
时间:2024-06-30 17:55:34 胖虎爱撩妹 浏览: 答案大全 我要投稿




第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共60分)








5. Where are they going to visit?

A. The Science and Technology Museum.

B. The Palace Museum.

C. The History Museum.

6. When will they meet tomorrow?

A. At seven. B. At eight. C. At nine.


7. Where do they want to go?

A. To a mountain. B. To a city. C. To a beach.

8. Why do they want to have a holiday so much?

A. They have worked hard quite long.

B. They like swimming very much.

C. They haven't seen each other for years.

9. How does the woman feel?

A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Surprised.


10. Where does the speaker's voice come from?

A. The video. B. The phone. C. The radio.

11. What time does the last film end at night from Monday to Thursday?

A. 6:45. B. 9:15. C. 11:30.

12. How much is a special student ti cket?

A. ¥20. B. ¥10. C. ¥5.



13. —Is this pen, Tim?

—No. It' s Mary' s.

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

14. The young man was born July 4th, 1989.

A. on B. in C. at D. with

15. Lucy and Lily sisters. They study at the same school.

A. be B. am C. is D. are

16. —Dad, is my MP3?

—I put it on your desk.

A. what B. how C. whose D. where

17. — you play the violin, Lily?

—Yes, I can.

A. Can B. Must C. Should D. Need

18. The service in this hotel is even than it was in that one.

A. bad B. worse C. worst D. the worst

19. —Listen! What a beautiful song! Who in the next room?

—I don't know. Is that Linda?

A. sang B. sings C. is singing D. has sung

20. —What did Mr. Smith do before he came to China?

—He in a car factory.

A. worked B. works C. is working D. will work

21. My mum enjoys the piano.

A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play

22. If you want a text message, use your mobile phone.

A. send B. sending C. sent D. to send

23. I for my family if I get home early today.

A. cook B. will cook C. cooked D. have cooked

24. —Do you know ? I'm going to see him.

—Sorry, I don't know.

A. where does Mr. Li live B. where did Mr. Li live

C. where Mr. Li lives D. where Mr. Li lived


阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择选项。

It's not easy to be an astronaut's son. Everybody expects you to be special or perfect. My father is so special and so good at 25 he does. Even in middle school, he was class president and captain of the soccer team.

One morning, my teacher said there would be a Father's Day writing 26 for the whole school. "I hope we have a winner right here in my class," she said.

I went up to the stage and 32 my story, My Father' s Son. When I finished, people stood up and 33 . I saw my father blowing his nose. Tears were running down my mother's face. Dad cleared his throat 34 put his hand on my shoulder. "Son, this is the proudest moment of my life."

It was the proudest moment of my life, 35 . Maybe I'll never be a hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was 36 just to be my father's son.

25. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

26. A. practice B. competition C. exam D. exercise

27. A. who B. when C. which D. what

28. A. type B. start C. copy D. speak

29. A. way B. idea C. answer D. letter

30. A. them B. him C. me D. us

31. A. remember B. understand C. imagine D. wonder

32. A. offered B. reported C. showed D. read

33. A. jumped B. shouted C. cheered D. laughed

34. A. so B. or C. but D. and

35. A. also B. too C. either D. again

36. A. special B. easy C. enough D. enjoyable




The Dover Club together with Skyhawks Sports Centre is offering new sport camps for children this summer.

37. Children can learn how to play t-ball in .

A. Mini-Hawk Camp B. Roller Hockey Camp

C. Multi-Sport Camp D. Fishing Derby Camp

38. Roller Hockey Camp's fee is .

A. $15 B. $78 C. $88 D. $102

39. Fishing Derby Camp is held at .

A. Skyhawks Sports Centre B. Dover Stadium

C. Butterfield Gym D. Willand Pond


American teenagers are very outgoing. They seem to start conversations with strangers easily. How do they do it? Let' s take a look at the American style of getting-to-know-you.

Say something nice!

Americans always start conversations with nice words. For example, an American teenager might say: "I love your backpack, where did you get that?" When you say that to strangers, they will like you before they get a chance to hate you. And you give them something to talk about—themselves.

However, a stranger once said to me: "Wow, I never thought I' d see a backpack uglier than mine, but now I have. " The stranger and I did not become friends.


In America, if you're not smiling, something must be wrong. Go into an American restaurant and every waiter smiles at all times. Newscasters (新闻广播员) and actresses put oil on their teeth—this makes their smiles come more easily. Need some more friends? Keep smi ling!

Talk about yourself.

Of course, talking about yourself is a good way to start a conversation with a stranger. Conversation goes silent? Say something, anything, about you. What did you eat for breakfast? What's in your backpack? Soun d boring? It is. But, to an American, nothing is more boring than no talk at all.

