
时间:2024-07-01 17:52:56 胖虎爱撩妹 浏览: 答案大全 我要投稿






1. What fruit does Tom like best?

2. How did the man go to the football match?

3. What did the boy’s brother do last Sunday?

4. What would Lucy like to be?

A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A student.

5. Where did the woman go?

A. Nanjing. B. Beijing. C. Beijing and Nanjing.

6. Where are they talking?

A. In a shop. B. In the library. C. In the supermarket.



7. What’s wrong with the woman?

A. She has a headache. B. She hurts her head. C. She falls down.

8. Why can’t the woman sleep well?

A. Because she is busy preparing for her math exam.

B. Because she spends much time on TV.

C. Because she has too much for dinner.

9. What does the doctor tell her to do?

A. Go to bed early. B. Eat more fruit. C. Relax herself.


10. What’s the woman’s problem?

A. She has lost her son.

B. She can’t find a hotel to live in.

C. She has lost her way.

11. What is the woman’s son doing now?

A. A doctor. B. A boss. C. A worker.

12. What do we know about the woman’s son?

A. He lives in Good Luck Hotel.

B. He works in a hospital.

C. He hasn’t known his mother’s coming.


Fly to the moon

Time Person Country

In 1961 Gagarin From 13

14 Neil Armstrong From America

In 15 From China

13. A. America B. China C. Russia

14. A. In B. In 1969 C. In 1960

15. A. Yang Liwei B. Neil C. Yuri



16. During the World Cup, some people to watch the games.

A. given up B. cleaned up C. stayed up D. made up

17. Can you please spend explaining the maths problem us?

A. sometimes, to B. some time, to C. some time, \ D. some time, for

18. —It is very kind you to help me with my lessons.

—It is hard me to learn them well.

A. of, for B. of, of C. for, of D. for, for

19. At last he had no choice but the job.

A. take B. to take C. taking D. took

20. big success the film was!

A. What an B. What a C. How a D. How

21. I feel very worried when I can’t think of anyone .

A. to talk B. talk to C. to talk to D. to talk to about

22. Lucy is friendly and loves to meet people. She is very .

A. outgoing B. patient C. energetic D. active

23. —There is nothing interesting to read in today’s newspaper, ?

— . Let’s watch TV instead.

A. isn’t there, Yes B. is there, Yes C. isn’t there, No D. is there, No

24. People pale skin and blonde hair look good yellow and pink.

A. have, in B. with, in C. have, on D. with, on

25. I think necessary English every morning.

A. that, keep reading B. it’s, keep reading C. that, to keep read D. it, to keep reading

26. Some students in our class have problems English.

A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. learned

27. “This made me feel angry.” is a kind of structure. (结构)

A. S + V + O B. S + V + DO C. S + V + IO + DO D. S + V + DO + OC

28. Daniel was a bad mood and didn’t talk to .

A. on, something B. with, anybody C. in, anybody D. in, somebody

29. If can , I will give him a present.

A. anyone; cheer up her B. nobody; cheer her up

C. anyone; cheer her up D. none; cheer up her

30. Which does your father enjoy his weekend, fishing or climbing hills?

A. spending B. spends C. to spend D. to spending



Look at the color tofu(彩色豆腐). The color comes from vegetables. In our life, different colors usually represent different feelings. Red is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. Red represents strong feeling like 31 . Red is also used for signs of 32 , such as “stop” signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a 33 color. They associate(联系) orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of 34 . People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in spring. People say it is a refreshing color.

In general, people talk about two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and 35 . Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be 36 . Those who like to be with others like red. The cool colors are 37 and blue. People are usually worried when they see these colors. Some scientists say that time seems to go by more 38 in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good 39 for a living room or a 40 . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. Cool colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

31. A. sadness B. anger C. happiness D. smile

32. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places

33. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening

34. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars

35. A. green B. yellow C. white D. grey

36. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful

37. A. black B. orange C. golden D. yellow

38. A. quickly B. slowly C. fast D. sadly

39. A. one B. way C. fact D. matter

40. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital


阅读下面内容, 然后从41–50各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个选项。


Now throwing shoes at President Bush(布什总统) is a favourite game on the Internet. Sometime you should throw your shoes.

