们的学习因为多半要靠自己独立自主完成,这就需要有一个强大的精神支柱。最好的精神支柱应该来自与自己有着同样处境的同学们。所以同学们应该相互支持,以出色顺利地完成学业。






This is the written examination, which is part of the end - of - course assessment. The total marks for this examination are 70 points. The examination consists of two papers: Paper I . Listening Test, and Paper 2. Reading and Writing. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours (120 mins) . Instructions: Answer all questions. You will have ten minutes at the end of the listening test to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. All answers must be transferred to-the answer sheet. Paper 1: LISTENING TEST 30 Points Information for the candidattes There are three parts to the test. Each part will be played twice. There will be a pause before each part to let you read through the questions and another pause at the end of each part for you to check your answers. You can write your questions on the question paper as you listen. You will have 10 minutes at the end of the listening test to, transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

Part 1 A short conversation Questions I - 5: Listen and write the telephone message Telephone Message Date: Aug.19 (Thur.) Time: 5:00 p.m. From: (1)__________ To: (2)____________ Message: call me back this evening before (3)_________ or (4)__________ 9:00 a.m. (5)__________ You have half a minute to check your answers. Part 2 An Extended Conversation In this part o listening test you will near Lite conversation twice, but you are suggested to answer sonte questions after Cie first listening and then complete the rest after the second listening. Questions 6 - 8 should be answered as you listen to the conversation for the FIRST time. These are questions about some general information of the conversation. Your answers should be brief and to the point. You have one minute to look at the questions. Now listen carefully... (6) How were the speakers talking to each other, face-to-face or on the phone? Answer:____________________________ (7) What were they talking about? Answer: ________________________ (8) What did they agree to do at the end of the conversation? Answer:________________________

Questions 9 - 14 should be answered as you listen to the same conversation for the second time. Put a tick ( // ) in the box next to the words and phrases which refer to the facilities available at this house. Put across ( x ) next to those unavailable. The boxes of Question 9 are filled for you as examples. For each question you must make at least two correct choices. Now you listen to the conversation once again ... (9) // a sitting room x a study x a store room (10) a dining room a batbroom upstairs a play room (11) gas electricity parking space (12) electric heating gas central heating a basement (13) a garden a park a nearby grocer's (14) a nearby post office an open market a bank You have half a minute to check your answer. Part 3 A Monologue You are going to listen to a recorded speech about emergency services carefully and try to understand as much as you can. DO NOT try to do the tasks now, but listen carefully ... Now you have listened to the speech once. You should get ready to do the following tasks. You need to write one to three words in the blanks given.

Questions 15 - 22. Spot dictation: Listen for specific information You have one atinute to look at the task. The emergency services can be reached by dialing (15)__________ on any telephone. This will put you in touch with the operator who will ask you which of the (16)__________ major services you want: (17)_________, (18)________, or (19)________. At the coast you can also be put in touch with (20)_________ who handle problems spotted out at sea, such as (21)________ Messages can also be passed on to bodies such as the gas board in the event of (22)___________.