Want to win friends like an American? Keep talking, smile and say something nice, even if you don't want to.

40. If you say something to a stranger, he will like to talk with you.

A. important B. nice C. strange D. new

41. News casters and actresses put oil on their teeth so that they can .

A. smile easily B. speak clearly

C. act properly D. talk quickly

42. The writer' s purpose is to tell us .

A. how to keep smiling to others

B. how to find a topic of a conversation

C. how to introduce yourself to a stranger

D. how to start a conversation with a stranger


Backpackers usually carry big bags on their backs. They wear jeans and T-shirts. They don't join tour groups. They use a guidebook (usually the Lonely Planet) and a map. They spend the least money to visit the most places.

Backpackers do lots of homework about their destination (目的地 ) before setting out: food, hostels (青年旅舍), things to buy and so on. They also have to know where to catch a train.

In their big bag they put things like clothes and medicine. A tent and a sleeping bag are also necessary when they have to camp ou tside.

Most backpackers choose hostels to stay in because they are cheap and convenient. Hostels are like dorms (宿舍). There are usually six or eight beds in each room. People from different countries meet here and make friends.

Backpacking lets travelers see and experience more. American Charles Veley was the world's most traveled backpacker. He went to over 190 countries in ten years! And he will travel on.

"To live is to see the world as much as possible," he said.

43. Lonely Planet is a name of .

A. a backpacker B. a map C. a guidbook D. a hostel

44. Which of the following is true?

A. Backpackers can experience more than other kinds of travelers.

B. Charles has been to so many countries that he will stop traveling.

C. Backpackers have to know where to set up a tent before traveling.

D. The largest room in a hostel is usually for no more than six people.

45. The writer mainly tells us .

A. what backpackers are

B. where backpackers stay in

C. how backpackers do their homework

D. who is the most traveled backpacker


Connor Bloom had an amazing two weeks at Stanford University this summer. Every part of the experience was amazing. The particle accelerator (粒子加速器)? Amazing. The chance to meet like-minded kids from across the world? You guessed it...

Bloom, 14, an eighth-grader at Whitefish Middle School in Montana, US, participated in a special camp at Stanford University. The camp holds many different classes for students who want to challenge (挑战) themselves.

When Bloom looked online and saw that Stanford was to hold the "Gifted Youth" program, he signed up (报名)."I like physics and math. I like to study new things and find out everything about them," said Bloom. "That's what made me want to sign up. "

He handed in his test scores from fifth grade on, wrote an article and got recommendation (推荐) letters from teachers. Bloom stood out among thousands of students and got the invitation.

Bloom had a great time with 86 st udents from all over the world. On the first day, they learned college-level math. Over the next four days they got to work in laboratories (实验室). They even touched a dead body to learn about how the human body works.

In the second week, they saw the school's particle accelerator-"I never saw such a machine before," said Bloom. "But it was just the mental workout (智力测验) I was hoping for. "

Bloom did more than just study for two weeks. He made friends with students from China, India and Japan. He worked together with other students in class to learn better. He spent his free time with kids who wer e also music fans.

"Once we got to know each other, we helped each other out," he said. "We learned a lot from each other, that's for sure."

46. Bloom got to know about the "Gifted Youth" program .

A. over the radio B. on the Internet

C. on TV D. from a newspaper

47. The underlined phrase "stood out" means .

A. was as bright as B. was as lucky as

C. was better than D. was stronger than

48. We can learn from the passage that .

A. Bloom worked hard in the camp by himself

B. Bloom made many friends from his country

C. Bloom liked not only science but also music

D. Bloom did no more than learning his lessons

第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共40分)



Taxi Reservation Information

49. To: The

50. From : The Hotel

51. Time: on Sunday morning

52. How much: $


Vince is an officer in the Navy (海军). He is 35 years old. He lives on the sea most of the time.

Last week, 53. . One evening, after he had supper, he decided to go to a movie. 54. . A few minutes later, a drunk (醉汉) got on the bus. "Hey! Does this bus go to the zoo?" he asked Vince.

55. . But the drunk caught hold of him and went on asking: "This bus will take me to the zoo, won' t it?" Vince became angry and said: "56. !" Hearing this, the drunk spoke loudly: "Stop the ship, then! I want to take a bus!"

A. Vince went to a city for his holiday

B. He got on a bus and stood by the door

C. The drunk asked Vince to get off the bus

D. Listen, I'm a Navy officer, not a bus driverwww.xkb1.com

E. Vince said nothing and moved to the front of the bus



He is only 26, yet Mark Zuckerberg is already one of the richest and most successful people in the world. Last week, Time magazine pic ked him as "Person of the Year".

