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2. 简答(4个,40分,英文答题)

i. 汇票、本票、支票的区别(5、6个方面即可)(根据课件课件总结

1. drawee(受票人): A bill and  promissory note  may be drawn upon any person, whereas a cheque must be drawn upon a banker.

2. tenor(期限):A bill and promissory note may be payable on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, whereas a cheque usually be payable on demand

3. responsibility(责任):Unless a bill is payable on demand, it is usually accepted, where upon the acceptor is the party primarily liable to the holder. A cheque is not usually accepted, and the drawer is the party primarily liable.

4. There is no provision which enable bills and promissory note to be crossed, whereas cheques may be crossed

5.(数量)Draft  is a set of two, whereas check and promissory note are sola.

6.(性质) promissory note is a payment promise ,  whereas check and bill are  payment order.

7 (参与方)There are only two parties to a promissory note, the maker and the payee. whereas check and bill are involved in three parties,the drawer the drawee and payee

8. There is no acceptance requirement concerning the check and promissory note,whereas bill includes  acceptance requirement

9.There is no Drawn Clause on the check.


. 支票(Cheque;Check):仅作支付作用,有现金支票和转账支票两种。

. 需先在付款银行存有不低于票面金额的存款。见票即付。一张正本。持票人应该自出票日起10日内提示付款。

. 汇票(Bill of Exchange;Draft):支付和信用两种作用。由出票人签发,委托付款人在见票时或在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人。

. 分为银行汇票(Banker's Draft)和商业汇票(Commercial Draft),有即期(Sight Draft)和远期汇票(Time Bill of usance Bill)之分.

. 不付带商业单据的汇票为光票(Clean Bill),银行汇票多为光票。

. 附带商业单据的汇票为跟单汇票(Documentary Bill),商业汇票一般为跟单汇票。单据是一套(一式两分或数份),有副本。

2. 本票(Promissory Note):支付和信用两种作作。由出票人签发,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。本票的出票人必须具有支付本票金额的可靠资金来源

3. 分商业本票和银行本票,商业本票分为即期和远期,银行本票都是即期的。一张正本。

ii. 信用证的流程(basic procedures of documentary credit 信用证的基本程序)(课件)

1、Basic Ordering Agreement:The buyer and seller agree to terms and conditions of the Credit.

2、Application: The buyer / Applicant completes an LC Application to his bank.

3、Credit: The issuing bank reviews the buyers Application and credit.

4、Issue: The bank issues the Credit.

5、Advice: The correspondent bank advises the Credit to the Beneficiary.

6、Ship: The seller accepts the Credit and ships the goods to the Applicant, and prepares the documents.

7、Presentation: The seller / Beneficiary presents the documents to the negotiating bank,  who sends them to the issuing bank.

8、Examination: The issuing bank examines the documents for compliance with the LC and reimburses the negotiating bank.

9、Payment: The issuing bank debits the buyer’s account and releases the documents, or agrees to pay at maturity of the time draft.

10、Claims Goods: The buyer exchanges the shipping documents for the goods


Payment methods will combine payment tools(cash and instrument)with various trade terms (Incoterms) or different commercial documents

 Major payment methods are remittance(汇付),collection(托收),letter of credit(信用证), factoring (保理)、 letter of guarantee(银行保函). Forfeiting福费廷

4、 海运提单的定义和作用(课件)

 A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier to a shipper,signed by the captain,agent,or owner of a vessel,providing written evidence regarding receipt of the goods(cargo),the conditions on which transportation is made(contract of carriage),and the engagement to deliver goods at the prescribed port of destination to the lawful bolder of the bill of lading.A bill of lading is both a receipt for merchandise and a contract to deliver the goods.

   Here are four functions of a bill of lading:

   1. Acting as a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporter.

       2. Being evidence of the contract of carriage between the exporter and the carrier  

       3. Being a quasi negotiable documents.  

       4. Acting as a document of title for goods being shipped overseas.






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