After leaving his office at the centre of the city, a young man bought a new car and drove it from the city to his home. He was very happy and the car ran very fast. Suddenly, a shoe hit the car in the door. The man got very angry. He jumped out of car and caught a boy who still had a shoe in his hand.

“Who are you? Why do you do that?” the angry man shouted at the boy.

“I’m sorry. But I don’t know what else to do. My sister has been hurt. I cry for help but nobody stops,” the boy said.

The man looked around and saw a girl by the road. Her leg was bleeding(流血).

“She is my sister. She wants to cross the road but falls out of her wheelchair. She is too heavy for me. I can’t get her back into the wheelchair.” The man was moved. He helped the bleeding girl back into her wheelchair. “Thank you. You’re so kind,” says the little boy.

Life speaks to our hearts. Sometimes we don’t have time to listen and he will throw a shoe at us.

41. The young man drove his new car .

A. to the centre of the city B. home

C. to the White House D. to his office

42. Who threw a shoe at the car?

A. A small boy. B. A bleeding girl. C. A young man. D. Life.

43. Why did the boy say “Thank you. You’re so kind,” because the young man .

A. wanted to cross the road B. was moved

C. took the girl back into the wheelchair D. threw shoes at President Bush

44. What do you learn from the article?

A. We should be kind and helpful.

B. We should drive slowly.

C. We shouldn’t get angry when someone throws shoes at his cars.

D. We should be worried about our life.


London is a good place for kids! The museum listed here will welcome children and make their visit fun.

Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood

It is famous for its collection of toys, dolls and children’s costumes. It also offers a lively program of activities on weekends and during holidays.

Address: Cambridge Heath Road, E2 Phone:020-8983-5200 Price: FREE

London’s Transport Museum

Travel through time and discover the colorful story of London’s famous transportation system, from 1800 to the present day, through exciting displays of buses, trams(有轨电车)and trains.

Address: London’s Transport Museum, WC2E Phone: 020-7379-6344

Nearest Station: Covent Garden Tube

Natural History Museum

It has hundreds of exciting exhibits. It also allows visitors to meet museum researchers and find out about their work, and learn about recent scientific discoveries and the museum’s collections.

Address: Russell Street, WC2E Phone: 020-7943-5000

Price: FREE Nearest Station: South Kensington Tube

Theatre Museum

It tells the history of the performing arts in the UK. The collection includes displays on theatre, dance, opera, musicals, rock and pop.

Address: Russell Street, WC2E Phone: 020-7943-4700

45. The first museum is for

A. parents B. children

C. teacher D. people from other countries

46. If you want to visit London’s Transport Museum, you can .

A. call 020-7943-4700 B. go to Cromwell Road

C. call 020-7379-6344 D. go to Covent Garden Tube Station

47. If you want to know about operas, you should go to .

A. Bethnal Green Museum of childhood B. London’s Transport Museum

C. Natural History Museum D. Theatre Museum


Health, wealth(财富) and happiness are the three things people frequently(频繁地) talk about. To these three topics different people may have different views. Some people assume(假设) that wealth is the most important part in their lives for it can bring them happiness.

It is true that both wealth and health can bring happiness to people, but they do not always go hand in hand with happiness. To get wealth, some people may become pickpockets(扒手) to steal money or robbers to grab(夺取) others’ belongings, which will hurt themselves instead of bringing them happiness. On the other hand, it does not mean that a person with a strong body would surely enjoy happiness because of being healthy alone.

However, happiness is a feeling of pleasure and contentment(满足). This feeling encourages people to work hard and make success still more successful. It also makes people happier. With this feeling, a person in poor health may get over his illness sooner and better with the help of doctors. As happiness always brings hope to people, let’s develop a healthy outlook and keep a pleasant heart.