Questions 23- 31. True or False: Listen to the second part of the speech and decide whether the actions described in the following statements are right or not, according to the information given in the speech. Put a tick ( // ) in the box to the left of the statement if you think it is right. Put a cross ( x ) in the box if you think it is wrong. You have one minute to look at the task.  23. When making an emergency call, I should give my phone number to the control officer.  24.I must tell the officer the place where the incident happened.  25. I should give no details of the incident, just ask the service people to come quickly.  26. 1 should tell the officer about the casualties, if there are any.  I should ask for special aid when I think there is a special case such as a childbirth, even if I am not absolutely sure.  28. In the event of a traffic accident, I should ask to speak to the police after requesting the ambulance service.  29. 1 should never hang up before the control officer does so.  30. 1 should expect long delays of the emergency services if I live in a city.  31. 1 should expect the ambulance service to be reliable if I live in Manchester. Now you have a minute to check your answer. End of the listening test. You should now transfer all your answers for the listening test to your answer sheet. Paper 2. READING AND WRITING Information for examinees There are 3 parts to the Reading Test, each including one reading passage. There is only I writing task. You should write ALL your answers on the answer sheet as you complete the tasks. Reading Test Part I : Read the following passage and answer Questions 32 - 44. Most people through the world have always valued good food. Different cultures have evolved their own cuisines, which on analysis usually turn out to be exquisitely well balanced: super meals to suit the climate and the crops. But we in Britain have lost touch with the earth and its fruits. Our peasantry was destroyed by the Industrial Revolution and in the last 40 years the small farmer has been virtually wiped out and replaced by agribusiness. For generations, British children have grown up eating out of cans and packets, unaware. of the difference between good and bad food. But time is changing for the better and even we British are developing a positive interest in quality food. This revolution in our national appreciation of food has been encouraged by immigrants, especially those from the Mediterranean and the East, who have brought their good taste with them and established markets, shops and restaurants. "I don't know what to buy or cook any more," some people say, 11 everything seems to be bad for you. " But any good cook book where the recipes respect traditional peasant cuisine is a treasure. house of supermeals. Likewise, restaurants whose owners have been careful not to corrupt their food with fats and sugars to suit our British taste, may well serve ready-made supermeals. If the meals really are authentic, five of the very best cuisines on earth are: GREEK The Greeks live longer than any other European nation. Their cuisine is based on olive oil, which is very low in saturated fats. Genuine Greek food includes masses of salads, rough bread, and fresh fish and nwan A fauy dish Eke Meftiko is eaten only once in a while. JAPANESE The Japanese are the longest living people in the world. Their traditional food, with rice as the staple, includes very lightly cooked green vegetables and raw fish. Meat is only very rarely eaten and sugar and dairy foods are not used at all. The one problem with Japanese food is its very high salt content. However, stir frying is an ideal way to prepare healthy food. LEBANESE A cuisine based on starters. Whole vegetabless aarree served as salads, to preserve all their nourishment. Copious use is made of herbs, many of which have healing properties. The main meal is semi- vegetarian, using beans, pulses, green vegetables and yogurt. INDIAN As with Chinese food, it is hard to find an Indian restaurant serving authentic dishes; almost all are corrupted to suit our taste for fats and sugars. Also beware curries that disguised bad ingredients. Vegetarian is usually the safest choice. Try the thalis (complete vegetarian meals) including bean and lentil curries. THAI Simple yet marvelous mixtures of vegetables, usually with fish, and sumptvous exotic fruits. A delicate cuisine best enjoyed in Thailand, but the very best Thai restaurants in Britain will certainly give you a supermeal to remember. The soups are particularly characteristic. Thai food has similarities to both Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine.

Questions 32 - 34. Short answers and multiple choice questions. tle for the whole text? Write ONE word only on your answer sheet. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? Write the appropriate letters on the answer sheet. A. People in Britain have lost touch with the earth and its fruits B. The Industrial Revolution has destroyed the peasantry C. Children cat out of cans and packets D. Agribusiness has replaced the small farmer In Paragraph 3, what does "This revolution in our national appreciation of food. . . " refer to ?

Questions 35 - 39. Based on the information in the text, match the words in Column B with the cuisines in Column A. On your answer sheet, write the appropriate letters in the spaces given. Question 35 has been done for you as an example on the answer sheet. A B

35. Greek a . based on olive oil, low in saturated fats. b. masses of salads, rough bread, and fresh fish and meat c . rice as the staple d . very lightly cooked green vegetables and raw fish 36. Japanese e. high salt content f. based on starters g. whole vegetables served as salads 37. Lebanese h . copious use of herbs i. semi-vegetarian j. corrupted to suit our taste for fats and sugars 38. Indian k. curties that disguise bad ingredients i. mixtures of vegetables, with fish, and exotic fruits 39. Thai. m.soups being characteristic Questions 40-44. Read the definitions below, and find the appropriate words from the text, then write them in the spaces given on the answer sheet. perfectly (Para. I) almost, very nearly (Para. 2) made thoroughly wet; soaked with moisture (Para. 5) something that forms the rytain or most important part of the diet (Para. 6) plentiful (Para. 7) Reading