The magazine says it picked him for "changing how we all live our lives". But who is this young man and what did he do?

Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook, a popular social website, more than 500 million users worldwide. If Facebook were a country, it would be the world' s third largest.

Zuckerberg set up Facebook six years ago. He was then a second-yea r student at Harvard University. He was very interested in computers. One day, he had the idea of building a website for Harvard students to get to know each other. He set up the Facebook website. Harvard students could put up photos and share their personal information there. The website became a hit.

Later, Zuckerberg opened Facebook up to students in other universities, high school students and then to everyone. It became popular worldwide. Greetings such as "Have you checked your Facebook page today?" and "Facebook me" became a part of young people' s everyday language.

Zuckerberg says his dream is to connect people through the Internet. After Time gave him the honor, Zuckerberg wrote on his own Facebook wall: "This is a real honor ... our little team is building something that hundreds of millions of people want to be a part of. I' m just happy to be a part of it, too. "

57. Zuckerberg is one of the most successful people in the world, isn't he?


58. Why did Time magazine choose Zuckerberg as "Person of the Year"?


59. How many users does Facebook have?


60. How can students get to know each other on the Facebook website?


61. What is Zuckerberg' s dream?




62. 吃午饭的时间到了。


63. 你能帮我提一下这个包吗?

Could you the bag?

64. 我一到美国就给你发邮件。

I’ll send you an email I arrive in America.

65. 他太兴奋了,那天晚上睡不着。

He was that night.


66. 针对下面信件的内容,写一封回信。不少于60词。(信中不能出现真实姓名或校名)


Dear Diary,

At home I' m not shy, but every time I go out in public or to school, I don't talk unless someone asks me to. Why am I like this? What can I do about it?


Dear Tony,




1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A

9. B 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. D

17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. C

25. A 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. A 32. D

33. C 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. B

41. A 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. C


49. airport 50. Star 51. Seven 52. forty


53 -56 ABED


57. Yes.

58. (It chose him) because he changed the way we all lived our lives.

59. More than 500 million.

60. They put up photos and share their personal information there.

61. His dream is to connect people through the Internet.


62. It's time for lunch.

63. Could you help me with the bag?

64. I'll send you an email as soon as I arrive in America.

65. He was so excited that he couldn't go to sleep t hat night.


66. One possible version:















1. M: Excuse me, what would you like to have?

W: Two hamburgers , please.

2. M: Lily, how do you come to school?

W: Usually by bike.

3. M: What do you usually do when you are free?

W: Listen to some music.

4. M: Where are you going, Jenny?

W: To the classroom.



M: Hello!

W: Hello! May I speak to Tony, please?

M: Yes, speaking.

W: Hi, Tony. This is Betty. We're going to visit the Science and Technology Museum tomorrow. Would you like to go with us?

M: Sure. When and where shall we meet?

W: At nine o' clock, at our school gate.

M: OK. By the way, how much is the ticket?

W: 5 yuan.

M: All right. See you then.

W: See you.


W: It seems to be very nice this weekend.

M: Yes. What do you want to do?

W: I don' t know.

M: Do you want to go to the mountains?

W: Oh, climbing mountains must be tiring.

M: Then, how about going to the beach?

W: Great ! That' s a good idea.

M: My classmates told me that the Sun Beach is a wonderful place.

W: Hmm. I have expected to have a holiday for a long time.

M: Me too. We missed several holidays because of heavy work.

W: What shall we do there?

M: A lot of things! Swimming, fishing and surfing.

W: It sounds wonderful !


Thank you for calling the Foreign Cinema, Wood Green. There is no one to answer your call at the moment. The Foreign Cinema is open seven days a week, showing foreign films. Next week we will show an Italian film called Midnight Meeting. It is set in Milan in 1950s. You can see that film from Monday to Thursday. It will be on twice a day in the evenings. That's at 6:45 and 9:15. The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are twenty yuan, but there is a special student ticket at ten yuan for all our midweek films. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket. The nearest car park to the cinema is in the next street. It' s just five minutes' walk from the cinema. Thank you for calling the Foreign Cinema. If you need further information, phone during office hours - 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. , Monday to Friday.



M : Good morning, City Taxi.

W: Good morning. I'd like to book a taxi to the airport for Sunday morning, please.

M: Where are you?

W: I' m at the Star Hotel. There will be four of us sharing. How much would it be?

M: About forty dollars.

W: Forty dollars? Each or all of us?

M: That's all together. What time do you want to leave?

W: Seven in the morning.

M: All right. We'll pick you up at the Star Hotel at seven then. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

W: Bye-bye.