48. How do the pickpockets and robbers get wealth?

A. They make money by working hard. B. They steal or grab others’ wealth.

C. They organize. D. Other people give them money.

49. What can help people improve themselves?

A. Getting more and more wealth. B. Keeping healthy.

C. A feeling of pleasure. D. A feeling of nervousness.

50. What is the writer’s opinion?

A. Wealth is the most important.

B. Health is more important than wealth and happiness.

C. Happiness is everywhere if a person has health and wealth.

D. Developing a healthy outlook and keeping a pleasant heart are important.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共40分)



51. To tell you the ▲ (true), I like the film very much.

52. He would rather ▲ (go) hiking than camping.

53. Her parents often ask her to give up ▲ (smoke).

54. I ▲ (prefer) sweet snacks to vegetables many years ago.

55. After he heard the bad news, we could see the ▲ (happy) on his face.


56. We weren’t satisfied with her ▲ (举止) at the party.

57. On the last day of his trip to Japan, he made a big ▲ (决心).

58. She has just ▲ (提供) me a cup of tea .

59. You can contact Miss Li for ▲ (进一步的) information.

60. The teachers try their best to make their lessons ▲ (活泼的) and interesting.


根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词写在下面对应题号后的横线上。

Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time.

Some like reading newspapers and (61) o ▲ enjoy novels or comic books. My (62) f ▲

books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my (63) o ▲ life better.

Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful, but because they did not give up when their lives were (64) d ▲ . They tried to use every (65)c ▲ to change their lives and make the world better.

One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers who (66) i ▲ the airplane. The plane has (67) m ▲ the world into a small village. Hard work, not good luck, is the (68) r ▲ why the Wright Brothers could make this convenient(方便的) machine and become great people. Today we will remember them when we see planes (69) i ▲ the sky.

Whenever I read (70) s ▲ about great people, I always learn a lot from them and they encourage me to go on trying.

This is why I enjoy reading about great people’s lives.


Though there have been fewer World Expos than FIFA World Cups or modern Olympic Games, the World Expo has a longer history than either of them.

The first Expo, also called “The Great Exhibition”, was held in Hyde Park, London in 1851. Prince Albert, husband of Britain’s Queen Victoria, came up with the idea. The key exhibits(展品) of the first Expo included the early fax machine, the first ballot-counting(投票统计) machine and some of the world’s biggest diamonds. The first Expo had a great influence on many fields of society, including art, education and international trade.

We all know that the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) is a gift that French people sent to the US. Part of the statue was on show at the Expo in Philadelphia, US in 1876, but the head was shown at the Paris Expo in 1878.

France celebrated the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution(革命) and held the Expo in Paris in 1889. The Eiffel Tower was built as the entrance for the Expo. It stands 324m, as tall as an 81-story building. Soon it became a famous building in the world.

In order to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, the World Expo was held in Chicago, US in 1893. For the first time, electricity(电) was used during the Expo. It meant the beginning of a modern revolution. The first ferris wheel(摩天轮) was on show.


Expo Timeline

When Where Important things that where shows

in 1851 in (71) ▲ , London the early fax machine, the first ballot- counting machine and some of the world’s biggest diamonds

(72) ▲ in Philadelphia, US part of the Statue of Liberty

In 1878 Paris (73) ▲ of the Statue of Liberty

in 1889 Paris (74) ▲

in 1893 in (75) ▲ US the first ferris wheel



76. 很多亲少年正忍受着压力的痛苦。

Many teenagers ▲ .

77. 你能告诉我怎样获得成功吗?

Can you tell me ▲ ?

78. 我们保证可以帮助你成功地改变你的情绪,否则如数退款。

We promise to help you successfully change your moods, ▲ .

79. 你能想出新的办法来解决他的问题吗?

Are you ▲ new ideas to solve his problem?

80. 快点儿,电影已经放映十分钟了。

Hurry up. The film ▲ .


假如你是一位youth worker,一位名叫Simon的初三学生给你来信倾诉他的烦恼,内容见下表。请据此给他写一封回信,提出针对性的建议(可供参考表中关键字词或短语),要求不少于80词,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Problems 1. spend …… watch TV every day, no time to do homework well

2. be crazy about……, be not interested in ……..

3. angry with ……sad and hopeless

Advice 1. Understand

2. be bad for health

3. Choose …. and achieve ……….

4. some outdoor activities

Dear Simon,

Thank you for your letter. I hope I can offer you some useful advice.

I don’t think it’s wise to spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games.

I hope my advice will be of some value to you.