Test Part 2: Read the following passage and answer questions 45 - 48. Welcome to Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing Foreign Studies University ( BFSU) is situated in the north west of Beijing, in Haidian District. There are several other universities and colleges in the district, in addition to a wide range of offices, shops, restaurants and other facilities. The Friendship Hotel and the Shangri - La Hotel are nearby. BFSU has two campuses, separated by the Third Ring Road: the East Campus and the West Campus. There is a convenient underpass between the two campuses. Most academic departments, their offices and classrooms are situated on the East Campus, as well as student dorrmtories , two libraries and a clinic. The administrative building of the university is on the West Campus. All foreign experts, teacher-, and students live on the West Campus. The West Campus also has a number of small shops, various restaurants and a fruit and vegetable market. There is also a bicycle repair workshop where it is possible to buy second-hand bicycles. You can choose to shop on the campus itself or lake advantage of the facilities outside the campus gates. Outside the gates, there, is a small department store where you can buy the gates, you can find more. restaurants, fruit and vegetable stalls, a book shop, 1 news-stand, a flower shop, a beauty salon, a post office and telephone booths for both local and international calls. You can buy phone cards in the small shops on campus. The university is some twelve miles, or one and a half-hour bits ride, from the centre of Beijing. There are convenient bus stops near the campus gates. You can also take the bus to other parts of Beijing and make shorter journey within the Haidian area. Taxis are, usually parked at the university gates. As you will see, many people use bicycles rather than other forms of transportation. We hope your stay in Beijing is successful and rewarding. Please don ' t hesitate to contact your Foreign Affairs representative if you require any further information or have any problems. Questions 45 - 48: Choose the best answers among the ones given, writing the corresponding letters a, b, c, or d on your answer sheet. Which of the following places is not mentioned in the text? a. the Friendship Store b. the Shangri - La Hotel, e. the Third Ring Road, d. the East Campus Which of the following facilities can be found on both campuses? a. libraries b. foreign experts' buildings c. academic departments d . restaurants How far is the. uttnt,,rsitv from the city centre? a. Not mentioned in the text. b. Twelve kilometers. c. One hour bus ride away d. 90 minutes by bus Which of the foll;owing types of information is covered in the text? a. the history of the school b. the location of the school c . the size of the campuses d. the sports facilities Reading Test Part 3: Read the following passage and answer,

Questions 49 - 52. Am I safe in my vest and pants? I love London but I am beginning to wonder if the people here really speak the same language as we speak in the States. It's usually fine when we' re talking about politics, but as soon as we start to talk about something basic like things at home (In the, apartment ... or, as they say, flat! things to do with cars, food or clothes, I have problems. Let's take clothes as an example. Sure, we all - British or American - wear coats, jackets, shirts, shoes and jeans but there are problems when it comes to sneakers. I went into a shoe store the other day to buy a pair of sneakers. The clerk looked at me blankly. "You know", I said, "comfortable sports shoes - the type that everyone wears these days". " Oh, you mean trainers", she replied. So, I bought a pair of trainers. Or are they sneakers? The British call pants I trousers' - and that' s fine. Few Americans have problems with that word! But, can you believe it, for the British 'pants' are what we call underwear, shorts or slip? 'Mere's a similar problem with the word vest too. While we Americans wear our vests over our shirts and under our suit jackets, the British wear their vests under their shirts. Yes, a vest for the British is another item of under-wear. An American vest is a waistcoat for the British! The problem does not sto p here. We guys in the States use suspenders to hold up our trousers. British men use braces for the same purpose. Suspenders in Britain are used by a few sexy women to hold up their stockings! I haven' t yet made any serious mistakes -- that I know about! But, mate Americans, just remember, never talk about your vest and pants to a British lady!

Questions 49 - 52. Choose the best answers and write the corresponding letters a, b, c, or d on your answer sheet. . The author of the article is probably_________. a. a British businessman residing in the US b. an American businessman residing in the UK c. an Australian d. a British journalist Which of the following words is used in the same meaning in Britain and in the States, according to the text? a. pants b. vest c. trousers d. trainers Where is the article most probably published? a. in an Australian magazine b. in a British magazine c. in an American magazine d. in a British newspaper Which of the following words best characterises the tone of the arti cle? a. serious b. humorous c. satirical d. positive WRITING TEST 20 points Write a brief introduction of one of the national cuisines,of China in about 150 words.


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