Bill Smith



1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. C

11. B 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. Aww w.x k b1.co m


16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. D

26. C 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. C


31. B 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. C


41. B 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. C 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. D


51. truth 52. go 53.smoking 54. preferred 55. unhappiness/sadness

56. behavior 57.decision 58.offered 59.further 60.lively


61. others 62. favourite 63. own 64. difficult 65. chance

66. invented 67. made 68. reason 69. in 70. stories


71. Hude Park 72. 1876 73. the head

74. the Eiffel Tower 75. Chicago



76. are suffering from stress

77. how to have success

78. or you will get your money back

79. able to come up with

80. has been on for ten minutes


Dear Simon,

Thank you for your letter. I hope I can offer you some useful advice.

I don't think it's wise to spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games.

They are bad for your health. At the same time, you will have no time to do your homework well. You should spent less time on TV and computer games. Your parents are angry with you, I think you should understand them. You should talk with your parents. Let them know your problems. Don't give up your hobbies. They are good for you. You can choose one hobby to do every day, then you can achieve a balance between your hobbies and study. You aren't interested in outdoor activities and study, but I think it's good for you to take part in some outdoor activities.

I hope my advice will be of some value to you.

Bill Smit


一、 复习前准备工作

1. 分析学生情况复习工作能否做好,需要老师和学生共同的努力,复习计划,内容,过程必须适应我们学生的特点才能发挥良好的作用,取得理想的效果。因此,我们四位英语老师分析了学生的特点。发现我们的学生普遍存在比较浮躁的学习心理,并且很多学生比较容易骄傲自满,对于基础知识的掌握都不牢固而且比较不屑于处理简单的问题。所以造成的现象是优生不优,很多学生都徘徊在中等的水平,基础差的学生又比较懒惰。针对这一特点,我们决定必须首先让学生们端正思想,知道下一步应该做什么,我们和不同层次的学生沟通思想,帮助他们认识到自己的不足之处,确定复习中第一步的行动。

2. 研究试题,留意中考信息,及时了解命题变化和趋势由于我们备课组四位老师中,


1. 通过实际情景和语境考查学生对基础知识的理解和运用

2. 试题选材结合热点,注重教育

3. 试题紧密联系生活,注重考查学生综合运用语言解决实际问题的能力

4. 采用开放性试题考查学生的语言实际运用能力





2.专项训练阶段。按照中考题型逐一集中训练。 这一阶段我们准备以题型为载体,渗透做法指导。帮助学生熟悉中考题型,掌握一定的解题技巧。发现问题,及时解决。

3. 综合模拟训练阶段,综合训练、仿真模拟。准备采取课上、课下做题相结合的方式,要求学生独立认真完成,让学生弄清错误原因,哪块知识存在问题,查漏补缺。配以模拟训练,培养学生时间意识,良好的应试心理。







目前我们已经基本完成了第一阶段的复习。这个阶段课文是复习的中心,是语音、词汇、语法知识、听说读写活动和培养听说读写能力的综合材料,是复习的主要依据。但复习课又不同于新授课,我们在课堂中非常注意培养学生自我总结、自我归纳、自主学习的能力。在复习词汇的时候,我们每天默写一定量的单词。根据读音、拼写、同义词、反义词、同音词、形近词等对单词分别整理总结,区别异同,减少使用错误。 同时我们还按照词类对单词进行整理,拓展,建立词形与词义之间的联系,熟悉单词的用法。 在词组的总结的时候我们按照词类归纳分为名词词组,动词词组,介词词组等。列出课文中的重点词组,要求学生每天背诵默写。同时,我们还常按照某一中心词来归纳总结词组。语法复习重点是八种时态、动词不定式、被动语态,以及宾语从句、和状语从句。我们在按单元复习的同时,常通过比较,找出异同,把各种语法项目联系起来,做到前后关联。课后我们加以有针对性地练习来巩固。每一个单元我们总结经典句型让学生们加以背诵,并要求他们在作书面表达的时候尽量运用。因为是复习,所以我们尽量做到突出一个“总”字。面对上千的单词,成百的短词和词组,几十种句型,大到语法项目,小到具体的知识点,我们在复习中将他们相互联系起来,形成网络,形成系统,使学生通过复习对这些零零碎碎的知识能有比较清晰的概念。根据第一阶段复习的情况来看,我们还将花一些时间来加强学生普遍比较薄弱的部分。然后再准备进入第二阶段专项的复习。















